Beto Backtracks? ‘I’m Not Interested in Taking Anything from Anyone’

Beto Backtracks? 'I’m Not Interested in Taking Anything from Anyone'
Now, O’Rourke says he doesn’t want to take anyone’s guns. (Photo: Gage Skidmore, Flickr)

Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke is backpedaling as fast as he can from his infamous vow to confiscate lawfully owned guns from American citizens as he tries to secure the governor’s mansion in Texas.

Less than four months after he doubled-down on his gun confiscation scheme in an interview with the Texas Tribune, the hapless politician told an East Texas crowd this week that he’s “not interested” in taking anyone’s firearms.

“I’m not interested in taking anything from anyone. What I want to make sure that we do is defend the Second Amendment,” he said.

He then pivoted to criticize Texas Gov. Greg Abbott for supporting constitutional carry. O’Rourke has said he will repeal constitutional carry if elected governor.

“I want to make sure that we protect our fellow Texans far better than we’re doing right now. And that we listen to law enforcement, which Greg Abbott refused to do. He turned his back on them when he signed that permitless carry bill that endangers the lives of law enforcement in a state that’s seen more cops and sheriff’s deputies gunned down than in any other,” he told the crowd.

Just a few days after the event, he took to Twitter to reiterate his stance.

SEE ALSO: Beto O’Rourke Is Running for Governor of Texas, And He Still Wants to Take Your Guns

During a Democratic presidential debate in 2019, O’Rourke made headlines when he vowed to confiscate AR-15’s and AK-47’s.

“Hell, yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47,” he said. “We’re not going to allow it to be used against fellow Americans anymore.” The O’Rourke campaign immediately began using the clip to sell merchandise.

SEE ALSO: O’Rourke Just Gave the Green Light for Millions of New Hunt Clubs

As recently as November of 2021, O’Rourke told the Texas Tribune that he “won’t be backing down from his message on guns” and “people shouldn’t have access to assault rifles.”

“I think most of us also understand that we should not have military-style weapons used against our fellow Texans,” he said.

While it’s unclear whether Abbott will be the Republican candidate in this year’s Texas gubernatorial election, O’Rourke is unlikely to knock off whoever the GOP selects. He already lost a statewide Senate race to Sen. Ted Cruz, and polls show him trailing Abbott by 15 points.

Some of that dislike is doubtless related to O’Rourke’s stance on guns. In the months following his “Hell yes” statement, O’Rourke claimed to be reaching out to gun owners, who he said supported his confiscation policies. But an investigation by GunsAmerica revealed that O’Rourke lied and exaggerated about those conversations, and he appeared ignorant of even the most basic firearm laws.

  • Randy Rowley April 8, 2022, 9:26 am

    Liar, liar, pants on fire!

  • Waldo February 16, 2022, 2:35 am

    Butto… Sorry bud. You’re still as transparent as a fart in a fishbowl.
    And… You’re STILL a lying, stinking sack of goat turds.

    Let’s see how far your lies get you THIS time, honey…

  • [email protected] February 15, 2022, 11:40 pm

    Veto Beto!

  • DANNY R. BLACK February 15, 2022, 4:47 am


  • LGB February 14, 2022, 7:02 pm

    Willie Nelson endorsed this queer. That sh1t ain’t right.

  • Dan February 14, 2022, 1:09 pm

    Screw you, O’Rourke, or whatever your name is today.
    We have ears and we have memories. We know what you said and meant and you will NEVER hold office in this country!

  • CGA February 14, 2022, 12:14 pm

    It doesn’t matter what he says, he’ll say anything to get elected. If he did get elected (somehow), he would be after your guns again. Se’s a lying sack of F#*$ing Sh!#. He needs to get another resounding defeat next election. I wish I lived in Texas so I could vote against him.

    • LGB February 14, 2022, 6:58 pm

      I’ll do it for you , trust me

  • Trevor February 14, 2022, 10:26 am

    Flip flopping Francis. Just like any other Democrat, he’ll say whatever he thinks the people he’s in front of want to hear to get elected.

