Bump Stock Your Glock with the Fast Fire Device on Indiegogo

in 2nd Amendment – R2KBA, Max Slowik, Rapid Fire, This Week

Weapons developer Colin Despins has been working on a very clever and potentially very hot-button project, building a bump-stock for pistols. It’s more of a bump trigger housing by the looks of it, and it’s for sale for $299.

“Over the past two years I have been involved in developing a device of my own,” explains Despins. “A device that will deliver (legal) full-auto-like joy to the freedom-loving masses.”

“I hope you have enjoyed our brief video demonstration, which illustrates just a fraction of what the device is capable of. Whats special about it?”

Bump Stock Your Glock with the Fast Fire Device on Indiegogo

The strange and exciting FFD-H. (Photo: Fast Fire Device/Indiegogo)

“This exciting new fast-fire device, or FFD-H, can be readily added and removed from the host firearm in seconds and without any tools,” Despins said, and “the FFD-H allows for a handgun to achieve a full auto like rate of fire.”

With the present assault on bump-fire assistance devices, Despins and his team decided to take their prototype design and throw it into rapid production.

“Currently, the FFD-H is optimized for use with a Glock 17, or full-size Lone Wolf Frame,” he explained. “The FFD-H may be modified by the end user to work with a tremendous variety of other host weapons. We simply don’t have the time find out which.”

“There are politicians scrambling at the opportunity to take away our firearms-related freedoms … and that’s frustrating,” said Despin. “So today I decided, f–ck it, I’m crowdfunding this thing!”

The crowdfunded project will run through the next several weeks. There are no perks, no necessary goals, just fast-fire devices, and shipping is included.

As the project develops Despin will post highlights to the Max Venom Product Group on Instagram. Right now, the project doesn’t have much in terms of backers. This is likely due to a handful of issues.

See Also: Trump Orders DOJ to Ban Bump Stocks

It’s possible that, due to political pressures, Indiegogo may shut down the project. Many pro-gun crowdfunded projects have been canceled by project hosts for less. Buyers might also be wary of being tracked and targeted for buying these after the fact.

Also, technical details about the FFD-H are in short supply. The project is still in the concept stage and no one has a clear picture of the final product beyond its developers. Unlike bump stocks, which are widely enjoyed and understood, there is an air of mystery about this entirely new product.

But if it shapes up, it will force people to re-think what bump-firing is, and possibly, what it means for firearms regulations to be.

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  • Duke July 14, 2018, 9:59 am

    Sorry but that max venom instagram depicts nothing but tactard bs.

  • Aaron March 4, 2018, 12:04 am

    OR, you can use a wooden dowel for $1 and insert in to the trigger guard. Hold the dowel with one hand and the pistol with the other. EZ PZ. Lots of those vid’s on youtube as well. A helluva a lot cheaper than $300

  • 224me March 3, 2018, 8:10 pm

    let’s see. If another person’s comments is not to your liking, instead of a fact bases response you act like a kid fighting on the playground and just use name calling to prove your viewpoint.
    Has anyone else noticed that the firearm in the video has no device fitted to it? Or that the picture of the device itself is a computer generated image?
    dear Chairman the web. Got to the seller different web sites and stuff. You will not find any image of the part or of a firearm with it on it.
    looks to be complete vapor wear!
    Go ahead and prove me wrong.
    And as for Endego killing the campaign. Well anyone reading their terms and conditions would know it would be flagged.
    I wonder what game is afoot?

    • 224me March 3, 2018, 8:13 pm

      Sorry about the Chairman stuff… Stupid smart phone putting words in my mouth.

    • rc March 5, 2018, 2:49 pm


  • Grandpa Boomer March 3, 2018, 10:50 am

    I don’t have the experience Tom Hobbs does, but have been shooting about as long and agree with his point of view 100%. I don’t see any reason for a trigger enhancer like this as it only adds fuel to the anti-gunner’s fire. If we’re going to keep our gun rights, we have to show some common sense.

  • Tom Hobbs March 2, 2018, 11:09 pm

    I can see a sad accident at the range with this. I’m not a fan of the bumpstock, if you want one it’s your money you’re burning shooting the gun. This goes on a handgun. Some fool is gonna get one and shoot his buddy or buddy shoots him.
    I’ve been shooting for over 57 years. I did my service in the army, worked LEO, and as a civilian. I just don’t like these gadgets on guns. If I want rapid fire, I pull the trigger faster.

