Brave 14-Year-Old Girl Wields Knives to Help Catch Career Criminal

A 14-year-old girl in Middleboro, Massachusetts, heard someone breaking into her house Good Friday morning and “grabbed two kitchen steak knives and stood outside the door and started screaming at him,” reports CBS Boston.

This brave young girl was honor roll student Avery Cormier.

The perp she sent running was later identified as 58-year-old Joseph Ridge, a violent, career criminal with over 130 arraignments.

After breaking in through a garage window in broad daylight, Ridge ran off and got in his truck when Avery confronted him.

According to her mother, Avery screamed, “Get out of my house! Get out of my house! You don’t belong here!”

Thinking quickly, Avery recorded Ridge pulling away on her cell phone.

“I got him out of the house. I scared him. I took a video of his truck leaving so I have his license plate number,” Avery relayed to the 911 operator as Ridge fled the scene.  

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Using the footage that Avery provided to investigators, police tracked Ridge down and brought him in.

“A person who makes a decision to break into a home at 7:20 in the morning and terrorize a 14-year-old girl should not be out of jail,” Middleboro Police Chief Joseph Perkins told reporters during a press conference about the incident.

Avery was out of school because of Good Friday and was not harmed during the ordeal.

Ridge is being charged with aggravated breaking and entering, trespassing, attempted larceny, and disorderly conduct. 

Congratulations to Avery for thinking on her feet and having the courage to protect herself and her family.

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  • Alan October 6, 2022, 4:41 pm

    Push come to shove, when the state, aka government, fails to act, that leaves it up to the citizenry, or individual citizen to fill the breach. This being the case, one might well pose the following questions. One is, What are we, the citizenry, getting for our myriad tax dollars. Another is why are the citizenry getting such a poor return for value given?

  • Mont Schroeder May 9, 2022, 3:08 pm

    But the bribed off lefty judges and prosecutors will let him out to steal again. That’s how the leftycrats rule us…………!

  • James May 9, 2022, 10:04 am

    Remember… this is a leftist state with lenient laws; this perp will be back on the streets within 15 min. after being booked.
    Thanks to liberal lawmakers!!!

  • Bill May 9, 2022, 7:42 am

    The state of Massachusetts should be shown as totally incompetent when dealing with repeat offenders, and 130 or more arraignments are beyond belief. The people of that state have no choice but to protect themselves when the state cannot or will not. Absolutely beyond belief.

  • Hondo May 8, 2022, 4:03 pm

    Good job young lady, bluedouche he/clown would of wet himself if it was in the same situation. Lol

    • Dr Motown May 9, 2022, 7:49 am

      LOL! Love it!

    • Willie-O May 9, 2022, 1:36 pm

      I’m glad I’m not the only one on here that gets sick of read’n his liberal bs. No way blue dog turd/he/she/it has ever held, much less owns a firearm based on his positions.

  • Jim May 6, 2022, 10:56 am

    So name the prosecutors and Judges who let him out 160 times! Come on “Journalists”, should be easy to find in Public Records.

  • Donald Sigman Hall May 6, 2022, 9:54 am

    Minor in possession of dangerous weapons, disturbing the peace, threatening, only a few of the charges this 14 year old should be charged with in Massachusetts. No bail for her either and charged as an adult.
    This is what the scumbag libtardes want. It’s way past the time we need to fight back. They can call me whatever name they want, but I am and will fight back. It’s time to bring this to where they live, to their homes, like they bring to ours.
    Good luck young lady with your life and future and thank you for standing up and protecting your family and property, something everyone should do.

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