Gun-running CA State Sen. Leland Yee Pleads Guilty to Racketeering

Former California state senator Leland Yee, who was charged with conspiracy to deal firearms without a license and to illegally import firearms among many other charges, plead guilty to racketeering in federal court Wednesday.

Yee admitted that he “knowingly and intentionally agreed with another person” to illegally affect state commerce. He also acknowledged he changed his plea to guilty under no duress, and that he is aware of his guilt.

“Are you pleading guilty of your own free will because you are guilty,” asked U.S. District Judge Charles Breyer.

“I am,” Yee responded.

Yee was the focus of a nearly four-year FBI investigation, which, under false pretenses, enlisted his help to smuggle automatic weapons and shoulder-fired rockets into the country through such channels as Islamic terror groups.

The racketeering charges came after Yee attempted to extort campaign contributions from an NFL team owner. He was charged with one count of “conspiracy to conduct affairs of an enterprise through a pattern of racketeering activity,” and two counts of conspiracy “to obtain property under the color of official right.”

Yee faces up to 20 years in prison along with substantial fines. The official sentence will be handed down on Oct. 21.

(This article was a submission by freelance writer Brent Rogers)

  • gary June 9, 2017, 10:36 am

    why all the OLD NEWS????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  • General Lee July 7, 2015, 3:12 pm

    This is one serious low life along with his criminal coward buddies. I remember this loser getting on tv always trying to enact anti gun laws and saying we need to make all guns illegal and look what he was doing, he owned guns, illegally of course and was trafficking weapons. He was the first pussy to make a deal, then the rest also did the same. He should have gotten life in prison as any of the rest of us, would have been given life sentences. I am sure he was committing more crimes they did not catch him for or did not bother with since he made took a deal and the worthless DA’s only care about getting a notch on their belt instead of true justice. I hope this guy and the rest get passed around by Bubba and his pals learning man on man lust. lol

  • Leonardo Cannone3 July 6, 2015, 7:02 pm

    Apparently Yee has no problem with fully automatic weapons as well as personal missle launchers and other sorted weaponry. It’s the so called “assault ” rifle and other semi autos along with mags greater than 10 rounds, that get’s his ire up. The frigging hippocrit! I hope he rots in jail. What a prick.

    • General Lee July 7, 2015, 3:15 pm

      He was always crying on tv saying we needed more anti gun control laws and look at this coward. I hope he meets Bubba in prison and gets passed around like a cigarette. Yet he was selling guns, and more

  • Larry July 6, 2015, 2:26 pm

    Bet this little leftist gets way less than 20 years in the slammer. He’ll probably get a suspended sentence (time served?) & some kind of touchy feely community service.

    • Andrew Jackson July 7, 2015, 3:18 pm

      What a low life, who was always enacting anti gun laws and he had some serious illegal weapons. It is sad the useless DA’s give these losers deals, where if it was a regular citizen they would get life in prison. I hope he does serve out 20 years but I really doubt it, since he was a dirty politician he gets some special treatment. I hope even if he does 1 year in prison, let Big Bubba give him some deep love and pass him around. Disgusting bastard dirty politician!

  • ChiGurh July 6, 2015, 1:13 pm

    He’s actually a double hypocrite. He was the senator who over ten years ago tried to ban violent video game sales to kids. He brought more violence to the kids than any game could.

  • j. renfroe July 6, 2015, 9:21 am

    He’s in California. Probably won’t spend one year in prison and will use slush fund money for any fines. Another slap on the wrist for political lawbreakers. Plea deals like this STINK. 10% penalty for 500% of the crimes. Politicos now days DO believe that they are above the laws that we common people believe we have to follow.

  • j. renfroe July 6, 2015, 9:21 am

    He’s in California. Probably won’t spend one year in prison and will use slush fund money for any fines. Another slap on the wrist for political lawbreakers. Plea deals like this STINK. 10% penalty for 500% of the crimes. Politicos now days DO believe that they are above the laws that we common people believe we have to follow.

    • BDub July 6, 2015, 7:01 pm

      My pet theory is that he is pleading guilty now so as to be eligible for Presidential pardon in 2016.

  • John July 2, 2015, 10:24 pm

    Aren’t liberal democrats great. What a hypocrite. But ,on the bright side, he finally gets his wish. He will spend the rest of his life in a gun free utopia. We call it prison. A nice place to be weak and defenseless. Liberals say that criminals are victims of society. Now he’s one. GOOD LUCK SCUMBAG , YOUR GONNA NEED IT!

    • Joe Folsom July 6, 2015, 5:48 am

      They are hypocrites only if you believe they say. What they do is consistent with their intention of control. It is all about control. Has nothing to do with helping or protecting the masses. It has everything to do with controlling them.

    • j. renfroe July 6, 2015, 9:20 am

      He’s in California. Probably won’t spend one year in prison and will use slush fund money for any fines. Another slap on the wrist for political lawbreakers. Plea deals like this STINK. 10% penalty for 500% of the crimes. Politicos now days DO believe that they are above the laws that we common people believe we have to follow.

    • Duane11 July 7, 2015, 2:30 pm

      Do you really think he will spend his time in a normal prison? He will end up in a posh criminal detention center like so many other convicted privileged political hacks.

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