If you’re big and tall, should you hold your rifle a certain way?
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The Truth About Thumb Over Bore!
Published: October 16, 2015 Updated: October 16, 2015Shaw talks about how he holds his rifle and addresses the debate about whether thumb over bore is a sustainable grip for a protracted combat scenario.
5 Best Guns for Bad Shooters
Published: October 7, 2015 Updated: October 7, 2015Pop quiz hotshot, which guns on the market require the least amount of skill to operate with some proficiency? Here is a list of the top five guns for bad shooters.
Is It Okay to Look Down at Your Holster When Re-holstering?
Published: September 15, 2015 Updated: September 15, 2015Is it really okay to look down while re-holstering? Here’s your answer.
10 Essentials for Your Range Bag
Published: August 12, 2015 Updated: August 12, 2015Shooting is a gear intensive sport. We tend to focus on the sexy gear, but the reality is much more pedestrian. So what do you put in your range bag that will keep you and your gun running? Here are 10 essentials.
Shooting Revolvers and Autos From the Pocket
Published: June 29, 2015 Updated: June 29, 2015Hollywood would have you believe that shooting from inside the coat is a devastatingly stealthy way to put bullets in bad guys. How easy is it, really? Will the gun jam, preventing a follow-up shot? If you use a revolver, will you burn the hell out of your hand and catch your clothes on fire? We’ve heard all the rumors, and now we have the answers…
1,000 Yards with a Stock .308 AR-15 Style M&P Model 10?
Published: June 12, 2015 Updated: March 31, 2024Can You Shoot 1,000 Yards with a .308 AR-15 style rifle? Well, can you? Conventional wisdom says no. After all, AR’s are semi-automatic designs, with hot burning gas of doom smothering all the important parts like gravy over Cracker Barrel’s Chicken Fried Chicken. Heck, the upper and lower receivers are stuck together with simple push pins. AR-type rifles can’t be all that accurate, can they?
What’s In Your Pocket? Training with Sub-Compacts
Published: May 8, 2015 Updated: May 8, 2015What gun you are carrying right now? Odds are it isn’t small-frame, snub-nose revolver. A few years back it would have been. But now sub-compacts are the norm. How do they stack up in intense training classes? A recent 40 hour class with Massad Ayoob should be proof enough….
why Sporting Clays is one of America’s fastest growing sports.
Published: May 7, 2015 Updated: May 7, 2015Grab your shotgun and come with me. I just shot my first round of Sporting Clays and I’m hooked. The sport is fast, challenging, and more fun than is normally legal.
I Am Forever Ep. 5: ‘Coordination & Timing’
Published: April 1, 2015 Updated: April 1, 2015In I Am Forever Episode 5 ‘Coordination & Timing’ Reagan and Isaiah practice putting drills to master timing. At the range, John Wayne Walding uses a moving target to practice timing while shooting.