CRAZY VIDEO: Brooklyn Father, Son Killed Over Noise Dispute

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

An incident has left the Brooklyn, NY, community in shock as a father and son were killed in their apartment building, allegedly by a downstairs neighbor over noise dispute, reports NBCNY.

The victims, identified by family members as 47-year-old Bladimy Mathurin and his 27-year-old son, Chinwai Mode, were discovered on the fourth floor of their apartment building just after 10:30 p.m. on Sunday.

Preliminary investigations indicate that their downstairs neighbor, enraged by noise, confronted the duo.

This confrontation tragically escalated, resulting in the neighbor allegedly firing nine rounds, hitting and fatally wounding both father and son.

Marie Delilles, who was present during the incident, recounted the horrifying scene to in an interview with ABC7NY.

Delilles stated that the disgruntled resident had been banging on his ceiling, expressing anger about the noise from the apartment above.

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This confrontation, she recalled, spiraled out of control, with the suspect discharging his weapon in front of her terrified 10-year-old child.

The family, originally from Haiti, had recently downsized from a larger apartment.

This adjustment was particularly challenging for Delilles’ younger children, with disputes about noise having persisted for years.

Mickael Louis, a close family friend, expressed his disbelief over the incident.

“Kids make noise all the time, it doesn’t dictate for someone to come up with a firearm and take someone’s life,” he told ABC7NY.

With the alleged shooter still at large, no arrests have been made. The NYPD is investigating, urging anyone with information to come forward.

The East Flatbush community and the family of the victims are now left to grapple with their grief and unanswered questions.

Mrs. Delilles lamented, “My son is a good boy…he’s not violent. My husband has no gun, no weapon, why would you bring your gun to shoot my family? Why would you bring a gun to tear my family apart?”

Update: Nov. 1, 2023

Police fatally shot the suspect, 47-year-old Jason Pass, during a traffic stop early Wednesday.

Pass became the focus of a traffic stop on Bay 44th Street when authorities identified a hit on his license plate.

When officers approached, the situation escalated rapidly.

“He charged at them with a knife,” a source from the police department disclosed to the New York Post, labeling the act as a form of “suicide.”

Pass, who was critically wounded in the confrontation after being shot four times—including three shots to the chest—was rushed to NYU Langone Hospital. He would not survive the encounter.

Describing the intense moment, police officials mentioned that Pass, armed with a 6-inch knife, raced “full sprint” towards the officers.

“He didn’t give us a choice,” remarked a spokesperson for the NYPD.

Notably, Pass, a former correction officer, had been identified by authorities as the prime suspect behind the tragic murders.

Updates will be provided as this story continues to unfold.

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  • Hondo November 4, 2023, 7:59 am

    That apartment dwelling is probably a little bit better now that they have been removed.

  • WT November 3, 2023, 6:34 pm

    That’s why you don’t bring scissors to a gun fight 😳

  • WT November 3, 2023, 6:29 pm

    That’s what happens when you bring scissors to a gun fight 🤯

  • Todd November 3, 2023, 11:47 am

    🤔”… why would you bring your gun to shoot my family? Why would you bring a gun to tear my family apart?”🧐

    Well, I don’t know about the gun but DO NOT act like you don’t know what happened!

    “… Delilles’ younger children, with disputes about noise having persisted for years.”

  • John November 3, 2023, 11:01 am

    He’s watched too many John Wick movies.

  • PAD November 3, 2023, 10:47 am

    Don’t they have laws about disturbing the piece in New York? How can anyone be so stupid If Noise is a problem call 911

  • Benjamin Flanagan November 3, 2023, 10:40 am

    I at one time lived in an apartment building with concrete floors and you could not hear people above or below you. What happened to the father and son is regrettable and sad. In my 86 years on this planet I have read about confrontations many times about such things but not always leading to murder. Today there are many sound deadening materials that could be applied when newly constructed apartments are built that can prevent this sort problem from happening again.

  • Er November 3, 2023, 10:00 am

    So now she’s demanding justice after slamming the door on her man, who was used for target practice

  • Jason Wissbrod November 3, 2023, 9:57 am

    Comments here are insane today. That was murder. He double tapped both men, who weren’t fighting back, and were not armed. They were walking away.

    • Brian Miller December 10, 2023, 9:01 pm

      Exactly. This wasn’t self-defense, it wasn’t a case of someone getting what they deserved, it was a straight up execution. I’m also unsurprised the guy was an ex-authoritarian.

  • Bushpilot07 November 3, 2023, 9:27 am

    Anybody notice the pair of scissors he had in his hand during the confrontation? He could have probably pled self-defense until he went over to the man and shot him again.

  • Chris Stevens November 3, 2023, 9:12 am

    There are very few things more irritating and frustrating than incessant, intrusive noise emanating from adjoining living spaces. I got a small taste of that when traveling and not knowing I had been placed in a motel room close to the “fitness room”, which had low-key signage indicating it was anything more than just another room. I learned differently at O’Dark-Thirty when the treadmills cranked up. Absolutely impossible to ignore or mitigate. Luckily, I could check-out early.

