Brent McCluskey

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When is it justified to shoot at a fleeing thief in a vehicle?

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993, Study Finds

While most people are under the impression that gun-related crimes have been skyrocketing in recent years, a new study shows they’ve actually been dropping significantly since their peak in 1993.

Alabama Sheriff Gives Deputies Free Off-Duty Concealed Carry Guns

Alabama Sheriff Gives Deputies Free Off-Duty Concealed Carry Guns

“This country is based on God, guns, and the right to protect ourselves,” said Harris. “I think as sheriff, it is my place to protect the safety and security of our citizens. And help citizens in ways to protect their selves and their families.”

Associated Press Sues FBI For Solving Bomb Threat With Fake News Story

Associated Press Sues FBI For Solving Bomb Threat With Fake News Story

In 2007, the FBI thwarted a bomb threat by posing as the Associated Press. Now, the AP is filing a lawsuit for misappropriation of their name.

‘Star Wars’ Actor Mark Hamill Calls For Stricter Gun Control After Journalist Shooting

‘Star Wars’ Actor Mark Hamill Calls For Stricter Gun Control After Journalist Shooting

“Star Wars” character Luke Skywalker may have chosen the Light Side, but actor Mark Hamill just crossed over to the Dark Side after tweeting about increased gun control measures in America.

Weaponized Police Drones to Hit Streets of North Dakota

Weaponized Police Drones to Hit Streets of North Dakota

Mechanized extensions of the police force will soon be buzzing through North Dakota skies, taking down any non-compliant suspect via rubber bullets, Tasers and tear gas.

Illegal Aliens Still Have The Right To Keep And Bear Arms, Courts Rule

Illegal Aliens Still Have The Right To Keep And Bear Arms, Courts Rule

Just because one doesn’t have American citizenship doesn’t mean they aren’t protected by the Second Amendment, according to a federal appeals court.

Virginia Governor Leverages Journalist Shootings To Promote Gun Control

Virginia Governor Leverages Journalist Shootings To Promote Gun Control

In response to the tragic shooting of a reporter, cameraman and interviewee, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe seized an opportunity to push background checks.

Heroic Armed 14-year-old Saves 6-Year-Old Siblings During Home Invasion

Heroic Armed 14-year-old Saves 6-Year-Old Siblings During Home Invasion

A 14-year-old Las Vegas boy armed with a .22-caliber rifle protected his 6-year-old siblings during a brazen daytime home invasion.

NRA, NSSF, SAF Sue Seattle Over ‘Unconstitutional’ Gun Tax

NRA, NSSF, SAF Sue Seattle Over ‘Unconstitutional’ Gun Tax

Seattle is under fire after its City Council passed a law to tax the sale of all firearms and ammunition.

Would-be Burglar Shot During Home Invasion, Drives Himself To Fire Station

Would-be Burglar Shot During Home Invasion, Drives Himself To Fire Station

A would-be burglar got more than he bargained for after a Knoxville homeowner put a round through the man’s shoulder.