    • Scotty Gunn March 3, 2018, 2:08 pm

      Bet many said exactly what you just said when the semi-auto pistols started to take over the industry. No need for a new fangled self loading gun, you will just hurt yourself.
      Confound it man, what’s wrong with a good single shot musket?

    • Fed Up March 3, 2018, 11:45 pm

      thats stupid what do you think he is doing?? he IS merely ‘pulling the t5rigger faster’ DUH!

      • David Gridley May 24, 2020, 1:22 pm

        I’d buy a echo 2 trigger before a bump stock anyday

  • e March 2, 2018, 10:41 pm

    Wouldn’t need to have devices like this if you were still able to get new automatics. I’d go through the paperwork, back round checks, wait, and my tax stamp. However the guns that are available are out of the price range of most. For the occasional range trip, it’s a lot to justify the $20,000 price tag. $2,000-5,000 would be more like it for a decent modern full auto. Just something to shoot occasionally. Yes I can go to a local gun range that has the latest and greatest but that’s 4+ hours away. Over a lifetime I’d rather buy my own. I don’t need it, but I’m willing to get one legally. Only the wealthy will be able to own one soon. Is that the way of a “FREE STATE”.
    Bad timing on this item for sure. I agree it’s fuel for the fire. That doesn’t mean we should stop innovating and work within the laws that we are bound by. Maybe people shouldn’t be close minded and tell others what they enjoy should be taken. Their life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness hindered because someone may get hurt by improper use. If that’s the case then we are all in big trouble. The list of things that could harm someone is endless. If we are going to remove every dangerous thing from society then it will be a very boring place.

    • Mike V March 5, 2018, 5:30 pm

      They lie when they say they don’t want to take your guns.
      They could easily allow new manufactured class 3 and leave all the red tape in place.
      They wont.
      They really just don’t want you to have them.

    • David Gridley May 24, 2020, 1:24 pm

      Echo trigger on classic firearms for 379 for three settings one and 259 for the two setting one and they shoot 10rounds per 1.8 seconds

  • Thinklonger March 2, 2018, 9:30 pm

    Just curious how many think a ‘full auto’ type mod would actually be a benefit in most scenarios? I think you could argue bump stocks or similar mods would give an active shooter a disadvantage. Poor accuracy and greatly increased need to reload, greater risk of jams, vs higher volume of fire. It would be very scenario dependent on how closely packed the targets are, the amount of cover and concealment for the victims, etc.

    • Rob March 6, 2018, 3:49 pm

      This guys looks like he has pretty strong forearms and a tight push/pull grip and that muzzle still rises high and fast

  • Dan March 2, 2018, 8:30 pm

    All of you idiots that say ANY of the items that allow pseudo-full auto shooting to be enjoyed by those not fortunate enough to be able to afford the artificially high price of legal NFA admission are plain & simple assholes. ALL firearms should be legal, including NFA items, without exception, period. I am lucky enough to legally possess several Class III firearms, and paid a pretty penny to join that club, but would gladly take the loss on my investment for the repeal of the illegally imposed Hughes amendment. We used to be able to buy Browning belt-feds at the local hardware store. It should be that way still!

  • Kyle March 2, 2018, 8:08 pm

    Indiegogo cut it short, imagine that!

  • Dan March 2, 2018, 7:00 pm

    Does it come in pink??

  • Joel M March 2, 2018, 4:57 pm

    Since when did the 2nd amendment pertain to hunting guns. I thought it protects all Arms.

  • Dave Brown March 2, 2018, 1:39 pm

    Me, 53 years a Shooter, brought in at 13 years old by the NRA as they use to be about Attraction into the Sports of Firearms. Key word is use to be. I own most anything that goes bang. I have a number of Pistol Arm Braces on some AKs, MACs, and a few others, one is a Sig Brace and simply insert a proper fighting Pistol. Great fun, but I wondered what the ATF was smoking the day they said they were ok for US. Now I picked up more Braces as I figured the would rescind the ok someday Of course I never Should Them as that makes them a SBR. Plus I never ever make my MACs Bump Fire, and Climb The Pole.

