With all of the pressure on private gun sales ramping up, many are considering entering the gun business officially. What are the requirements for getting an FFL? I’ve just filed all my paperwork, and am here to explain the process.
Jon Hodoway
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The Ultimate Survival Rifle? Chiappa’s M6 with X-Caliber Inserts
Published: April 30, 2016 Updated: April 30, 2016The concept of the Survival Rifle stirs up debate. Well what if you had one gun that could shoot almost every available handgun round? The Chiappa M6 with X-Caliber barrel inserts promises just that, but how well does it live up to that promise?
Heizer POCKET AK and POCKET AR Gel Test
Published: April 23, 2016 Updated: April 23, 2016We’ve reviewed the Heizer Pocket AR and Pocket AK and are back with the results from the ballistic testing. How well does the pocket rocket run? Check out what it does to gel.
As Close to an M16 as You Can Get: FN’s Military Collector Series
Published: April 10, 2016 Updated: April 10, 2016Some shooters want an AR-15 they can manipulate, modify, chop, crop and rebuild. FN makes ARs that fit that bill, but this isn’t one of them. The is the FN Military Collector Series M16, and it is about as close as you will get to an M16 without signing up with Uncle Sam.
.38 Super Conversion: Upgrade a Self-Defense Gun
Published: March 31, 2016 Updated: March 31, 2016There’s nothing wrong with a .45 ACP 1911. Still, some prefer the ballistic performance of the 9mm. But what if there were a better option? There is–the old .38 Super, an almost forgotten option, kicks ass. So how hard is it to convert a 1911 to .38 Super?
The Legacy of the MP40–Full Auto Review
Published: March 26, 2016 Updated: March 26, 2016With news that American Tactical Imports is bringing in a new 9mm MP40, we thought we’d step back and look at the original. This German submachine gun is more than the weapon of our enemy–it is the building block for much of what we shoot today. Read our live-fire review of the 70 year old icon.
New Gun Review: EMP 4” Lightweight Champion
Published: March 19, 2016 Updated: March 19, 2016Fans of the 9mm 1911 have a new option. Springfield Armory has a 4″ Champion version of their purpose-built 9mm EMP that is ideal for those who want the most from their daily carry pistol.
The Taser Pulse for Civilians
Published: March 13, 2016 Updated: March 13, 2016Tasers, with their barbs and wires, are a common tool for cops. Now Taser has opened up sales for the rest of us, too, and this is one kickass addition to the less-than-lethal arsenal.
Bring Back The M6 Scout Rifle
Published: March 5, 2016 Updated: March 5, 2016We spend most of our time covering new guns, but there are some old ones we’d like to see brought back. Here’s one of them. The old M6 Scout is an excellent example of a survival gun. This .410/.22 LR has a rich history, and sells for an astounding price these days.
Sig .38 Super Ammunition Test
Published: March 5, 2016 Updated: March 5, 2016The .38 Super faded from fashion when the .357 came onto the scene in the late 1930s. But the round runs exceptionally well in the 1911, and has some strong selling points. And now that Sig is making .38 Super for practice and carry, the time is right to consider the caliber again.