Will Dabbs

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The Guns of Ruby Ridge: America Teeters at the Precipice

The Guns of Ruby Ridge: America Teeters at the Precipice

The very mention of Ruby Ridge still elicits powerful emotions. In 1992 with a Republican in the White House, the full might of the US government was unleashed on an American citizen and his family.

The Execution Slaying of Jesse James: Murdering a Murderer

The Execution Slaying of Jesse James: Murdering a Murderer

Jesse James’ life of crime and mayhem lacked the glamor depicted in books and movies. Hounded and harassed to the end he was finally gunned down brutally by a friend.

The Assassination of Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto

The Assassination of Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto

Yamamoto was the primary architect behind the sneak attack against Pearl Harbor that drew America into the war. It was this role that ultimately cost Yamamoto his life.

Of Dictators, Assassins, and Friends - Walther PPK

Of Dictators, Assassins, and Friends – Walther PPK

South Korea’s breathtaking wealth and productivity stand in stark contrast to the poverty and despair to be found in its neighbor to the North. While modern Americans might presume that South Korea has been free and prosperous ever since the end of the Korean War, such was not always the case. Today’s South Korea has a sordid history indeed.

The Murder of Malcolm X: Muslim Fratricide in Tumultuous 1960’s America

The Murder of Malcolm X: Muslim Fratricide in Tumultuous 1960’s America

In his early years, Malcolm X advocated violence. But when he later took a stand for peace, he became a target—shot by a shotgun pistol, 9mm, and M1911A1.

Drugs, Guns, and Money

Drugs, Guns, and Money

In a world where vacuous ill-informed talking heads chatter like chimps about assault rifles, weapons of mass destruction, and sundry other gun-related topics they clearly fail to understand, the gory machinegun murders of German Jimenez Panesso and his associate Juan Carlos Hernandez were actually the real deal.

Squeaky Fromme and Her 1911 Pistol: A Whole Lot of Crazy in One Tiny Package

Squeaky Fromme and Her 1911 Pistol: A Whole Lot of Crazy in One Tiny Package

In the second row of onlookers, Fromme reached underneath her ample robes and retrieved a Colt 1911 pistol from a holster on her left side. Extending her arm she leveled the gun at the President’s midriff at near contact range and squeezed the trigger.

Operation Fast and Furious and the Romanian Cugir WASR 10/63

Operation Fast and Furious and the Romanian Cugir WASR 10/63

That it ultimately cost the life of a patriot of Brian Terry’s caliber, as well as hundreds of Mexican nationals, make the whole sordid mess one of the most egregious government failures in American history.

The Killing of a Killer: The IRA, Jock Davison, and the Makarov PM

The Killing of a Killer: The IRA, Jock Davison, and the Makarov PM

Though the IRA made peace with the British, Irish guerrilla fighters sometimes remained killers. In this case, a bar fight led to a death by a Makarov PM.

Disneyworld and the Death of Osama bin Laden

Disneyworld and the Death of Osama bin Laden

US Navy SEAL named Rob O’Neill had drilled a pair of Black Hills 77-grain OTM 5.56mm rounds through the brain of the single most reviled human being on the planet. Osama bin Laden, the architect of the single greatest terrorist attack in modern history, was finally queued up to meet his seventy dark-haired virgins.