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S&W Performance Center Model 19 Carry Comp: Belch Fire And Leave No Empties Behind

S&W Performance Center Model 19 Carry Comp: Belch Fire And Leave No Empties Behind


Smith & Wesson manufactured the Model from 1957 through 1999, but it didn’t go calmly into the night.

0 -- One Gun, Two Rimfires: Ruger’s Super Wrangler

One Gun, Two Rimfires: Ruger’s Super Wrangler


A great option is the new Super Wrangler from Sturm, Ruger, and Company, a single-action revolver that fires both .22 caliber rimfire rounds. Yes, both 22 LR and 22 WMR!

3 - S&W Model 66 Combat Magnum: Benchmark In 357 Magnum Carry

S&W Model 66 Combat Magnum: Benchmark In 357 Magnum Carry


The Model 66-8 Combat Magnum lives up to the K-frame’s reputation. In my opinion, a .357 magnum is a good choice for self-defense, and I’d prefer to carry the .357 Magnum in a revolver like the S&W Model 66 Combat Magnum.

3 - Cowboy Up! Modernized Colt Python ft. EMPIRE COTTONMOUTH

Cowboy Up! Modernized Colt Python ft. EMPIRE COTTONMOUTH


Well, y’all, the space age is here, and EMPIRE is bringing a modern touch to the Colt Python. This exceptional piece of weaponry embodies a perfect blend of classic design and modern improvements, paying homage to the timeless allure of revolvers while integrating cutting-edge features.

Henry Big Boy Revolver Review

Henry Big Boy Revolver Review


To almost anyone in the gun culture, the words “Henry rifle” conjure up images of a post-civil war United States and an American tradition that is part of our heritage. And now, for the first time in history – there is a Henry revolver, and it’s called the Big Boy.

Ruger’s Classy SP101 TALO Special

Ruger’s Classy SP101 TALO Special


TALO is a buying cooperative that commissions limited edition and exclusive models from the leading manufacturers.

Barrel Lengths, Ballistics & Black Powder

Barrel Lengths, Ballistics & Black Powder


This Black Powder Project has always been about the “weapon” aspect of guns.   Except perhaps for hunting, most people don’t think about black powder guns in the weapon context, even though back in the day, black powder guns were a revolution in weapons.

Perfecting the Colt Python

Perfecting the Colt Python


The original Pythons were true works of art and in 2022, Colt fans excitedly witnessed the revival of an old favorite.

Freedom Arms 555, Safari Club International

Freedom Arms 555, Safari Club International


The Freedom Arms line carries guns on a similar level as custom guns.

Clay Buys His First Revolver - Smith & Wesson 325 Night Guard

Clay Buys His First Revolver – Smith & Wesson 325 Night Guard


Hey, fair warning, if you are a big-time revolver nut, you might want to skip this week’s review. I have personally fired less than 1000 rounds out of a wheel gun in my life, and quite possibly less than 500. So why am I covering a revolver? Because I bought one to correct that, which is the point of this exercise.