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The Best Snub Nose Revolvers

Snub nose revolvers are an American classic. These micro-sized revolvers have a proud and interesting lineage that ties back to something known as the Fitz special

Colt Python Review: 2.5 Inch Snub-Nose Classic

New Colt Pythons circa 2020 still feature the distinct aesthetics of the original iconic snake, like the vent-rib under lug barrel, but newer guns have an updated mechanism, different sights, and a beefier frame.

The Colt Viper – The Newest Snake

Don’t look now but it seems that Colt Firearms is determined to take over the revolver market! In the past four years, they have launched a new generation of wheelguns starting with the Python in 2020.

What Is The 327 Federal Magnum Good For?

Why would you want a concealed carry revolver chambered in 327 Federal Magnum when there are plenty of EDC revolvers chambered in the old standbys, 38 Special and 357 Magnum?

Rossi RP63 Review: Meet Your New EDC Revolver

The Rossi RP63 357 Magnum revolver checks all the boxes for an EDC gun: Large sights, good trigger, comfortable grip even when shooting 357 Magnum ammo, 6-round capacity, and light weight at 27 ounce so it is easy to carry.

Lipsey’s Ultimate Snub And Return Of .32 H&R Magnum

I have carried a J-frame on a daily basis, for over 40 years, and have shot them extensively. I am all too aware of the deficiencies in the sights, action, and, in some cases, the stocks.

Are Revolvers A Liability?

Let’s face it. We all like to do things the easy way. Large full-size semi-automatics can be large and heavy.

Kimber’s K6xs – The Best Snub Yet!

Actually, xs stands for extra small, but that doesn’t mean the new wheelgun isn’t special. The Kimber K6xs addresses a void that other major manufacturers seem to have ignored.

What's the difference between double action and single action revolvers? 

The Difference Between Double and Single-Action Revolvers

Think of cowboy six-shooters when you think of single-action triggers.

3 - Ruger Talo GP100: Every Day Carry 357 Magnum

Ruger Talo GP100: Every Day Carry 357 Magnum

Recently Ruger teamed up with Talo Distributors to create an exclusive variant of Ruger GP100 that is a fine example of a modern snubnose.