  • Abel February 14, 2022, 8:02 am

    He should have his tongue pulled out and sliced off. That would keep him from lying..

  • woody February 14, 2022, 6:44 am

    So his first approach didn’t work, Hmmmm maybe if I try an approach like Shillary , then do what the hell I want. As my five year old would say. Liar , Liar . Pants a Fire.

  • ELVIS MODISETT February 12, 2022, 7:43 am

    He is a liar….. he will say what ever is neccessary to get in office ,,, then he will do what HE wants to do…. take our guns…. destroy the second amendement… just like Hillary Clinton…..

  • TRUMP2024 February 11, 2022, 10:44 pm

    O’ rourke alias the hispanic which he’s lying about. Hes 100% Irish. He’s no different than the idiot who stole our election. Stating during his debates that he’s not gonna conficate peoples weapons. Well we know how that turned out. A LIE AND ROBERT FRANCIS O’ROURKE IS ALSO A F*CKING LIER. NEVER TRUST A DEMORAT OR RHINO. THEYRE LYING POS, BACK STABBING SCUM. JUST LOOK AT EVERY DEMORAT RUN STATE, CITY AND COUNTY THEYRE IN THE SAME CONDITION THAT OUR COUNTRY IS CURRENTLY IN


    TRUMP2024 TRUMP2024 TRUMP2024 TRUMP2024


  • bobs your uncle February 11, 2022, 10:06 pm

    Lets see, white bunny suit, rides a skate board,plays guitar, can change a tire, wants to be gov…………….

    • Roy Black February 14, 2022, 5:48 pm

      You left out one of his major qualifications, he is a “Prohibited Person” (a Felon).

  • Der Poiguy February 11, 2022, 7:48 pm

    Can’t trust any Democrat to tell the truth. He said once and said it again only to see how stupid he is and rejected by voters. So now he flip-flops and lies about not caring. If elected he will do it for sure ad the sun rises. Drop him like hot dog turd he is!

  • Mont Schroeder February 11, 2022, 4:32 pm

    Beet’off needs to quit beating off his yapper. I heard from a Texas guy that knows him, that he already owns a sizable gun collection for himself, plus armed bodyguards but he doesn’t want the general public to own them, or……… guns are for me, but not for thee………….

    • Cosmo69* February 14, 2022, 7:43 am

      Clown boy better not have guns, he is a felony holder.Too dangerous to own a gun but good to go for running a state government .
      Background check?

  • ChiptheBarber February 11, 2022, 4:05 pm

    The bill that Abbott signed has nothing to do with making it easier for criminals to carry guns, loaded or otherwise. It only applies to law abiding citizens. I want to say that Mr. O’Rourke knows this, but I don’t know….the boy seems pretty stupid to me.

    • Doug Myers February 14, 2022, 3:51 pm

      Says he doesn’t want to take anything away from anyone. Does that include the criminal who gets to go free without any jail time, monetary forfeiture, or firearm?

      He doesn’t have to worry about taking my vote away because I’ll be voting for someone else.

  • Cal February 11, 2022, 1:22 pm

    Please stop calling this “gun-grabbing” POS BETO! It’s a name that depending on the story, either he or his family made up for him… but he uses it now to try and curry favor with the Texas Hispanic voting base! His name is Robert Frances O’Rourke… he’s a Fake Mexican, but REAL Pendejo!!!

  • MIKE OKELLY February 11, 2022, 10:35 am

    what a fucken idoit.he thinks people forgot about his commints

  • Mauser6863 February 11, 2022, 10:07 am

    I think we all know who Master Beto is and what he believes. He will say anything to get power and get elected to office. It says a lot that Biden promised him a position during the campaign as “Gun Czar” of some other stupid title. Even his fellow DemoRats don’t want to give him a job. Heck, they gave Pete Buttplug a job, so they think he is more competent than Boy Beto.

