This Week

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It’s Official!  Allen West Will Try to Oust LaPierre at NRA Annual Meetings

It’s Official!  Allen West Will Try to Oust LaPierre at NRA Annual Meetings

News broke last week that several former and current NRA board members would like to see someone other than Wayne LaPierre at the helm of the nation’s gun lobby. 

CCRKBA: 'If New York City Supported Gun Rights, Police Overtime Might Plummet'

CCRKBA: ‘If New York City Supported Gun Rights, Police Overtime Might Plummet’

Published reports have detailed how the city is expected to exceed its overtime budget by an estimated $143 million by the end of this fiscal year.

The Professional Assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse

The Professional Assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse

Haitian President Jovenal Moïse was no stranger to controversy. However, no one really expected a mercenary hit team to drag him out of bed in the middle of the night and shoot him to pieces.

West May Make A Run to Unseat LaPierre At NRA Annual Meetings 

West May Make A Run to Unseat LaPierre At NRA Annual Meetings 

West is being urged to take on the LaPierre, the current exec. vice president (EVP), by a group of current and former NRA board members and lifetime members.  

Canadian Police Recover Downed Drone Hauling Handguns

Canadian Police Recover Downed Drone Hauling Handguns

Canadian police recovered a flying drone smuggling guns across the border from the U.S. after the pilot crashed the drone into a tree.

VIDEO: Country Music Star John Rich Schools Nancy Pelosi on 2A Rights

VIDEO: Country Music Star John Rich Schools Nancy Pelosi on 2A Rights

Country music star John Rich laid the 2A smackdown on Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi one time at a birthday party for legendary crooner Tony Bennett.

South Dakota U.S. Senator Mike Rounds Visits Silencer Central Facilities

South Dakota U.S. Senator Mike Rounds Visits Silencer Central Facilities

Silencer Central, America’s largest silencer dealer, had the pleasure of welcoming United States Senator Mike Rounds to their facilities on Friday, April 29th.

Gun Sales Down Almost 20 Percent from 2021... But There's More to the Story

Gun Sales Down Almost 20 Percent from 2021… But There’s More to the Story

The April 2022 figures are the third strongest for the month on record, surpassed by April 2021 and April 2020.

Texas Mother of Three Fatally Shoots Home Intruder 

Texas Mother of Three Fatally Shoots Home Intruder 

Early reports out of San Antonio, TX, indicate a mother of three used lethal force against a home invader last Thursday night. 

Brave 14-Year-Old Girl Wields Knives to Help Catch Career Criminal

Brave 14-Year-Old Girl Wields Knives to Help Catch Career Criminal

The perp she sent running was later identified as 58-year-old Joseph Ridge, a violent, career criminal with over 130 arraignments.