For Handguns

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Krytos Titanium Glock Slides - Science Fiction Incarnate for Your Combat Tupperware.

Krytos Titanium Glock Slides – Science Fiction Incarnate for Your Combat Tupperware.

Krytos has run multiple slides past the 100,000 cycle test without issues. While not common, that is about the point you see steel slides start to crack. By that, I meant that it doesn’t happen often, but it does happen. In testing, they plugged the barrel, fired a round, and the slide survived to continue shooting.

Finding Leather Holsters for Hand Cannons (My Springfield Armory 10mm 1911)

Finding Leather Holsters for Hand Cannons (My Springfield Armory 10mm 1911)

My holster came with a retention strap, though a full cover flap is also an option if you’re really worried about protecting the pistol from the elements. For a backcountry gun, the extra security of the retentions strap is worth the slight penalty in speed. And if you need to get ready for the O.K. Corral, it is easy to move it out of the way.

Hornady AR Gunlocker - Peace of Mind for Your Vehicle

Hornady AR Gunlocker – Peace of Mind for Your Vehicle

The Hornady RAPID SAFE AR GUNLOCKER offers a security solution for our mid-sized long guns. It is designed to support carbine length firearms up to 40.5 inches long. The size of this unit supports all of my AR platform firearms, folding stock precision rifles, and my over/ under shotguns when broken down. To put it plainly, the Gunlocker is simply a great idea that is way overdue.

P365 - SIG’s New Wonder Weapon

P365 – SIG’s New Wonder Weapon

I never thought I would say this, but the P365 isn’t just a good carry gun. It is a good do anything gun. With the capacity on board and a potential of 12+1 with extended mags, there is no reason it can’t. This gun is literally good enough to run 6 plate racks or compete in

XD-E- Now Available In Men’s Sizes.

XD-E- Now Available In Men’s Sizes.

So in a nutshell, all of the reasons to carry the XD-E I might not necessarily agree with. Some of them don’t apply to me specifically. But I can understand why they were done.

The Last Holster You May Ever Need: SureFire MasterFire Rapid Deploy Holster

The Last Holster You May Ever Need: SureFire MasterFire Rapid Deploy Holster

Is there some sort of 12-step program for holster addiction? If so, I may need it. As I prepared to write this, I took a quick look my holster collection and would guess I own at least 100 different holsters.

Part of it’s just hoarding. But, in my defense, I do need a lot of them. I’m a bit of a gun slut, and a lot of my guns need different holsters based on the situation. I’ve been told admitting your problem is the first step.

But, what if I could buy one last holster for all my pistols?

Affordable Solution for Gun Storage — DU-HA Systems

Affordable Solution for Gun Storage — DU-HA Systems

For as long as I can remember, I have been searching for a solid solution for storing my gear in my vehicle in such a way that it is both secure and easily accessible. I have owned all manner of sport-utility vehicles and pickup trucks, and it seems that no matter the vehicle there was always an available storage space that was completely available, but not very safe, secure or even convenient. Lucikly, DU-Ha has a solution.

Best Micro Red Dot for the Money — Primary Arms MD-RB-AD

Best Micro Red Dot for the Money — Primary Arms MD-RB-AD

Primary Arms’ latest micro red dot could be the best value in that category.

Handheld versus Rail-Mounted: Crimson Trace Introduces Laserguard for Ruger LCP II

Handheld versus Rail-Mounted: Crimson Trace Introduces Laserguard for Ruger LCP II

The debate between rail-mounted options for lights for handguns or handheld is similar to asking: What came first? The chicken or the egg? It’s a topic that can make even the calmest pistoleros wound up. Luckily companies like CrimsonTrace, Viridian, Laserlight and many others offer high-quality options for whatever a shooter’s preference may be.

The Return of the King: Single-Stack 1911s in Competition

The Return of the King: Single-Stack 1911s in Competition

The evolution and revolution of the 1911 are both alive and doing well. Modern machining and the lessons learned from 30 years of competition means even these classics can get the best triggers, sights, finishes and magazine wells available. These may be the Classic Division guns but they are leaps and bounds better than most of the 1911s of old.