How to (DIY)

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Archery - Part I: Find Pronghorn Refreshment Stands From Afar

Archery – Part I: Find Pronghorn Refreshment Stands From Afar

A hands-on scouting foray for pronghorn isn’t always feasible. The good news: Finding prospective water sources where speed goats are likely to drink is possible via paper and online mapping systems.

Dog Training: Setting a Plan for Success

Dog Training: Setting a Plan for Success

Having clearly stated goals will tell you if you need to spend extra time with your dog doing more drills to meet one of those goals, or if you need to add to your goal list.

Elk Draw - Tips For Success

Elk Draw – Tips For Success

When the early spring rolls around, there’s one thing I can’t get off my mind; applying for upcoming big game draws. In today’s draw systems, there are two prevailing ideas for the distribution of tags, opportunity, and trophy. Opportunity places emphasis on getting hunters in the field and trophy places emphasis on developing a larger and older age class of animals.

Hunt Dog Training – Getting Back to Basics

Hunt Dog Training – Getting Back to Basics

How can you get your dog to be more attentive to you without getting pushed to your limits when it’s time to enjoy the moment you’ve been waiting for?

You Should Hunt More Rabbits

You Should Hunt More Rabbits

The chances are that you don’t hunt enough rabbits, which is really too bad. They are tasty, challenging, and a fun way to get outside. It can be a fun hunt with kids, and you probably already have the tools you need to do it. Maybe you’re like the old timers who told my buddy, [...]

You Should Hunt More Rabbits

Simple Gourmet: Easy Rabbit Stew

This stew is like a chicken soup—in fact, if you didn’t tell anyone it was rabbit, they’d assume it was chicken. It’s hearty and doesn’t take a lot of prep.

Going The Distance: The Long Range Hunting Course by Outdoors Solutions

Going The Distance: The Long Range Hunting Course by Outdoors Solutions

We were a very talkative group at dinner the night before and during coffee that morning. But when the 15 of us walked into the covered shooting line and saw the steel targets ranging before us–the last row at 1,000 yards—it all went silent. Oh, man, I imagined my fellow students thinking, that’s what 1,000 yards actually looks like? Never going to happen!

RECIPE - Coyote: It's What's For Dinner

RECIPE – Coyote: It’s What’s For Dinner

I’m the kind of guy who likes to eat what he kills. I’ve eaten 18 species of land animals, so far, and each of them has been totally tasty. This includes coyotes. Now, most hunters can’t fathom eating coyotes and they just assume that they are disgusting to eat. They’re dogs, after all, right? Well, [...]

Spring Turkey Hunting Is Coming and It's a Great DIY Hunt Opportunity

Spring Turkey Hunting Is Coming and It’s a Great DIY Hunt Opportunity

We are fortunate enough to be living in the golden age of turkey hunting. There are more turkeys in the United States now than there ever have been before and to reflect this, more states than ever have turkey seasons. Turkeys are one of the most exhilarating animals to hunt because of their loud gobbles and their strutting action that they display to gain a mate.

The Future of Land Leasing? Outdoor Access Connects Sportsmen with Land Owners on a Per-Day Basis

The Future of Land Leasing? Outdoor Access Connects Sportsmen with Land Owners on a Per-Day Basis

Deer season started this weekend in Texas, and I’m not in a tree stand. Why? Aside from the crushing weight of deadlines and the kids’ hectic schedules, I have another problem: I live in the suburbs. As a recent transplant to Waco, I haven’t built a list of friendly landowners willing to let me wander their property in search of Whitetail. And I know I’m not alone when I say that a multi-thousand-dollar lease isn’t in the cards right now, even if I split the bill among my hunting buddies.

Fortunately, help may be on its way.