Brent McCluskey

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Dems Use Charleston Shooting To Push Gun Control, Background Checks

Dems Use Charleston Shooting To Push Gun Control, Background Checks

“It’s not definitive,” said Clyburn. “But I do know this, we know from our experiences that background checks are effective in preventing a lot of people who should not have guns from getting them.”

Oregon Recall Efforts Suspended After Dem House Leader Steps Down

Oregon Recall Efforts Suspended After Dem House Leader Steps Down

The recall petition against Democratic House Majority Leader Val Hoyle was suspended after she stepped down from her position.

D.C. Council proves itself to be rabidly anti-gun, once again

D.C.’s Restrictive Concealed Carry Law Here To Stay… For Now

“Our procedure for issuing gun-carry permits is very similar to laws in New Jersey, New York and Maryland that federal appeals courts have upheld,” said D.C. Attorney General Karl A. Racine.

Los Angeles Pushes New Mandatory Firearm Storage Law On Civilians, Exempts Cops

Los Angeles Pushes New Mandatory Firearm Storage Law On Civilians, Exempts Cops

The Los Angeles Police Department has modeled a new law after San Francisco’s mandatory firearm storage bill, and is pushing the regulations on the city’s non-law enforcement residents.

Concealed Carry Holder Gets Shot While Investigating Gang Fight: Did He Make The Right Call?

Concealed Carry Holder Gets Shot While Investigating Gang Fight: Did He Make The Right Call?

A Salt Lake City, Utah, conceal carry holder found himself in the middle of a firefight with a suspected gang member after leaving his apartment to investigate an altercation Monday night.

UBER Driver Disregards Company’s ‘Gun-Free Zone’ Policy, Shoots Passenger Who Was Choking Him

UBER Driver Disregards Company’s ‘Gun-Free Zone’ Policy, Shoots Passenger Who Was Choking Him

Just weeks after ride share service UBER declared a firearms ban inside their vehicles, one Clear Water, Florida, driver shot a passenger who was attacking and choking him.

Bus Driver Refuses Purple Heart Recipient Because Of Service Dog

Bus Driver Refuses Purple Heart Recipient Because Of Service Dog

“I was actually just trying to come home from school,” said Wright. “I got to he bus and put my hand up as usual. Everyone was getting on the bus and I went to get on and he slammed the doors.”

Bankrupt Colt Gets Much-Needed Cash Injection

Bankrupt Colt Gets Much-Needed Cash Injection

The bankrupt Colt Holdings just accepted a loan of up to $75 million to keep the company afloat and stave off a controversial sale to its current private equity owner.

Employee Breaks Up Bar Fight, Fatally Shoots Shotgun-Wielding Patron

Employee Breaks Up Bar Fight, Fatally Shoots Shotgun-Wielding Patron

An armed employee at a Youngston, Ohio, bar fatally shot a shotgun-wielding patron after the customer refused to back down from a bar fight.

Restaurant Worker Fatally Shoots Armed Robber, Hailed As Hero

Restaurant Worker Fatally Shoots Armed Robber, Hailed As Hero

A Detroit Coney Island restaurant worker is being hailed as a hero after he turned the tables on an armed robber last weekend, fatally shooting the man in order to protect the patrons.