Chiappa Firearms
Chiappa Firearms, best known for their quasi steampunk looking Rhino revolvers, had a shotgun/rifle combo at SHOT this year that the survivalists out among us will surely take note of. The X-Caliber is a folding stock, over-under, shotgun rifle. The basic form of the long gun is a 12 gauge shotgun barrel over a 22lr rifle barrel. That is common enough. What is uncommon is that the gun comes with 8 different inserts that allow for multiple calibers to be fired from the one barrel. 10 different calibers, to be precise.
The inserts are 8 inch rifled mini-barrels that will fire .380 ACP, 9mm, .357 magnum, .38, .40 S&W, .44mag, .45ACP, .410, .45LC and 20 gauge shotshells. If the proverbial fecal matter connects with the rotational ventilation system, and supply lines run dry, this kind of flexibility might become a meaningful asset. Or maybe you just have a store room of left over ammo gathering dust, and don’t want to hassle with cleaning multiple guns. Either way, problem solved.
The stock is a combination of steel and foam, which helps to bring the weight of the gun down to a scant 5.8 pounds. The stock has a cut-out for an included cleaning kit and for some 12 gauge and 22 rounds. The barrel inserts come in a heavy canvas bag. The rear sight is adjustable, and it looks and functions somewhat like an old M1 Carbine sight. The MSRP is $750 for the rifle and inserts. While we hope we never need a rifle like this, we certainly appreciate that it exists. We’re going to have one in for review as soon as possible.

I’m curious, How many of these comments are made by folks who actually handled one of these guns ? 2nd, why all the complaining about the price if you don’t like the gun anyway ? Mikey
What a piece of crap. This will never replace the M6 which is an awesome survival combo gun. Who really want to shoot all of those different types of ammo anyway? Really! For those that are rediculous enough to spend $700 on these pieces of junk sorry for you. I have seen their 22 rifles at a local gun store amd they are sorry specimens, I am sure this over amd under is the same sad workmanship for a lot of money. Definitely find an old Savage 22/20 guage on gun broker or an m6 scout instead. Junk, junk, junk Chiappa.
Yes , the m6 is a great gun . have you actually shot this rifle ? Have you seen it up close ? Have you reviewed it ? If you cant see the versatility in a rifle like this with all the different caliber options it has , and what an asset like this would be in a potential survival situation . then damn , i really dont know what that says about your intelligence.
when are they going to release the .223, 7.62×39, and .308 that they’ve been advertising since 2013?
I contacted gear up center about this months ago and they said it’s still in development. I then asked Chiappa firearms and they said that they never heard of a. 223, .308, 7.62 adapter for it..
dont like the foam butt. would probably sand pour an aluminum one.
If this is what you want, it is at a good price. The rifled inserts alone at $100 a piece. If you wanted to buy them that is $800 plus shipping. Seems like you get the over under for free at that price.
the foam stock is HORRIBLE, however, how hard would it be to take out the screws and replace the foam with a nice piece of walnut or cocobolo and drill it for the little storage holes?
I agree it wouldn’t be that hard at all even a wooden pallet would work in a fix.
That is the point, it is a shtf scenario. What you can do is just wrap the butt in dukt tap haha. At least..
hi from the big sky! my 2 cents worth puts the x caliber in the same basic catagory as some of the more unusual firearms we’re seeing these days. 15 shot shotguns, lever actions with ar type adjustable shoulder stocks, as well as some of the super popular guns ( ar’s,ak’s,10-22’s,870’s, etc.) that are so modular, with hundreds, maybe thousands of aftermarket add-ons that litterally change the appearance and sometimes the function of the firearm from it’s original form. the way i see it, obviously there are a lot of people who enjoy the freedom to make alterations, add some gingerbread and enjoy some personal fantacy time with friends out in the hills or at the range. ( reminds me of folks who enjoy spending similar time and money on their cars,trucks,boats and motorcycles ).the list could go on and on about how people indulge in their hobbies and areas of interest. as long as these folks are havin’ fun, not infringing on other peoples rights, staying within the law, etc., let ’em spend their money & have fun…i do! as far as the x caliber goes, if the gun holds together,performs properly, shoots accurately and does everything it is supposed to do, i think it could be bought at a street price that would justify those who really want one. personally, i’d like one myself if i could find one at the right street price, that functioned properly and was accurate, but until it’s been out for a while and i can read some articles and some reviews, i’ll be sittin’ tight on this one — hope to hear good things down the road! keepin’ cool on the yellowstone.
