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400 Yard Muzzleloader! Taking Long Shots With Bergara and CVA: New Rifles!

400 Yard Muzzleloader! Taking Long Shots With Bergara and CVA: New Rifles!

On April 29, 2021, Bergara and CVA sponsored The Long Shot Tour, held at the Fossil Pointe Shooting Grounds, outside Decatur, Texas. These two gun makers had some new and newer firearms to show off and invited a dozen writers and editors to try out several Bergara bolt action rifles and a pair of CVA muzzleloaders, plus a CVA bolt action. I was one of those writers.

Setting Up A New Bow: December Archery Deer Hunt in Idaho Part 1 of 3

Setting Up A New Bow: December Archery Deer Hunt in Idaho Part 1 of 3

An avid rifle hunter switches teams, flinging arrows in the late season. Read about his steep learning curve and follow him on this adventure!

Savage's Backcountry Xtreme Series: The 110 High Country

Savage’s Backcountry Xtreme Series: The 110 High Country

The High Country has some other functional/aesthetic enhancements. The barrel is fluted in a dramatic spiral that runs most of its length. Savage button-rifles their barrels. The .308 High Country’s barrel is 22 inches. The long-action calibers have 24-inch barrels.

Bear Spray! In 500 Linebaugh

Bear Spray! In 500 Linebaugh

Let me be clear, this is NOT about a pepper spray that you might carry for protection against bears. Bear Spray, is the name my gunsmith decided to use for this project.

Right Back at Ya! Savage’s Impulse Hog Hunter Featuring a Straight-Pull Bolt

Right Back at Ya! Savage’s Impulse Hog Hunter Featuring a Straight-Pull Bolt

The Impulse Hog Hunter is a very accurate rifle, capable of taking game out to 400 yards without a problem. The straight-pull bolt operated effectively and actually got me on target faster for that follow-up shot.

Building the Perfect Turkey Gun

Building the Perfect Turkey Gun

I have known hundreds of hunters over the years and I have to say turkey hunters are the most passionate, focused group of hunters I’ve ever encountered.

Savage Arms IMPULSE: American Made Straight Pull Rifle

Savage Arms IMPULSE: American Made Straight Pull Rifle

The new Savage Arms IMPULSE rifles are a whole new breed of rifle that raises the market to a new level. It’s really slick, very fast to operate, incredibly accurate; perhaps the most accurate rifle I have ever shot.

Remington’s 1911 R1 Hunter: 10MM Auto Hunting Power and…A Collector’s Gun?

Remington’s 1911 R1 Hunter: 10MM Auto Hunting Power and…A Collector’s Gun?

After putting over 300 rounds through the Remington 1911 R1 Hunter FDE 10MM pistol, I recommend this semi-automatic as a top firearms investment for at least two reasons.

Dove for a Lifetime: Argentina Bucket List Hunt

Dove for a Lifetime: Argentina Bucket List Hunt

Like many others, I have heard for years about the droves of roosting doves in Argentina and groups shooting thousands of birds a day. To a guy who has sat for hours in an Alabama dove field waiting for enough dove to fill a 15 bird limit, this seems unfathomable – the stuff of legends, hunting folklore if you will.

CZ-USA's Upland Ultralight All-Terrain (20 ga OU)

CZ-USA’s Upland Ultralight All-Terrain (20 ga OU)

One of the updated models is the Upland Ultralight All-Terrain, which I’ve been using in 20 gauge. It’s lightweight, it’s beautifully constructed, and it comes up on-target every time game flushes. Read on for a close look at all the features as well as a few things that could be better.