California Residents: Dec. 21st is Last Day to Buy ‘Bullet Button’ ARs

California Residents: Dec. 21st is Last Day to Buy ‘Bullet Button’ ARs

The original bullet button. (Photo: Bullet Button)

The anti-gun czars of California have won. Their draconian gun laws are rolling out as we speak and today, Dec. 21st, is the last day that Golden State resident have to lawfully purchase AR-platform rifles equipped with a “bullet button.”

A bullet button is a mechanical lock that prevents detachable magazines from releasing without a key or other tool—including the tip of a bullet—effectively converting a detachable magazine into a fixed magazine.

Bullet buttons and other similar devices were a popular and cost-effective way for Californians to make their modern rifles compliant with state law prior to the passage of SB 880 and AB 1135, which, signed into law over the summer, outlaws their existence starting Jan. 1, 2017.

Since California residents must undergo a 10-day waiting period, known as the DROS (Dealer Record of Sale) process, the purchase must be made today, Dec. 21st, so that the buyer can receive their firearm on Dec. 31st, before the ban kicks in and bullet-button rifles are officially considered “assault rifles” under California law.

But wait, it gets worse.

Last week, the California Dept. of Justice released “emergency regulations” with respect to standard capacity magazines holding more than 10 rounds.

“There are likely hundreds of thousands of large-capacity magazines in California at this time,” said the DOJ in its decree. “In recent years, there has been an increase in these types of firearms on the market. The Department therefore expects many gun owners to be affected by the new ban.”

The California DOJ has new requirements for obtaining and maintaining a “large capacity magazine permit,” new guidelines for addressing magazine conversion kits, new requirements for how one must “permanently alter” a magazine to accept no more than 10 rounds and new rules for the transfer and possession of multi-tube shotgun platforms.

Yeah, it’s nuts! As my friend Alan Korwin rightly points out, making legal firearms and firearm accessories illegal is infringement! There’re no two ways about it. Since injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere, this ought to put all gun owners on guard, not just those unfortunates who reside in Cali.

California residents: check out the DOJ’s “Finding of Emergency” decree if you want to ensure you’re adhering to the new regulations. Or, an even better idea, contact the czars and tell them to stick these ridiculous regulations where the sun don’t shine!!!

  • Dennis January 5, 2017, 2:12 pm

    The California DOJ is making bold moves here. I think they should take a step back, read the abstraction definition and then rethink their strategy entirely.

  • Richard January 2, 2017, 11:17 am

    It’s funny how every one is talking about how bad the gun laws are in Californua. This state just passed the biggest 2nd amendment gun grabbing legislation and the people of that state did it to them selves. They wanted to smoke pot so bad they voted in recreational pot smoking. It is still a federal law and it is still illegally to do regardless of what the states say. The DOJ is changing the questions on the forms for the pot smokers of this country. So don’t feel so bad for all those gun loving people in those states where the gun lowas are so harsh. In most cases theses are the states that have made recreational pot smoking ok. I would bet that all the gun grabbing politicians are laughing and high 5 ing each other over the passing of it. So don’t go down the road of legalized pot cause if you partake you will no longer be able to buy a gun either.

  • Tom S. December 24, 2016, 3:59 pm

    I will be 66 tomorrow and I am so glad that we finally have a President (after January 20). I have been sickened all my life by the progressive liberals taking over the country. We are so far gone, I fear we will never return. My wife and I went on a 35 day road trip with our Little Guy teardrop camper this summer, we purposely avoided California because of the whole mindset there. If it were to fall into the ocean we would not miss it. It is a shame, it has such beautiful sights, and a hell-of-a-lot of Good people, but the thinking there is twisted, to be kind. I know that if hc would have won the election, many more states would have followed suit. I look at how the demoncrats are handling the loss of the “tainted one” and it makes me sick! They are indeed a mutant political party.

  • Will Drider December 24, 2016, 11:29 am

    The high capacity permit is only for FFL nobody else can get one. Of course there is the standard cut out for LE officers to privately own the otherwise banned mags. You can bet sales of waterproof containers and shovels are very high!

  • Mike S. December 23, 2016, 10:32 pm

    Californians, sucks to be you.

  • Jerry December 23, 2016, 2:35 pm

    As a Californian & Benefactor NRA member, I always believe there is more that can be done to protect our rights. First and foremost, get informed & stay informed in a timely manner. Too many gunowners (liberal & conservative) in this state simply don’t know about pending legislation until it is too late for them to do anything about it. This leaves the rest of us at a severe disadvantage.

    We need people from every state to back us up and give us the numbers we need to fight this. I urge each and every gunowner out there, regardless of where you live, to consider backing the various California gun organizations (, CRPA, etc) now rather than later. Do not let this kind of behavior snowball into your states like it has with other non-firearms legislation. If it wasn’t for the electoral college, the entire country would have no way to fight off the dems and their antigun agenda.

    We need to focus our efforts on the big hitters of CA & NY. Those of you in free states should not take your freedom for granted. If you don’t get up and fight this now, with more than just words on the internet, you will have no ground to stand on and are no better than an anti.

  • Patriot December 23, 2016, 2:11 pm

    Don’t give up hope. Gun laws are getting less repressive and more “normal” in several states. Forget about California, Oregon, Washington, Delaware, New Jersey, New York and a few others. They elect idiots like PELOSI, Feinstein, Boxer, Schumer, and have idiot supporters such as Bloomberg and Soros and may never see the light. I feel confident Trump will make the situation much better. The “improved ” Supreme Court should also be a major improvement. Now that Hillary and OBAMA and many dumbass Dems are no longer in office, given a little time, there should be major improvements in most states and in the U.S.

