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Offshore Hunting Paradise - Free Range Hunt-Cationing in the Hawaiian Islands

Offshore Hunting Paradise – Free Range Hunt-Cationing in the Hawaiian Islands

If you are looking at an exotic destination for vacation and want to spend a couple of days hunting, look no further than the Hawaiian Islands.

Field Goose Hunting Fundamentals

Field Goose Hunting Fundamentals

Tips, tricks, and goose hunting fundamentals that every hunter should know.

Moose Logistics of Alaska

Moose Logistics of Alaska

As our air speed drained and the plane descended, a gust of wind came over the top of the ridge and hit the airplane on top of its wings and we dropped into the brush just short of the strip.

A Bear Charged Me - Epic Story of Self Defense in the Field

A Bear Charged Me – Epic Story of Self Defense in the Field

My eye caught movement directly in front of me about 20 yards into the brush and my hand dropped to the grip of my pistol as my brain registered what my eyes were seeing. A chocolate color phased black bear, gaining speed straight towards me.

Create The Frenzy - Archery Elk Hunting & Calling Strategies

Create The Frenzy – Archery Elk Hunting & Calling Strategies

Start with a sequence of cow mews and chirps, use non-verbal communication like raking a tree. Take a break and repeat the cow-calf talk after a few minutes. This time, instead of raking try non-aggressive location type bugle.

Meals for the Extended Stay Hunt

Meals for the Extended Stay Hunt

How you fuel your body on a mountain hunt can make a tremendous difference in your physical and mental experience. Packing the right food for an extended stay backpack hunt is extremely important to ensure adequate repair, recovery, and necessary energy for the body.

Healthy Hunting: Working Out for Hunting Success, Start Now!

Healthy Hunting: Working Out for Hunting Success, Start Now!

Have you ever found yourself completely winded after reaching the top of a ridge? If so, you might make a workout plan to help you continue enjoying hunting longterm.

How to Hunt Bears from Boats

How to Hunt Bears from Boats

There are pro’s and con’s to hunting spring bear from a river. You know how bird hunters say the reason they do it is for their dog? The reason I hunt from a river is for the river, not because it’s the more effective way to hunt, because it isn’t. Everywhere you can hike is going to be straight up, and thermals start rising in these river canyons very early in the day and don’t start coming back down until dark.

Top 5 Tips for Baiting Bears On Public Land

Top 5 Tips for Baiting Bears On Public Land

As a hunter and conservationist, harvesting bears is an important aspect of sound wildlife management practices. Having the ability to construct a bait site on public land- where it is legal, is a great way to hunt bears. Below are my top 5 tips for baiting bears on public land that have worked for me.

10 Tips for Ground Squirrel Annihilation

10 Tips for Ground Squirrel Annihilation

Below are ten tips for making the most of your next ground squirrel hunt.