While some people think that using the sights, especially at close range, is slower – and for an untrained person that might be right – that is not correct for someone who is trained and has practiced sufficiently. So why should a person learn to use the sights, even at close range? Because even at close range, even experienced shooters often miss the target if they point shoot.
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The What & the Why: Front Sight vs Point Shooting – The Best for Defense – Use the Sights or Point & Shoot?
Updated: November 15, 2020The What & the Why – Choosing A Carry Gun
Updated: November 8, 2020Series of articles that explains the question and discusses the answer. To a person who has experience shooting many types of guns, choosing one for carry does not sound like a tough problem. But for someone who has little or no experience with guns, it can be hard to decide what gun to choose. And there are so many opinions and myths about guns, some of them just plain wrong, that it is easy to choose the wrong gun. What may be right for one person is a terrible choice for another.
The What & the Why – Backup Gun or Not? A Bug Might Just Save Your Life
Updated: October 25, 2020If you carry a gun for self-defense, like more and more people in the US do, you have taken one step towards taking care of yourself instead of relying solely on others to do so. But a gun is a mechanical device and mechanical devices sometimes break or don’t work. There is no time in the middle of a fight for your life to get a gun repaired, so having a spare can be an excellent idea.
The Musket that Changed the World: The Land Pattern “Brown Bess”
Updated: September 27, 2020The Land Pattern Musket and its derivatives were in use for 116 years of official service and close to 160 years of actual use with many incremental changes in its design. It remained in production for 140 years, making the Brown Bess’ production one of the longest production runs for a firearm in history.
The What & the Why – Selecting an Instructor
Updated: September 20, 2020It’s hard to find a competent self-defense firearms instructor. Many people want to teach others how to shoot and handle a gun, but finding someone who can actually teach the subject is difficult.
Don’t Do it Wrong! How to Properly Wear Body Armor
Updated: September 12, 2020And when it comes to ballistic armor, specifically hard plates that you will find in a plate carrier, proper placement is paramount. Otherwise you are just wearing a weight vest…
The Brigandine Plate Carrier by SKD Tactical
Updated: September 6, 2020The Brig starts off like most plate carriers in that it is comprised of two plate bags, shoulder straps and a cummerbund. But as we dive into the details, we begin to see how the Brig shines.
The What & The Why – Kill or Stop?
Updated: August 30, 2020Criminals attack someone in the US every day. It’s a regular occurrence. That person is faced with the decision of what to do. If he or she is carrying a gun, he or she has more options than the person who is not carrying.
Why You Should Avoid Handloads for Concealed Carry
Updated: August 30, 2020Upon first consideration, it would seem to be a decent idea to use handloads for self-defense. A person experienced in handloading could choose the right combination to create tailored ammunition which would be far more effective in a real-world situation than the standard ammunition available for purchase in a store. However, there is a risk.
Know When to Stand Your Ground and When You Have a Duty to Retreat (Part II – Duty to Retreat)
Updated: July 26, 2020In Part I of this series, we discussed those jurisdictions in which you have the right to stand your ground when exercising self-defense. In this part, we will discuss jurisdictions in which you have a duty to retreat prior to exercising self-defense.