Will Dabbs

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Chris Dorner: Gun Control Preaching Psychopath from Beyond the Grave

Chris Dorner: Gun Control Preaching Psychopath from Beyond the Grave

No amount of training or indoctrination can excise the innately fallen nature of man. In no place is that axiom made more clearly manifest than in the dark inky heart of Chris Dorner.

Dipprasad Pun: A Remarkably Dangerous Little Man

Dipprasad Pun: A Remarkably Dangerous Little Man

It’s a timeless question. Nature versus nurture. Does greatness stem from some simple combination of nucleotides embedded within your DNA, or is it something that can be coaxed, taught, or trained?

Frag Out! High Explosive Snowballs

Frag Out! High Explosive Snowballs

The scale of destruction wrought during the Second World War was unprecedented. Such carnage is literally unimaginable today.

Petty Officer Michael Thornton: Quite Possibly the Baddest Man in the Entire World

Petty Officer Michael Thornton: Quite Possibly the Baddest Man in the Entire World

The war in Vietnam was winding down, and Michael Thornton was one of only a dozen Navy SEALs remaining in the country. On October 31, 1972, Thornton formed a team along with a SEAL officer named Thomas Norris and three South Vietnamese Special Forces operators.

Ernest Hemingway’s Tommy Gun: Full Auto Shark Repellent

Ernest Hemingway’s Tommy Gun: Full Auto Shark Repellent

Ernest Hemingway was an extraordinarily gifted writer. Sadly, his personal demons eventually got the better of him. Regardless, whether it was fighting alongside the French Resistance, hunting dangerous game in Africa, or battling hungry sharks with a Tommy gun, Papa Hemingway lived life to the full. He was indeed the archetypal Renaissance Man.

The Russian Rikhter-23M Kartech Autoloading Space Cannon

The Russian Rikhter-23M Kartech Autoloading Space Cannon

On Friday, January 24, 1975, far above the earth’s surface, the Soviet Union conducted humanity’s first and last test of an orbital space cannon. The tale of how the species got to that point is simply fascinating.

The World’s Foremost Homicidal Psychopath: Hitler’s Wartime Rifle

The World’s Foremost Homicidal Psychopath: Hitler’s Wartime Rifle

Adolf Hitler was the very embodiment of evil. He stole territory and murdered millions driven by the baseless idea that he was just better than everybody else.

Dangerously Stupid: The Idiot with the Sawed-Off Shotgun

Dangerously Stupid: The Idiot with the Sawed-Off Shotgun

Minimarts can seem like easy targets for stupid criminals looking for quick cash.

The Humble Heroes of Sutherland Springs & the Guns of the Most Deadly Church Massacre

The Humble Heroes of Sutherland Springs & the Guns of the Most Deadly Church Massacre

Real superheroes don’t wear spandex. On November 5, 2017, the real superhero was taking a nap.

Jim Jones: Maniacal Monkey Salesman, Leftist Koole Aide, Democratic Congressional Massacre, and The Guns of the Largest Mass Murder in American History

Jim Jones: Maniacal Monkey Salesman, Leftist Koole Aide, Democratic Congressional Massacre, and The Guns of the Largest Mass Murder in American History

This loss of life was the single worst case of mass death in American history prior to 911. The Jonestown tragedy serves as an extraordinary example of what results when true darkness is unfettered within the hearts of men.