  • Capn Stefano December 23, 2016, 1:56 pm

    All of you never Trumpers in Cali had better get on your knees and pray the man stays in office long enough to place several Constitutional Supreme Court Justices. It’s your only hope. Glad I left long ago for better pastures

  • Joel December 23, 2016, 12:01 pm

    James Hetfield, lead singer of Metallica just moved to Colorado because of Kalfornia’s new laws. Just hope Colorado pulls its head out and gets rid of there stupid ass laws. They are not inforced anyway.

  • John December 23, 2016, 10:48 am

    Just move out of California, the state is over populated, over priced, broke and turning brown.

    • Jake December 23, 2016, 7:09 pm

      We shouldn’t have to move from one state to another. I believe it is more than past time for the PRO-Gun, Hunters, etc. to start going on the offensive in regards to this RETARDED IDIOTS. How much more B.S. do we as law abiding citizens have to take? What is it they (the anti-gun politicians) planning that makes us (the pro-2nd Amendment hunters, CCW carriers, Competition shooters, and recreation Shooters) such a threat? Surely even those RETARDED IDIOTS know that gun restriction laws do not prevent crimes. So if these laws do not prevent crimes, than the only other explanation would be they have something up there sleeve, that would not be able to happen while citizens are allowed to posses firearms.

    • Jake December 23, 2016, 7:11 pm

      We shouldn’t have to move from one state to another. I believe it is more than past time for the PRO-Gun, Hunters, etc. to start going on the offensive in regards to this RETARDED IDIOTS. How much more B.S. do we as law abiding citizens have to take? What is it they (the anti-gun politicians) planning that makes us (the pro-2nd Amendment hunters, CCW carriers, Competition shooters, and recreation Shooters) such a threat? Surely even those RETARDED IDIOTS know that gun restriction laws do not prevent crimes. So if these laws do not prevent crimes, than the only other explanation would be they have something up there sleeve, that would not be able to happen while citizens are allowed to posses firearms.

  • Mister Ronald December 23, 2016, 10:03 am

    Crap-A-Fornia and Mary-Land have the right idea. The gun laws in these states as well as Washington Dirty City and New Jerksee are keeping crimes out of these states.
    These laws keep the criminals from having the deadly assault semi-Automatic weapons as well as the Muslim Refugee terrorists.
    All of these states are as safe as Chicago due to these great gun control laws.
    I’m sure all of the gang bang thugs as well as convicted felons and car jackers, Home invaders as well as people bent on committing suicide well comply to these safety regulations 100%. .
    I’m guessing very few gun owners in California are smart enough to join the N.R.A.
    If every gun owner in America would sign up, these problems may never happen. Turn five million into 100+ million and watch how thing will change.

  • Michael Keim December 23, 2016, 9:52 am

    I’m sure all the criminals out there, especially the illegal gang members,will obey this law and everything will be perfect out there in Looney Land.

  • No Mas Ilegales December 23, 2016, 9:11 am

    California. I went to school there for five years and couldn’t wait to get the hell out. This story, and what it represents in terms of the misguided thinking of California politicians, is proof positive that the Electoral College functioned flawlessly in the most recent election. Can you imagine our entire country governed in the same manner as California? Neither can I. Thank you, Founding Fathers, for the wisdom and insight of our Bill of Rights and the formation of a fair and balanced approach to electing our Presidents.

  • RTM December 23, 2016, 8:12 am

    There has been talk recently of California wanting to secede from the USA. I say let them. They are so far left they’re about to fall off the continent anyway. I live in MD which we call “California East” so I know all to well that these stupid laws can and will happen in other states if we don’t stand together against them. Here we already have outrageous gun laws that rival those of CA and I’m sure this year there will be many more brought to the table. Only by standing together can we defeat these idiots from the left.

    • MAN December 23, 2016, 11:11 am

      It is not only our second that has been “liberally” stepped upon. The same tactics are used on our families. For if your child states my parents hit me and they have guns in the house to their “teachers” you will have the S’S at your doorstep. And they follow their own Constitution…anyone that does not speak to them and provide them with everything that is asked of them is reported as being HOSTILE. Once you are a hostile you can be taken to court and if your are found guilt of domestic assault it’s turn in Your guns time. Circumvention! !

    • Richard OchoaI December 23, 2016, 11:33 am

      I just don’t see HOW ANY state can get away with these kind of bull$hit laws??? The Constitution says The Right To Bear Arms Shall NOT Be Infringed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don’t they understand plain & Simple English??????

      • Richard OchoaI December 23, 2016, 11:40 am

        If I can’t make a plain & simple TRUTHFUL comment without you deleting it, Take me off of your List!!!!!

  • Charles December 23, 2016, 7:31 am

    As much as this is asenine to have happened I’m not surprised or saddened for the residence of California. There history and totally liberal behavior and no one in the state with a pair this was a done deal. They got what there lack of actions deserved.
    Let this be a lesson to the rest of us, do NOTHING and this is you result for your state. These people are ignorant and need some one to blame for there own inability to face the truth about Guns and the current laws governing them. Live on 2A

  • Tarheel Realist December 23, 2016, 4:31 am

    Kalifonia’s egregious infringement of the 2nd Amendment is unbelievable…I bet Soros and (Nanny) Bloomberg are doubling down saying, “one down…forty-nine more to go”.

    Living in NC I cannot fathom this ever occurring, however like Rainbow’s classic “Can’t Happen Here”, it can and does…just ask a CA resident.

    To those Californians who cherish the 2nd Amendment, I urge you to fight these Totalitarian Pols. and work to repeal these draconian laws…I would even go so far as to lend (albeit limited) financial support to this endeavor.

  • So2beOutlaw December 23, 2016, 4:16 am

    With the stroke of a pen… millions of law abiding citizens will now be Outlaws.

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