  • Albert Brock November 3, 2023, 9:10 am

    Probably be more quiet now.

  • Rex Dickerson November 3, 2023, 8:54 am

    One thing is for sure, the shooter was black or the legacy media would’ve been screaming White supremacist!

    • Snug November 5, 2023, 10:41 am

      Yeah, Just ” a bald male” jesus christ, that fuckin narrows it down!

  • Max Powers November 3, 2023, 8:14 am

    The responsible hunter stands over their kill.
    The responsible policeman stands over their kill.
    The responsible gun owner stands over their kill.
    I continue to struggle with others who resort to firearm usage for conflict resolution that either run away, or as this person did, re-enter his apartment (don’t know the whole circumstance, just appeared he wasn’t planning on coming back out and standing over his kill).
    It is the runners away, the walkers away, the irresponsible in general that continue to feed the push towards MORE gun laws/gun control.
    I’d really like to see some interviews with irresponsible runners/walkers away to try to understand why they are not standing over their kill. If anyone has any good ones, reply with a link. Please.

  • Gus November 3, 2023, 8:13 am

    It is like that everywhere here in California. People are unhinged. Driving daily has become a sport where you’re avoiding and deescalating road rage situations left and right everywhere. In Oakland the infamous Bay Area city the situation couldn’t be more dire. Fast food joints closing their lobby cause of their irate customers, armed security at drive through, killings over not hot enough french fries, etc it is indeed challenging times everywhere !

  • Slim November 3, 2023, 7:52 am

    Funny thr husband had no weapon huh… clearly she’s a TOTAL LIAR as I can see CLEARLY in the crap video the SCISSORS he’s holding up that the dude who HAD NO GUN OUT AT ALL NOR WEAPONS IN HIS HANDS if you watch close can see the guy with the gun who CLEARLY WILL say he felt in fear for his life which is why he TOLD AND GESTURED with his fingers that he had a gun by doing the simple hand trigger pull gesture that the MORON AGGRESSOR father was TOO DUMB TO TAKE SERIOUSLY which IS why HE AND HIS STUPID KID ARE DEAD!!!!! If he hasn’t walked over and done the cu de gras over the dude then HE’D of walked FREE sibve the guy THREATENED him with SCISSORS but he can’t claim self defense when the dudes FACE DOWN with multiple shots in him with ZERO movement! But if it had been me, NO WAY I’d LET an AGRESSIVE dude that HIS OWN WIFE couldn’t control come BACK at me with the DEADLY SCISSORS as ONE swing of them WILL kill if hit in the correct spot or fit sure will if stabbed over and over so NOBODY knows what they would have done UNLESS YOU WERE THERE AT THAT EXACT SECOND! Dors look like he might of robbed the stupid son who RAN INTO THE GUYS GUN THAT HAD POINT BLANK SHOTS! DUDES GOING TO PRISON for MAX 20 years! The SCISSORS WILL LET HIM FREE SOONER THAN LATER IFFFF HE SERVES A DAY!

    • Dude November 3, 2023, 10:57 am

      You didn’t read the article, did you? No one is “going to prison.” They’re all dead, including the shooter.

    • Brian P November 3, 2023, 3:21 pm

      In addition to being illiterate, you are an idiot. Yes, the father did have scissors in his hand, but did not attempt to attack the shooter with them. It wasn’t until the wife pulled the father away a 2nd time and the father’s back was to the shooter that the shooter pulled his gun. The shooter then shot the father in the BACK, TWICE. It is NOT self defense if you shoot someone in the back from 6 feet away. The son is trying to duck & run away, not rush the shooter. He is hit 3 times and falls to the floor. AFTER the UNARMED son is on the floor, the shooter fired 2 more rounds into him. The shooter then fired a 3rd round INTO THE BACK of the father who was down on the floor, before EXECUTING him with a 4th shot to the head. NONE of the shooters actions were done in self defense. This is blatantly 2 counts of 1st degree murder.

      “But if it had been me, NO WAY I’d LET an AGRESSIVE dude that HIS OWN WIFE couldn’t control come BACK at me with the DEADLY SCISSORS…”
      So you are telling us that you would have shot a man in the back as he was walking away? Maybe you should be “GOING TO PRISON for MAX 20 years!”
      Oh, and by the way, as Dude already pointed out, no one is going to prison because the shooter is dead as well, after being killed by the police. If you had bothered to read the entire article you would have seen that, instead of making yourself look like a moron!

  • Tony November 3, 2023, 7:37 am

    Looks like that melting pot became a boiling pot.

  • Lewis November 3, 2023, 7:15 am

    This situation and most others like it can be directly related to over population. Stress , stress, stress…

    • Rouge1 November 3, 2023, 8:20 am

      Overpopulation, another leftist lie.

      • John Boutwell November 3, 2023, 9:43 am

        5 years before I was born world population was 2.6 billion, now it’s 8 billion +.
        Not liberal BS!

  • paul I'll call you what I want/1st Amendment November 2, 2023, 3:59 am

    Bet they won’t do that again

    • ejharbet November 5, 2023, 1:34 pm

      everyone is a good citizen in the grave. zombies excepted

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