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Marty Hayes: ‘A Good Shoot isn’t a Good Shoot until a Prosecutor Says So’

Marty Hayes: ‘A Good Shoot isn’t a Good Shoot until a Prosecutor Says So’

“A good shoot isn’t a good shoot until a prosecutor says it’s a good shoot — or a judge and jury says it’s a good shoot,” said Marty Hayes, founder of the Armed Citizens’ Legal Defense Network, Inc., in our interview at the 2016 SHOT Show.

Washington State Was Tricked by Bloomberg! - Arizona Next? - Alan Korwin Interview SHOT 2015

Korwin: 2A Infringers Should be ‘Tried, Convicted, Imprisoned’ — SHOT Show 2016

What is subarming America? Well, it’s basically the process of making civilians less armed than officials, thereby shifting the balance of power from the people to the government.

Massad Ayoob on the Ramifications of Universal Background Checks — SHOT Show 2016

Massad Ayoob on the Ramifications of Universal Background Checks — SHOT Show 2016

Massad Ayoob chats with us about the pernicious ramifications of universal background checks and the best way to vet a presidential candidate.

UCLA Law Professor: ‘Assault Weapons Bans Don’t Reduce Crime’

UCLA Law Professor: ‘Assault Weapons Bans Don’t Reduce Crime’

“There is a stronger constitutional argument against assault weapons bans than against high-capacity magazine bans. Assault weapons bans don’t reduce crime,” UCLA Law Professor Adam Winkler.

Author Responds to Claim that 'Men Carry Guns to Address Social Insecurities'

Author Responds to Claim that ‘Men Carry Guns to Address Social Insecurities’

Why do men carry firearms? Jennifer Carlson, a sociology professor at the University of Toronto, explains what her research has taught her on this question.

Further Proof that Ted Cruz takes the 2A Seriously

Further Proof that Ted Cruz takes the 2A Seriously

Ted Cruz shows why he takes the Second Amendment right of law-abiding gun owners seriously.

Interview with Alan Gottlieb, Second Amendment Foundation

Interview with Alan Gottlieb, Second Amendment Foundation

At the NRA Show we caught up with Alan Gottlieb, the founder of the Second Amendment Foundation.

Interview with Richard Martinez, Everytown for Gun Safety Supporter

Interview with Richard Martinez, Everytown for Gun Safety Supporter

What do you say to a man who’s only son was randomly murdered by a mentally-deranged sociopath?

Exclusive: Interview with Donald Rumsfeld

Exclusive: Interview with Donald Rumsfeld

At the 2015 NRA Annual Meetings in Nashville, Tennessee, I had the opportunity to meet former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.

Attorney Barry Covert: Order of Protection Can Be Backdoor Gun Confiscation

Attorney Barry Covert: Order of Protection Can Be Backdoor Gun Confiscation

Probably the most enlightening conversation I had at SHOT Show 2015 in Las Vegas, Nevada, was with Barry Covert, an attorney who specializes in Constitutional law, including the First and Second Amendments.