    Now as for Bump Stocks on an AK or AK, they should never have been approved, and you all know it. You all said, But one now as they will change there mind. Time has come, and 21 ain’t that big a deal, and that comes from a guy the had a Draft Card in 1969 for Vet Nam, number was 252……………………………

    • Dan Christians March 2, 2018, 4:29 pm

      Dave, we’re same age, been shooting as long as you, US Navy in Gulf of Tonkin in 1969 (lucky cause draft # was #18) we don’t need this shit or want it. Indiegogo should know better. A FFD looks like it could be built for $20 (they now have 3D metal fabrication machines), too easy for some OEM knockoff to capitalize on a $299 accessory.

    • Chuck Yech March 2, 2018, 9:03 pm

      Mine was 018

    • e March 2, 2018, 11:01 pm

      “Looks like you are hitting the age were you should have your drivers license removed for every ones safety.” See how this could go?
      Even with a difference of opinion. I’d like to thank you for your service, so that we can have differences and discussion openly.
      Freedom isn’t free and every little bit we give up has to gained back through hard work and strife.

  • John CG March 2, 2018, 1:14 pm

    Insanity. That is all I can think of to describe the timing of this news release and the product itself. I am a Conservative Republican, a gun owner and an NRA member. This clearly circumvents the laws which dictate the illegality of fully auto weapons. After the Las Vegas massacre and now the dreadful Florida school shootings, publishing this type of thing can only throw gasoline on the flames of the anti-gun movement. GunsAmerica, you are defeating your own audience!

    • e March 2, 2018, 11:09 pm

      Boston marathon was done with pots and pans. Thinking that it’s the weapons fault is insane. The great Griddle Ban of 2018! News at 11!!!

      • Fed Up March 3, 2018, 11:49 pm


  • Reb March 2, 2018, 12:09 pm

    Looks like a novelty item that would sell well. I consider those commenters moralizing about ownership of this item to be short a few I.Q. points. If you want to moralize about mass shootings and gun ownership, start by addressing our perverted American culture and the liberal elites (media and educational institutions included) that molded our present day culture. The problem is with what is in the head, not the tool that is used.

  • Bill T. March 2, 2018, 12:00 pm

    When did the herd of sheep march into the room?

  • MikeM March 2, 2018, 10:43 am

    Where does it fit? An internal part? Seems like alot of money for a tiny piece of plastic.

  • Jennings Bunn II March 2, 2018, 9:41 am

    This “bump stock” should never be allowed nor sold. This is sheer stupidity on any firearm, as well as “silencers”. Although I am a life member of NRA, I am against such devices, and feel that NRA should not promote such.

    • tim Zetterwall March 2, 2018, 10:32 am

      You are 100% correct! I am also a NRA member!

      • Wzrd March 2, 2018, 11:36 am

        Omg! You guys are both NRA members?! Then your opinion counts more than non NRA member gun owners. Good for you. Are you members of Fudds Unlimited too?

    • Dave March 2, 2018, 10:57 am

      As an NRA life-member, I’m surprised that you don’t know that a suppressor is NOT a “silencer”.
      A little education would go a long way in this regard.

      I do think that this particular device is dumb, though.

    • Ross March 2, 2018, 11:57 am

      No such thing as a “silencer”. There are devices made to protect your hearing by lowering the decibel level because once you lose your hearing….it’s gone.

    • Bill T. March 2, 2018, 11:59 am

      Sounds like you need to buy yourself and extra tube of Vagasil.

    • Rouge1 March 2, 2018, 12:20 pm

      Seems reasonable that you are and anti second nra member since most of our unconstitutional gun laws were supported by the Nra and fools like you.

    • Area 52 March 2, 2018, 4:47 pm

      I’,m an NRA member too and you are 100% wrong.

    • Joel M March 2, 2018, 5:03 pm

      The exact reason I no longer am a NRA member. I will still fight to keep your 2A rights even if your not going to stand up for mine.

    • e March 2, 2018, 11:50 pm

      Troll, How about getting over your own selfishness and look at the big picture. Do we need this item? That’s up for debate. It is bad timing? According to some, and at a glance it is. Look deeper and this type of innovation shows everyone that the free spirit can’t be stopped. An evil few should not ruin freedom for anyone. Even if it angers some that don’t agree. Time to ban together,
      even if we can’t always see things the same way. “The country is dividing”or is it? The media wants chaos, it sells.

