If you are preparing for a competition or just plinking with your kids, you need targets or you are just converting money into noise. Some ranges provide everything, others just provide stands. Your training or fun can hinge on your targets.
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Free Targets and Cheap Stands: Train More Spend Less
Published: November 30, 2019 Updated: November 30, 2019Kestrel 5700 Ballistic Weather Meter With Hornady 4DOF: Full Review
Published: November 23, 2019 Updated: November 23, 2019The Kestrel 5700 with 4DOF (for short), is compact and robust. These traits are necessary for a unit designed for long range shooters because many applications including hunting, military and competitive uses put the ultimate strain on equipment due to harsh environmental conditions, rough handling and long hours of use. This weather meter is drop tested, waterproof and dust-proof, which I have verified through my months of use while I’ve had it.
Shoot Better with the Mantis X – Dry Fire/Live Fire Analysis
Published: November 1, 2019 Updated: November 1, 2019The Mantis X training system uses a rail mounted sensor to collect data on movements before and after trigger pulls.
Jeff’s Five Favorite Targets
Published: September 14, 2019 Updated: March 31, 2024With so many different types of rifle and pistol shooting it can be a real challenge to pick the best targets for your money to take to the range. However, after 30 years of shooting these are my top five picks for getting in some great practice, and they can be used for rifle or pistol.
Is Your Car Cover or Concealment? High Threat Vehicle Engagements with 88 Tactical
Published: July 6, 2019 Updated: July 6, 2019According to 88 Tactical, 65% of law enforcement shootings are in and around vehicles. Your immediate response is critical. A key determination that must be made immediately, is it cover or concealment? Can you hide behind it? Can you shoot through it?
Marksmanship Training For Hunting Season
Published: June 1, 2019 Updated: August 3, 2024During hunting season, it can take days or weeks to locate the animal that you are pursuing and you may only have seconds to take a shot. As hunters, we must quickly evaluate how much time we have to build a shooting position, establish the distance to the target, wind speed, and shot angles.
Shotgun Stock Fitting – Get it to Hit Where You Look
Published: May 11, 2019 Updated: May 11, 2019How a shotgun feels when it’s thrown up on your shoulder is typically our first and most important impression. However that first impression can sometimes be wrong, I’ve had several shotguns that felt really good but never delivered when it was time to hit the targets.
Big Wheel Keep on Turnin’: Running the Revolver for Self-Defense
Published: November 10, 2018 Updated: November 10, 2018Thirty or so years ago, the revolver was the predominant self-defense handgun. Though many still carry a revolver today, competency in the manipulation of wheel guns for self-defense is, if not a lost art, a skill that most revolver carriers lack. And not knowing how to run a revolver can get you or a loved one killed or injured.
Rifle Drill: ‘Friends, Not Friends’ (aka Engaging Multiple Targets from a Vehicle)
Published: November 8, 2018 Updated: November 8, 2018Sometimes your friends turn out to not be friends. While deployed overseas as a security contractor I ended up coming up with this rifle drill. The premise of it was derived from the daily task of checking in on our local guard posts.
A Beginner’s Guide to Knowing if Your Shotgun Fits
Published: October 28, 2018 Updated: October 28, 2018If you ended up bruised and annoyed the last time you used your shotgun, there’s a good chance something’s wrong with the fit. Here’s how to know.