The plot device has been exercised so many times in Hollywood as to have become a trope. Dishonest local law enforcement has the muscle to impose their nefarious will on innocent local townsfolk. Then some moody combat veteran comes back home and is forced to make things right. Whether the setting is the Old West or modern urban America, the story of the ex-soldier with the skills and the will to face down corruption is reliable box office gold.
Will Dabbs
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Guiseppe Zangara and the Wobbly Chair That Changed the World
Updated: October 31, 2021Guiseppe “Joe” Zangara stood all of five feet tall and spoke poor English. Back in 1933 this angry little guy very nearly killed the President.
Vengeance is Mine: Jean de Selys Longchamps
Updated: October 23, 2021While serving with the RAF he received the heartbreaking news that his father had been tortured to death by the German security services. In response, Longchamps planned an elaborate operation to strike Gestapo headquarters in Brussels. His RAF commanders rejected the request, claiming it was too risky. On January 20, 1943, Jean de Selys Longchamps did it anyway.
Connor Betts, Pistol Braces, and the Dayton Shooting
Updated: October 17, 2021There were several Dayton police officers nearby when Betts opened fire. They responded immediately, running to the sounds of battle. Miraculously, the cops engaged Betts a mere 32 seconds after he fired his first shots.
Killer Baboons: Peter Capstick’s MAC-10 Submachine Gun
Updated: October 10, 2021Capstick abandoned a successful Wall Street career in his twenties seeking adventure. Like Theodore Roosevelt and Ernest Hemingway before him, Capstick found that for which he quested.
“Old Jack” Hinson: Civil War Sniper Back When Sniping Wasn’t Cool
Updated: October 3, 2021Back in the 1860s, a Tennessee farmer with a grudge used a muzzleloading single-shot Kentucky Long Rifle to terrorize thousands of Federal troops. His exploits stand in bitter testament to the chaos that can be wrought by a single determined rifleman with a gun.
Jerome Caminada and His Colt Lightning Revolver: Manchester’s Real-Life Sherlock Holmes
Updated: September 24, 2021The similarities between 19th century Manchester Police Detective Jerome Caminada and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s fictional Detective Sherlock Holmes are compelling.
The Remote Control Assassination of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh: Beware the Killer Robots
Updated: September 17, 2021The attack lasted less than three minutes. Fakhrizadeh was shot a total of thirteen times from a range of 150 yards. His chief security officer purportedly threw himself on top of the Iranian scientist and caught four rounds for his trouble.
Mark James Robert Essex and the Second Battle of New Orleans
Updated: August 29, 2021The seething racial vitriol that drove Mark James Robert Essex to blast the holy crap out of downtown New Orleans continues to drive headlines today. Within this sordid tale, however, there resides any number of legitimate tactical lessons. Law Enforcement tactics nationwide evolved markedly as a result.
Who Dares Wins: 22 SAS and the Pebble Island Raid
Updated: August 22, 20218,000 miles South of the UK and 400 miles east of Argentina lie the Falklands Islands. The UK has held possession of the Falklands since 1833, and the islands are liberally populated with British subjects, some three thousand or so by 2006.