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CCRKBA: 'Provide Reparations for NY Crime Victims Denied CCW Licenses'

N.Y.’s New Ammo Registry Threatens Conservation

Concealed carry permit holders, recreational target shooters, hunters, even historical battlefield reenactment groups, have all cried foul amidst the confusion and intrusion.

NSSF Names 2022 Hunting Heritage Trust Grant Recipients

NSSF Names 2022 Hunting Heritage Trust Grant Recipients

NSSF, The Firearm Industry Trade Association, is pleased to announce that it has selected five recipients to receive a total of $100,000 in grants made available by the NSSF Hunting Heritage Trust.

New Primos Full Frontal and Hide-N-Sneak Hunting Blinds Now Shipping

New Primos Full Frontal and Hide-N-Sneak Hunting Blinds Now Shipping

Primos Hunting, a pioneer in game calls and hunting accessories, is now shipping new hunting blinds ahead of early season openers.

Rock River Arms New Semi-Auto Hunting Rifle - All Terrain Hunter (ATH)

Rock River Arms New Semi-Auto Hunting Rifle – All Terrain Hunter (ATH)

Hunter ergonomics also score high marks with the RRA ATH. A winter trigger guard provides ample room for the trigger finger even when wearing heavy gloves.

NDA: How to Age Deer in the Field, Plus 20-Buck Aging Test!

NDA: How to Age Deer in the Field, Plus 20-Buck Aging Test!

The National Deer Association is pleased to announce the premiere of a new educational video project, “Aging Deer in the Field,” produced in partnership with The Bearded Buck.

Wildgame Innovations - Terra Cell Camera Now Shipping!

Wildgame Innovations – Terra Cell Camera Now Shipping!

The new Terra Cell camera is the first WGI camera to use hardware that is network-certified by both AT&T and Verizon wireless networks.

Arkansas Hunter Gored by Buck, Later Dies at Hospital

National Deer Association Welcomes Introduction of the North American Grasslands Conservation Act

The NDA has been advocating for this effort on behalf of deer and other big game species since the fall of 2020.

Remington Ammunition asks, 'Where's the Ammo'?

NSSF Opposes USFWS Scientifically Unjustified Traditional Ammo Ban

“This is a Faustian bargain that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is proposing,” said Lawrence G. Keane, NSSF Senior Vice President and General Counsel.

Barnett's 22-Inch HyperFlite Arrows Set the Record Straight with Supreme Accuracy & Penetration

Barnett’s 22-Inch HyperFlite Arrows Set the Record Straight with Supreme Accuracy & Penetration

The HyperFlite is designed to punch through the toughest hides, and it will increase success rates with accurate shots and better blood trails.

Barnett's 22-Inch HyperFlite Arrows Set the Record Straight with Supreme Accuracy & Penetration

Barnett’s 22-Inch HyperFlite Arrows Set the Record Straight with Supreme Accuracy & Penetration

The HyperFlite is designed to punch through the toughest hides, and it will increase success rates with accurate shots and better blood trails.