    • Fed Up March 3, 2018, 11:52 pm


    • JD March 5, 2018, 7:08 am

      I’m also a NRA member and I say we give up not one more inch. Devices like this come about because of unconstitutional gun laws passed by a tyrannical government. I will concede the government has the authority to tax but they do not have the authority to tax an item protected under the Constitution to make it difficult to own. They absolutely do not have constitutional authority to ban an entire class of arms like they did in 86. They have zero constitutional authority to ban firearms accessories. As NRA members you need to get your heads out of your asses. Compromising with the left on gun rights is stupid. Why should we give up anything much less something to those who have zero authority to infringe on the right to bear arms in the first place.

  • Karl Vanhooten March 2, 2018, 8:45 am

    Designing and trying to sell a device on a pistol to autofire is retarded…especially now..

    • Rouge1 March 2, 2018, 12:21 pm

      Yea you dont want to piss off the evil empire.

  • Area 52 March 2, 2018, 8:09 am

    I applaud their efforts in offering an alternative to class 3 select fire firearms. However with the current administration hell bent on banning the bump stock, along with the democrats and some GOP members of congress, in addition to states banning bump stocks with no grandfathering, and local ranges and gun clubs shunning them, I don’t think its a wise idea to buy unless you want to buy something to register or to bury.

  • flintman50 March 2, 2018, 7:30 am

    I like it…Free enterprise….Put it out there…..Come on sheeple

  • JGinNJ March 2, 2018, 6:37 am

    Are these inventors trying to promote the repeal of the 2nd amendment? There is zero stomach in the US for repeal of the onerous regulations regarding automatic weapons and clever efforts to get around the rules will just inspire further demands that governments intervene.

    • Jennings Bunn II March 2, 2018, 9:46 am

      I totally agree!

    • Dewey March 2, 2018, 10:57 am

      Watch yourself, common sense and logic are mostly shunned on Guns’Murica.

    • J March 2, 2018, 11:50 am

      You can’t repeal the second amendment, it was given to us by our creator.

  • Tom March 2, 2018, 4:23 am

    The only problem (outside of political considerations) is that pistols designed to be semi-auto, don’t do well in a full-auto environment. The pistols tend to break after awhile. I used to work at Ruger at Prescott (their semi-auto facility) at the range.

    We’d receive guns for T&E (all guns made at Ruger went through this) and some would go full-auto. They’d all break at some point.

    I would think, for a semi-auto gun to survive the stresses of full-auto fire, you’d have to replace certain parts (at least springs) prior to using this device and watching your bank account melt before your very eyes.

    Too bad about the timing of this thing.

  • Ramon J Martinez March 2, 2018, 3:58 am

    Waste of time. Waste of ammo. Waste of money. If you can afford to burn the ammo, you can afford an NFA firearm to shoot it. Not to mention the abuse the firearm takes in that kind of operation and the potential for out-of-control disaster. Grow up!

    • Mike V March 2, 2018, 6:07 am

      I don’t think one would use it often enough for it to be that expensive with the ammo.
      A novelty that you take out every so often.

      • Karl Vanhooten March 2, 2018, 8:48 am

        Guns are tools, not toys. They are deadly and meant to be. When I start treating my pistols and rifles as “novelties,” then the government needs to come pick them up.

        • Mike V March 2, 2018, 10:14 am

          Seriously, it’s mostly a hobby, I almost always go to the range for fun. I’m not a cop or a special forces ninja.
          Do I try to be proficient and understand what I’m doing so I can be useful for the “cause”, sure. But more often than not I shoot because I like to.

    • Levi March 2, 2018, 8:42 am

      Are you saying that if you can afford $200 for a case of 9mm, you can afford a $200.00 NFA stamp and a $15,000.00 pre-ban G18? That’s asinine. Who needs to grow up? You’re adorable.

      • Wzrd March 2, 2018, 11:39 am


  • Dewey March 2, 2018, 1:10 am

    Bump-stock an auto pistol? Maybe combine this with a rail-mounted flame thrower? You guys are our own worst f—ing enemy.