Brent McCluskey

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Courts Order State Police To Release SAFE Act Data

Courts Order State Police To Release SAFE Act Data

The State Police reluctantly turned over the SAFE Act data after declining to appeal an earlier court decision ordering them to do so.

Ride Sharing App Uber Tells Users To Leave Guns At Home

Ride Sharing App Uber Tells Users To Leave Guns At Home

Catching a ride in the city has never been easier than with Uber, an app that connects drivers with passengers in seconds, but now the startup has prohibited the possession of firearms “of any kind in a vehicle.”

Pope Francis: Firearms Manufacturers Can’t Call Themselves Christians

Pope Francis: Firearms Manufacturers Can’t Call Themselves Christians

“If you trust only men you have lost,” Pope Francis told the young people “It makes me think of… people, managers, businessmen who call themselves Christian and they manufacture weapons. That leads to a bit of distrust, doesn’t it?”

DOJ Forces Libertarian Site To ID Threatening Commenters

DOJ Forces Libertarian Site To ID Threatening Commenters

Be careful what you say, the government is watching…

Lawmakers on Bill to Require National Handgun Permits: 'We do it with cars, why not guns?'

Lawmakers on Bill to Require National Handgun Permits: ‘We do it with cars, why not guns?’

Federal lawmakers proposed a new piece of legislation Thursday that, if passed, would impose stringent handgun restrictions across all 50 states.

Salinas Police Chief Responds to Brutal Baton Beating of ‘Violent' Meth-Addled Man

Salinas Police Chief Responds to Brutal Baton Beating of ‘Violent’ Meth-Addled Man

Salinas Police Chief Kelly McMillin defended his officers’ non-deadly use of batons during Friday’s arrest of a “very violent man.”

NJ Woman Killed By Ex While Waiting For Gun Permit

NJ Woman Killed By Ex While Waiting For Gun Permit

“She should have been granted that permit in a timely manner, especially given her status as a domestic violence victim,” said Evan Nappen, a New Jersey-based attorney who specializes in Second Amendment cases.

April’s Top 10 Most Controversial, Violent Defensive Gun Uses

April’s Top 10 Most Controversial, Violent Defensive Gun Uses

Were these defensive gun uses good or bad shoots? You decide.