Historical Guns

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Howard Unruh and his P08 Parabellum: The Sordid Tale of the Alpha Monster

Howard Unruh and his P08 Parabellum: The Sordid Tale of the Alpha Monster

Howard Unruh was technically the third prolific spree killer in American history. However, his utter cold-blooded ruthlessness set a template for countless psychopathic losers to come.

The Dawn of Destruction: The World’s First Aerial Dogfight

The Dawn of Destruction: The World’s First Aerial Dogfight

It is tough to imagine the sorts of men who would go to war in such conditions as these. The airplanes were canvas, and they had no parachutes. With balls that big how did they ever get off the ground?

Conceived in Khandahar, Born in Boonville: CMMG’s MK47 AR Runs AK Magazines

Know Where Your Ammo Comes From! Project Pole Bean: How Sneaky Green Berets Blew Up a Few Guns and Frightened an Entire Army

In 1968, American troops in Vietnam reported scattered incidents where dead NVA soldiers were found with parts of their exploded rifles protruding from their skulls. Technical Intelligence attributed this to poor metallurgy and bad ammunition. The situation was a little more complicated than it appeared.

The Blue House Raid: From Sleeping with the Dead to Man of God

The Blue House Raid: From Sleeping with the Dead to Man of God

In 1966 Kim Il-sung directed the formation of an elite assassination squad titled Unit 124. Comprised solely of commissioned officers from the Korean People’s Army, Unit 124 trained relentlessly for two years for a single mission.

The Musket that Changed the World: The Land Pattern "Brown Bess"

The Musket that Changed the World: The Land Pattern “Brown Bess”

The Land Pattern Musket and its derivatives were in use for 116 years of official service and close to 160 years of actual use with many incremental changes in its design. It remained in production for 140 years, making the Brown Bess’ production one of the longest production runs for a firearm in history.

A Million Rounds in Half a Day: The Remarkable British Vickers Machinegun

A Million Rounds in Half a Day: The Remarkable British Vickers Machinegun

Marriage, divorce, graduation, and retirement can all be challenging for their own unique reasons as well. Periods of transition in military history, however, are invariably bloody.

Two Criminals and The American 180 Submachine Gun: 1,200 RPM Rimfire Ripper

Two Criminals and The American 180 Submachine Gun: 1,200 RPM Rimfire Ripper

Novel, unique, and oddly effective within its admittedly narrow applications, the American 180 is an artifact of the golden age of gun design.

When a CIA Huey Won a Dogfight with a Communist Biplane

When a CIA Huey Won a Dogfight with a Communist Biplane

Though hardly what might be considered air combat in the Space Age, in January of 1968 the crew chief on an Air America Huey helicopter did indeed bring down an enemy biplane with an AK47.

Four Dead Men in Five Seconds

Four Dead Men in Five Seconds

The archetypal Old West gunfight was largely the product of pulp fiction writers’ vivid imaginations. However, there were a few frontier shootings and a few frontier shootists that were legitimately larger than life.

America’s Forgotten War & the 1911 That Saved My Friend's Life

America’s Forgotten War & the 1911 That Saved My Friend’s Life

The Korean War era was a confusing time. Almost two million Americans served, and nearly five million people were killed on both sides.