Bus Driver Refuses Purple Heart Recipient Because Of Service Dog

A war veteran and Purple Heart recipient was denied access to a New Jersey transit bus because the driver didn’t want his service dog coming on board.

Staff Sergeant Daniel Wright lost the usage of his left arm after an IED exploded during a tour in Iraq and now uses the aid of his military-designated service dog “Tank” to help him get around, but one New Jersey bus driver didn’t care about that.

“I was actually just trying to come home from school,” said Wright. “I got to he bus and I [put my hand up as usual. Everyone was getting on the bus and I went to get on and he slammed the doors.”

Wright tried explaining to the driver, through closed doors, that the dog wasn’t just a pet, but that it was a service dog. Still, the driver said “no.”

“No dogs allowed on the bus,” the driver told Wright.

Wright pointed out that the dog was wearing a U.S. Army vest and also displayed his dog tags, saying, “This is my handicap-service dog.”

The driver responded by speeding away.

New Jersey Transit apologized to Wright, assuring him they will conduct an investigation into the matter and take “appropriate measures.”

Tank helps Wright with his PTSD, fetching medicine, walking beside him, pushing buttons for him, grabbing bottles of water from the fridge, and even helping him during panic attacks.

Hopefully the situation will be remedied and there won’t be any issues the next time Wright tries to take public transit with Tank. After all, he has more than earned the right to take his service dog any where he pleases.

(Freelance writer Brent Rogers authored this story)

  • Mr. Sparkles August 13, 2017, 8:40 am

    I hate to put all NJ in one pot but that does not surprise me that this example of efficacious rule compliance comes from that state. While on business there for over a year I was subjected to or saw many examples of how self centered and arrogant people can be.

  • Dave June 11, 2016, 3:25 pm

    I stopped at New Jersey. No more explanation necessary.

  • Earl lerch December 12, 2015, 8:21 pm

    We need to start helping our vets more ,and less on welfar and Muslims coming into our country

  • T August 24, 2015, 10:56 am

    This article reported this guy has as a Marine. I’m calling BS on this. There’s is no way in hell a United States Marine would have “Army Service Dog”, bogus chevrons, and ACU patterned stuff on his dog. He’d have the Eagle, Globe, and Anchor plus Devil Dog etc. he’d have MarPat or digicam (look it up) camo on his pup too.

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