I want one of these this is probely going to be the last gun im ever going to get you could hunt and target practice with this it just looks and sounds so cool
I don’t understand all the comments saying it’s a piece of crap. I see beautiful engineering in its servicability. Everyone saying the stock is going to degrade are missing the primary point of their design. The skeletonized rear brackets make it extremely easy to fashion a replacement stock out of cut lumber. The inserts aren’t a completely universal solution but I think they’ve captured the majority of common calibers. Because it’s 12gauge if you add a wilderness outfitters 12 gauge adapter you suddenly have the ability to shoot blackpowder. It also appears to have been assembled with standard fasteners.
I like this idea, but I would rather put up with a little more weight for a solid stock. Furthermore, I already have an H&R 12 gauge, with the cost of the gun and all the barrel inserts I would still likely come in under the MSRP for this gun.
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And these are the guys that came out with a 10mm double column 20 round mag at $4,000 a copy? It’s a great idea, but I question the base market for an unadorned $4,000 pistol, stainless or not. Like Colt did so long ago, they priced themselves (Python- I had 2) right out of the market. I suppose if you are using hand files and a $1,000 Wilton bench vise, you could truly say it’s hand made. But-CNC has all that and more in about as much time as it takes to tie your shoelaces. This thing looks to me like a bastard step-child missing some important genes.
Is it just me, or does this appear to have been machined by a chimpanzee? Is that rear sight polymer? No thank you, perhaps if this had been a $200 “just in case” rifle, I may consider purchasing one used…but a MSRP of $750? They must be crazy over there!
You’re better off getting an H&R Pardner and then buying 12 ga. conversion inserts separately. H&R shotguns are nearly indestructible, reasonably priced, and there are some places where you just can’t carry a rifle afield (which rules out a drilling). Also I wonder what will happen over time when that foam stock degrades and you have two metal brackets recoiling on you. I guarantee you it will be unpleasant.
PS – A design flaw: If that stock wears down or degrades, you’re going to get sliced by those metal brackets when that gun recoils. I guarantee you it kicks like a mule.
I’m of the opinion that a gun that does everything is going to do none of them well. A drilling is fine, but what you’re paying a premium price for here is a SHTF rifle that will fire whatever ammo you come across – hence an insert for 8 different calibers in case you find them. I question the accuracy or those inserts out of an 8 inch barrel inserted into a 12 gauge shotgun. That foam stock has to go: Go skeletonized with paracord or a hollow polymer with storage and bring it down to $200.00 by making the inserts an option and maybe then you’re talkin’. (BTW does anyone have experience with these inserts, like how accurate they are?…and out to what range?)
I hope they will make the inserts for a 20.
I wish they would offer a .22/28ga. with inserts.
Or/And a .223 w/.22LR insert.
I already had my experience with Chiappa and their crappy firearms. Their customer service and repair center is even worse than the quality of their guns, no more Crappa!
I hope they will make the inserts for a 20.
I wish they would offer a .22/28ga. with inserts.
Or/And a .223 w/.22LR insert.
At first glance, looked like the M-6. But, traditional triggers. Expensive, but the wide array of, especially, pistol inserts, makes it interesting. Need to add a .22WMR insert.
At first glance, looked like the M-6. But, traditional triggers. Expensive, but the wide array of, especially, pistol inserts, makes it interesting. Need to add a .22WMR insert.
foam buttstock? No thank you. That type of foam becomes brittle in the heat. For a ‘SHTF’ gun, you’d think they would make that insert out of plastic, or a hard rubber compound.
I like the concept, but something about that foam in the stock just LOOKS like it is not durable. The person that this gun is marketed to would probably end up storing it for an SHTF scenario, and I know that (at least in my mind) I would be very concerned about the foam aging and falling apart. It seems to me that they should have used a metal buttstock frame with a plastic “shell” that could open up and store things, kind of like the Henry survival rifle.
Wow, what a cheap home made looking firearm they have here. Don’t worry about me buying them all up.
All Italian guns are hand made to at least some degree. But I think what you don’t like is that the gun is somewhat skeletonized, and that is intentional to reduce weight. Utility “camp guns” are historically ugly and functional. I agree that these guns are super fugly
$750 for a lightweight skeletonized over shotgun rifle combo ?! And why shouldn’t I look for a used Savage Stevens model 24 for about half that price ??
Even if the “street” price comes down to $550-$600 this is undoubtedly going to be a very limited market. There is no chance I’ll ever get one. But if they actually sell in the $700 range they don’t have to sell many to make money.
because it shoots 10 different gauges. Can any of your guns do that?
Any break action 12 gauge shotgun can. They are just adapters.