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Handgunning Hogs: 357’s & 41’s

Handgunning Hogs: 357’s & 41’s

This is going to be a 3 part article of calibers suitable for handgun hunting feral hogs and we will deal with those calibers that are typically used in revolvers.  I will attempt to cover each group of calibers sufficiently and provide some good examples and information.

Handgunning Hogs: 357’s & 41’s

Handgunning Hogs: 357’s & 41’s

This is going to be a 3 part article of calibers suitable for handgun hunting feral hogs and we will deal with those calibers that are typically used in revolvers.  I will attempt to cover each group of calibers sufficiently and provide some good examples and information.

Handgunning Hogs: 357’s & 41’s

Handgunning Hogs: 357’s & 41’s

This is going to be a 3 part article of calibers suitable for handgun hunting feral hogs and we will deal with those calibers that are typically used in revolvers.  I will attempt to cover each group of calibers sufficiently and provide some good examples and information.

Wader Leaks & How to Repair Them

Wader Leaks & How to Repair Them

I recently discussed waders and the many options available for purchasing the right wader.  Once you have a new pair reality sets in that all waders will leak sooner or later.  Aside from warranty to make the repairs, often you are forced to make the repairs yourself after the warranty has expired or to prepare immediately for another hunt.  This is how to make the best effort at repairing those waders. 

Wader Leaks & How to Repair Them

Wader Leaks & How to Repair Them

I recently discussed waders and the many options available for purchasing the right wader.  Once you have a new pair reality sets in that all waders will leak sooner or later.  Aside from warranty to make the repairs, often you are forced to make the repairs yourself after the warranty has expired or to prepare immediately for another hunt.  This is how to make the best effort at repairing those waders. 

Wader Leaks & How to Repair Them

Wader Leaks & How to Repair Them

I recently discussed waders and the many options available for purchasing the right wader.  Once you have a new pair reality sets in that all waders will leak sooner or later.  Aside from warranty to make the repairs, often you are forced to make the repairs yourself after the warranty has expired or to prepare immediately for another hunt.  This is how to make the best effort at repairing those waders. 

Wader Leaks & How to Repair Them

Wader Leaks & How to Repair Them

I recently discussed waders and the many options available for purchasing the right wader.  Once you have a new pair reality sets in that all waders will leak sooner or later.  Aside from warranty to make the repairs, often you are forced to make the repairs yourself after the warranty has expired or to prepare immediately for another hunt.  This is how to make the best effort at repairing those waders. 

Darn Tough Socks: Lifetime Means Lifetime

Darn Tough Socks: Lifetime Means Lifetime

Clay, are you really gonna write a column about socks? Yes. Yes, I am. Socks are an underrated part of your combat chassis unless you happen to be an ex-Grunt. For a Grunt, socks are of the utmost importance. If boots are the equivalent of tires, then socks are the air in those tires. A good sock can make the difference between arriving at your destination ready to fight, and arriving with blisters and boo-boos.

Field Test: Stone Glacier Sky 5900 w/XCurve Frame

Field Test: Stone Glacier Sky 5900 w/XCurve Frame

I’m a bit of a backpack fanatic and I’ve tested piles of them over the years. One of the things I’ve learned is there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Each adventure — from the whitetail woods of the Midwest to the elk-rich Rockies — requires a particular pack.

Wyoming Handgun Antelope

Wyoming Handgun Antelope

Handgun hunting tends to make every animal a memorable trophy. Although I personally prefer to take my handgun game at more sedate or reasonable distances. Knowing that the XP is capable of making solid hits on game at rifle distances allows me to carry it as a backup for those rare instances where getting closer isn’t possible.