Brian McCombie

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The 400 Yard Deer Hunter: Summer Prep Required!

The 400 Yard Deer Hunter: Summer Prep Required!

Long-range hunting continues to gain in popularity. But just because you want to go long doesn’t mean dropping in bullets at 1,000 yards. Most deer hunters, for example, take their shots at 100 yards or less. Yet, if those same hunters could extend their range to 400 yards? Their chances at filling their tags would go up greatly.

The Sabatti Urban Sniper w/Trijicon Review:  Tactical Precision Italian Style

The Sabatti Urban Sniper w/Trijicon Review:  Tactical Precision Italian Style

Imported to the United States exclusively by the Italian Firearms Group, the Urban Sniper sports a relatively short (for a long-range precision platform) 20-inch bull barrel. Even with that shorter barrel, the Urban Sniper isn’t a lightweight at 8.75 pounds, though few of today’s long-range rifles are exactly nimble. It is also very accurate, has a great trigger and fits on the shoulder well.