    It really says a lot about the DemoRats in Texas that this self-absorbed child is the best that they can do for a state wide candidate. Maybe all the other prospective candidates are far worse, who knows. In any case, Beto is going to use up all the air in the room, spends lots of money and still be unemployed when the election is over.

    Nothing to see here.

  • Todd February 11, 2022, 10:05 am


    Lying then… REPEATEDLY of lying now?

    Only two options!


  • Abby Normal February 11, 2022, 9:38 am

    Just like Brandon, a losing sack of useless cat shit.

  • Mike H. February 11, 2022, 9:24 am

    beto is a lying SOB and shouldn’t be allowed in the same city with the governor’s mansion. He’s just a stupid boy that will never grow up.

  • Godfrey Washington February 11, 2022, 8:22 am

    Good for him! Deciding to not get a bunch of cops, military personnel and armed citizens slaughtered pursuing an unlawful act.

    Folks the govt sucks and we need to choose leaders with more intelligence and character than can be found in a bag of wet rocks.

  • Kb31416 February 11, 2022, 7:30 am

    It strains the mind to try and contemplate how inconceivably stupid this ass clown must think the electorate is. Oh wait. He is speaking to devilcrats. Never mind.

  • michael February 11, 2022, 6:58 am

    beto is a lying little queer. he want your guns in the worst way and will do anything to attain that goal. besides he has been taking your tax dollars most of his life. that is taking something from someone. he is a liar, remember that, if nothing else.

  • Stan d. Upnow February 11, 2022, 6:48 am

    He’s a typical lying, POS Progressive-Socialist, who will say/do Anything to get in office. Then, all the “promises” go out the window as he pursues his Real agenda, and you Know what that is!

    • El Mac February 11, 2022, 9:11 am

      Liar liar, pants on fire! What a cheesedick.

  • Jesse Hobson Scott February 11, 2022, 6:22 am

    Don’t worry, you won’t.

  • sgtsabai February 11, 2022, 5:59 am

    I have to agree with Blue Dog although I’m a Yellow Dog Dem. Beto, who I don’t like, will be better for Texas than Abbott but that is a low bar. Look, he is in Texas and no way in hell is he going to take anybody’s guns. As a USMC SGT-Vietnam 1966/67 and former Certified/Commissioned Law Enforcement officer I’m not whole hog on just giving anybody the right to carry a gun. I carried damn near all my life until moving to Thailand but I trained and trained and trained again. And I owned many military firearms along with shotguns and pistols. I delt with too many nutters to fully support anybody can carry. The one thing to remember is Beto will be better for Texas than Abbott and no way in hell is he going to confiscate weapons.

    • Tom February 11, 2022, 7:39 am

      Look who’s trying to lend themself credence. Anyone who has a firm grasp on reality, let alone work as a knowledgeable law enforcement officer knows the criminal is already carrying. They don’t need some law to give them permission. Seems like you’re a wolf (socialist liberal) in sheep’s clothing.

      • Mike H. February 11, 2022, 9:36 am

        Tom I agree with you 110%. Taking away constitutional carry will only affect good people. And I hate when they make it sound like constitutional carry has made Texas into the wild, wild west. It’s BS nothing has really changed here at all.

    • El Mac February 11, 2022, 9:13 am

      Hey Beto! Nice of you to troll the comment section!

    • Mauser6863 February 11, 2022, 10:16 am

      So you have worked for the government most of your life and been responsible either directly or indirectly for carrying out the orders of your political masters. whether its take out the garbage or to go kill people the government deems as a threat. Congratulations on your success and service.

      None of your experience or training allows you or qualifies you to determine who has rights and who doesn’t. Most liberals think they are smarter and better than everyone, including people like you who are their servants. They hold you in contempt and only tolerate your existence, as long as you are useful to them. Challenge them in any way and they will throw you in with the rest of us deplorables.

      You do not get to tell anyone when or how they get to exercise their rights. Its none of your business. The right to arms and to self-defense pre-dates modern humans. It is only with the establishment of the necessary EVIL of government, who you have proudly served, that attempts to eliminate our natural rights began, as it threatens the power of the elites.

      Think to rethink what you think you know.

    • Big Al 45 February 11, 2022, 10:26 am

      I see your issue, YOU think ‘Rights” are ‘given’ by the Govt.
      That very thought process should have negated you from even being a Peace Officer.
      As for your claim of no confiscation, that proves you haven’t paid any attention to the MULTITUDES of attempts by the Democrats already, so we can see your opinion smells just like your south end.

    • Kane February 11, 2022, 8:50 pm

      Although I respect the military and LE service that you described those same claims may raise questions about your own fitness by the totalitarian left. As you should know that the VA considers anyone who MAY have experienced PTS reasonable grounds for disarmament. Maybe you should rethink your position.

    • Chief February 14, 2022, 8:40 am

      Well that didn’t quite go as you planned, did it, Sarge. Maybe you shouldn’t come back here. This site AND comment section is for FRE Americans. It’s pretty obvious you aren’t wanted, appreciated, or welcome here.

    • Roy Black February 14, 2022, 6:01 pm

      Texas would be better off without a Governor than having a Felon holding the office. It would be another Felony for him to have an armed protection detail (paying someone else to carry a gun for you). As an LEO you only really dealt with the “nutters” and thugs, They are vastly outnumbered by the normals that they victimize. How many murders, assaults, or robberies as a percentage have been prevented by the government being the only ones with guns?

  • Rebel February 11, 2022, 4:13 am

    Border enforcement totaly optional is another lying libtard saying what the sheeple want to hear to get elected. The drunk needs to move to the libtard East coast where they like liars like him.

  • Jim February 10, 2022, 5:08 pm

    Seriously, does he really believe everyone else, is as stupid as he is? I think he should just stick to skateboarding.

  • Larry! February 10, 2022, 4:59 pm

    Full on lying commie dick head Beto, say one thing do another like joe bedung !!!!

  • Theyhavestage4TDS February 10, 2022, 3:31 pm

    This guy is an idiot. The constitutional carry bill makes it easier for law abiding citizens to carry a handgun to protect themselves. Criminals carry regardless of what the law says. So it doesn’t make anything easier for criminals. Police consider everyone to be potentially armed, so caution is always there in any interaction. If anything, this bill should give pause to the criminals because their next potential victim could be armed.

  • Jack Patriot February 10, 2022, 3:28 pm

    Screw Franky-boy and all his B.S. I’ve seen this shuck-and-jive routine before – it’s a lie, thru and thru.
    This is Texas, and East Texans aren’t buying it. He’s so full of it, it’s oozing out his eyes.

  • wally February 10, 2022, 2:04 pm

    Let’s Go Beto!

  • Ronnie Maeker February 10, 2022, 12:33 pm

    Fire Resistant clothes are for sale…he needs some…starting with the pants…

  • Gary Lee February 10, 2022, 12:04 pm

    Remember that old saw about “the scorpion and the frog”. Gun confiscation is his nature.

  • Jerry Klipstine February 10, 2022, 11:59 am

    Beto has shown his REAL colors before! His words were etched in stone and will be the death of his political career. Go back to selling furniture boy, maybe someone there will believe you!

  • Walter Goddard February 10, 2022, 11:57 am

    Yup, uh huh.. that’s right and I have a bridge for sale!

    Beto, first wants to take office, but then he’ll take your guns too.. after he’s in “power”!

    If you elect the liar, you deserve to lose your rights, livelihoods, and your guns..

    The ‘manimal’ already eats dirt, for goodness sake… He won’t put a chicken in anyones’ pot, he’ll make you eat dirt too and their test tube protein stuff!

  • Kimball February 10, 2022, 10:40 am

    Will say anything to get elected. Are you still going to tare down the border wall?

  • Wharf Rat February 10, 2022, 10:36 am

    And if any one buys this there is a bridge in Brooklyn that you might be interested in and have I got a deal for you.

  • Blue Dog (he/him) February 9, 2022, 4:28 pm

    Don’t count the Democrats out in Texas just yet. The Democrats have been working hard for years to solidify their ground game in Texas and Republicans are still taking Texas for granted and cannot be bothered to shore up their base in Texas. Democrats have made very solid gains, the best example being Beto in 2018 but Wendy Davis did better than she should have in 2014 and the same could be said for MJ Hegar for Senate in 2020. Joe Biden got 46% of the vote in 2020, Hillary got 43% in 2016 and Obama got 41% and 43% in 2012 and 2008 respectively. Similar trends can be found in Governors and Senate races but not as strongly down ticket. A shame; I’d really like to see Dan Patrick or Ken Paxton or George P. Bush lose to a Democrat.

    Democrats have a long term goal of flipping Texas. What will it take to get the Republicans to wake up? Once Texas elects a Democrat Governor or Senator, how many other races will Republicans lose? If Democrats take Texas in a Presidential election, Republicans have no path to 270.

    I guess this reflects the old truth that true Republicans, the swamp creatures that work for the party, don’t actually want to win. That is one reason that Trump was not a true Republican. And that might be why Governor Beto might be a thing next year.

    • Stan d. Upnow February 11, 2022, 6:57 am

      “And that might be why Governor Beto might be a thing next year.”

      Remember what happened in Dallas in 1963? You’re talking about TEXAS here. Beta Boy likely won’t finish his first year in office before……

      Not a good thing, but if it did occur, oh well.

      • Blue Dog (he/him) February 11, 2022, 8:41 am

        Does anyone really know what happened in 1963? I owned a Carcano and not even one determined Marine could change the course of history with one of those pieces of junk.

        • Shanz February 11, 2022, 7:02 pm

          So you’re saying bolt action rifles are crap? But we shouldn’t be allowed to own semi auto rifles?

          I do agree with you about one thing though. The American Marxists are coming for Texas. Your Democrat party is ruthless when it comes to power. Look at my home state of California, one party rule indefinitely. Quality of life and liberty eroded away every day Congress meets.
          I just want to be left alone, you know that pursuit of happiness. Your pursuit is for power and control from a massive centralized government.

          • Blue Dog (he/him) February 12, 2022, 8:40 am

            Not all bolt action rifles, just Carcanos. Carcani? Italian plurals… anyway, the action was such an old design, 1860s?, that it couldn’t handle jacketed bullets well.

            Put a Winchester model 70 in his hands… still a long shot. But at least that was a decent rifle, as were many of its counterparts. Even the cheapest bolt action rifles on the shel at the time, which would probably be something along the lines of a Savage 340 in .30-30, would be better suited than one of those rickety old losers like a Carcano. Almost any other surplus rifle, even. Which is probably why that particular junk rifle was $3 in the Sears catalogue.

        • Kane February 11, 2022, 9:04 pm

          Lots of good research on the events in Dealy (sp?) plaza. Try reading “Mortal Error” if you are a interested in the terminal ballistics. LHO was a below average shot. Somehow, very few if any world class shooters have been able to match the string of fire attributed to LHO, the defected scope notwithstanding.

    • Willie-O February 14, 2022, 9:28 am

      There are (3) “phases” or periods ahead with regard to politics, elections and the results they bring about. In the short-term or immediate phase, good luck to the libtards – 2022 and 2024 will be an old school ass whip’n. Thank you Brandon. In the mid-term or intermediate phase, the R has trouble. We are beginning to see the results of our educational system being converted to a liberal cesspool of socialist/marxist/communist crap. Thru these brainwashed idiots and their votes will come a period of success for the libtards. Thankfully, due to the same faulty ideology and teachings, things will come full-circle. The ideal and beliefs upon which this country was founded will prevail. The (2) big questions: how long will each “phase” last and will patience, as well as tolerance last long enough for the long-game to be won.

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