Home Defense

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Ep. 36 Should I Shoot? Is that a Pellet Gun in My Face?

Ep. 36 Should I Shoot? Is that a Pellet Gun in My Face?

The “if he’s in my house, he’s dead” crowd might not like to hear it, but if you can avoid having to shoot somebody, for God’s sake, don’t shoot.

The Stevens 320 Pump-action shotgun. This one is chambered in 20-gauge.

$264 MSRP Stevens 320 20-Gauge Pump Home Defense Gun – Full Review

If you’ve fired different types of shotguns, it’s obvious that recoil can be all over the map. Some load and gun combinations are relative pussycats, allowing one to fire hundreds of rounds per day with no ill effect. Others make you want to start sticking safety pins to your shirt and run for the nearest safe space. With recoil in mind, I got an itch to check out a 20-gauge pump shotgun for home defense. That brought me to the Stevens 320 Pump in 20 gauge.

Time Yourself! How Long Does it Take to Execute Your Home Defense Plan?

Time Yourself! How Long Does it Take to Execute Your Home Defense Plan?

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about my home defense posture, you know, mulling over the obvious questions, what would happen if someone broke into my one-bedroom apartment? Would I be prepared to confront them and defend my lovely girlfriend and our adorable puppy? While thinking about this question, I was reminded of what I’ve come [...]

Gunfight Science: Five Simple Steps To Survive A Home Invasion

Gunfight Science: Five Simple Steps To Survive A Home Invasion

Want to make sure you are ready and prepared to face a deadly home invasion? Do you want to be ready when the unimaginable happens? Then read on about these five simple steps you need to know.

Gunfight Science: Do Shotguns Suck for Self-Defense?

Gunfight Science: Do Shotguns Suck for Self-Defense?

It may be a controversial position to take, but that has never stopped me before. Gin is superior to vodka. Also, shotguns are not the end-all, be-all solution for self-defense. Especially not for new shooters.

Ep. 15 Should I Shoot? Carrying a Gun Around the Home for Defense

Ep. 15 Should I Shoot? Carrying a Gun Around the Home for Defense

Home-invasion-type robberies are at the top of the list for violent crime — just under premeditated murder.

Teachable Moment: Man Shoots Self with .22, Doesn't Notice for 3 Days

Best of a Bad Situation: .22s for Self-Defense?

Ultimately the only good reason to go with .22 for self-defense is that it is your last, best, and only option. The truth is that it’s rarely the only option.

New Gun Review: Masterpiece Arms 930DMG, the Perfect Home Defense Gun?

New Gun Review: Masterpiece Arms 930DMG, the Perfect Home Defense Gun?

The MasterPiece Arms MPA Defender 930DMG is an Ingram-style firearm with a machined alloy grip contoured to accept easy-to-find Glock magazines.

NY State Assembly Passes ‘Nicholas’ Law,' Makes Home Defense More Difficult

NY State Assembly Passes ‘Nicholas’ Law,’ Makes Home Defense More Difficult

“It says for 600,000 hunters, don’t pick up a cup of coffee on the way, (and) don’t use the restroom on your way back unless you bring your rifle with you,” said Assemblyman Andrew Goodel (R-Chatauqua County), questioning if leaving a gun in a vehicle would result in charges being filed.

Budget Minded Shotguns for Home Defense

Budget Minded Shotguns for Home Defense

The word shotgun covers a lot of ground. You can pay six-figures for an engraved Italian masterpiece, or you can buy an old single shot break-action in decent working order for less than the cost of a date night (with dinner and a movie). We’ll be looking at the most practical and reliable shotguns–and there are unlimited options under the $300 mark.