Bernie Believes Mandatory ‘Buybacks’ Are Confiscation, Unconstitutional

Unlike some of the other 2020 presidential candidates, Bernie Sanders does not support the mandatory “buyback” of modern sporting rifles.

The Independent senator from Vermont explained to a crowd in Charles City, Iowa, Sunday why “buybacks” are a no-go for the U.S. 

(Editor’s note: I’m putting the phrase “buyback” in quotes because the term is a misnomer, the government cannot buyback something it never possessed in the first place).  

“I don’t support — a mandatory buyback is essentially confiscation, which I think is unconstitutional,” said Sanders when asked if he would support such a scheme.

“It means that I am going to walk into your house and take something whether you like it or not,” he added. “I don’t think that stands up to constitutional scrutiny.”

Kudos to Sanders for getting at least that right.  You know, though, this is not the first time he’s bucked anti-gun orthodoxy.  

SEE ALSO: Sanders to Sandy Hook Families: ‘No, I don’t think I owe them an apology’

When running against Hillary Clinton in 2016 for the Democratic nomination, Sanders spoke out against repealing the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA), which protects the gun industry from frivolous lawsuits.  

Clinton condemned Bernie for his position during a CNN debate, essentially suggesting that he was in the pocket of the gun lobby.  

“Now, I voted against this gun liability law [to repeal PLCCA] because I was concerned that in rural areas all over this country, if a gun shop owner sells a weapon legally to somebody, and that person then goes out and kills somebody, I don’t believe it is appropriate that that gun shop owner who just sold a legal weapon to be held accountable and be sued,” said Bernie in response to Clinton’s criticism. 

No, this is not to say that Bernie is pro-gun — far from it.  The septuagenarian has called for universal background checks and a ban on so-called “assault rifles” as part of his plan to reduce gun-related violence. 

Rather, it’s to simply point out that if people on the Left were to be intellectually honest about buybacks and suing gun manufacturers or sellers for the acts of criminals, they’d have no choice but to reach the same conclusions Bernie did.

Another way to look at it is if a Democratic socialist like Berne Sanders believes these gun-control policies are too extreme — they must be, right?

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  • Archangel November 16, 2019, 7:57 pm

    That “Universal back ground check” they all talk about is nothing more than a gun registry, and they put together a gun registry just before they confiscate, and they confiscate just before they turn tyrannical!

  • Patrick McWilliams November 15, 2019, 3:02 pm

    Sanders has lived in Vermont, so there is at least the chance he might have some understanding of the role of firearms and the attachment many citizens have to them. Be wary of any candidate from New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts or California. The chance of contamination is too high.

  • Robert Messmer November 15, 2019, 11:09 am

    Quote: “I don’t support — a mandatory buyback is essentially confiscation, which I think is unconstitutional,” said Sanders when asked if he would support such a scheme.” As a sitting US Senator he should KNOW that it is unconstitutional. As are all of the gun control measures he does support.

  • Russ November 15, 2019, 10:01 am

    We all know this is true. Don’t trust a single word that comes out of old man Bernies filth hole, I mean mouth. The new thing democrats are doing is lying on hot button items to lull the sheep into voting for them. Then if they win they will lie and do what they want to do which truly is confiscation. Don’t be fooled by him.

  • Kane November 15, 2019, 9:31 am

    Most Dems now believe the Constitution is un-Constitutional.

  • Whathappenedto mycountry November 15, 2019, 5:43 am

    Still-he is a politucian. Don’t believe anything any of them say. Although he is smart in saying that, he might sway some with his almost pro-2a statement. If elected I have no doubt he would try some sort of effort to relieve citizens of certain firearms.(scary black ones)

  • SeppW November 12, 2019, 5:11 pm

    He’s only saying that because his home state has many voters who are “avid” sportsman (AKA hunters). I’m not clear on where he stands. That remark must have the radicalized liberals cringing with anger and resentment. AOC will likely abandon him since she is the epitome of pure anti-gun, anti-rights, and dangerous dystopian ideologue.

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