This Week

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Is Biofire’s New Smart Gun with Fingerprint and Facial Recognition A Game-Changer?

The recent unveiling of the Biofire Smart Gun, a 9mm handgun with biometric security systems that allow only authorized users to fire it, has spurred a whirlwind of discussion about gun safety, self-defense, and gun control.

VIDEO: Marines Targeted in Brutal Attack by Teen Mob 

The marines trio was subjected to a vicious attack, with Hunter Antonino, one of the Marines involved, describing the assailants as “stomping on” and beating them.

Anti-Gunners Want ATF To Shut Down this Popular Gun Maker 

Polymer80 Settles Lawsuit with Los Angeles Over ‘Ghost Guns’

Polymer80, a leading producer of firearm parts kits, must pay $4 million in civil penalties. The company founders are also due to pay an additional $1 million.

Heads Up Minnesota Gun Owners: Marijuana Use and Gun Ownership Still Don’t Mix, Says ATF

“As regulators of the firearms industry and enforcers of firearms laws, we felt it was important to remind Minnesotans of this distinction as the marijuana laws adjust here in the State of Minnesota,” Reed continued

California Senate Passes Microstamping Bill to Halt New Handgun Sales By 2027

The California Senate passed a draconian bill Wednesday requiring all semiautomatic handguns in the state to incorporate microstamping technology.

‘Sen. Fetterman Supports Overturning the Second Amendment,’ Reveals Staffer in Undercover Footage

Borwegen says that his boss is “100 percent for gun control,” including “Red flags. Banning automatic rifles, like all that sh**.”

H&K's Updated VP9: Customizable From Optics to Grips - SHOT Show 2020

Illinois Attorney General Leads Coalition to Support Age-Based Gun Bans

“The federal prohibition on the sale of handguns to individuals under the age of 21 is a commonsense restriction that protects the public from gun violence by preventing dangerous firearms from getting into the hands of those who will not use them responsibly,” said Raoul.

WATCH: Dr. Lott Testifies Before House Committee (Gives 3 Basic Facts Everyone Should Know!)

Lott vs. Gun Control Advocates: A $1,000 Bet on Brazil’s Crime Stats

(Photo: Rumble/CPRC) John Lott, a researcher specializing in firearms and the director of the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC), has publicly offered a $1,000 bet regarding the future crime rates in Brazil. This bet was initiated after the election of the country’s new leftist President, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, widely known as “Lula.” Lula’s [...]

Burris Presents: ‘Cowboy Insurance’ (An Original Film!)

Cowboy Insurance is a Burris Optics original film that draws viewers into the Gateway Simmental Ranch, a fourth-generation cattle concern in Lewistown, Montana.

Michigan Man Confesses to Killing at Least Five Deer From His Vehicle

Fudd Conversion Therapy: A Step-by-Step Guide

We’re not talking about any complicated processes here – just some friendly persuasion and sharing of knowledge. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get ya going on Operation: De-Fudd: