Beretta ARX-160 .22LR & Nano

in SHOT Show 2012

Beretta ARX-160 .22LR & Nano :

You may have seen the Beretta ARX-160 over this past year, though very few have made it out into the market from what we have seen. They are being submitted to the US Army as an option for the next version of US battle rifle, and Beretta already of course makes the US Army service pistol, the M9, so the rifle could actually have a shot to replace the M-16/M4 platform. It has a revolutionary disasembly system and swaps out barrels easier than any gun we have ever seen, and it is a formidable competitor to the AR-15. This is the new .22LR rimfire version of the gun, and it is due out this summer. The range noise is a bit much, but most of it is easy enough to understand, and you’ll get an idea for the actual function of the gun. We hope to see more ARX-160 this year.
This is the Beretta Nano that has been making its way around the internet but has yet to be released. From what we hear it should be out by the summer, and the official launch should be around NRA Show time. This video only scratches the surface of how innovative this pistol actually is. From what we have heard, not only does that insert he talks about pop out to change grips, it will also be capable of caliber swaps, like the Sig 250. There are a crazy cool amount of useful features built into this gun, and in the thin pistol market it looks to be one of the best to give our favorite so far, the Walther PPS, a run for its money. If you follow the Beretta Facebook page, the guns look like they are being made in Accokeek, Maryland at the Beretta factory, not in Italy like the larger Px4 guns. This could and should be a huge gun for Beretta and we look forward to seeing one soon.

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  • nhart99 March 30, 2013, 2:08 pm

    I’d like to see a follow-up now that Beretta is in their second year of having this pistol available.

    I have one as my carry and it’s comfortable, reliable, and easy to handle – much more so than the XD-s. Mine came with two magazines, one that’s flush and holds 6 and another that’s almost an inch longer and holds 7. Everyone who’s shot it agrees it’s a nice little carry gun – and it’s shot everything I’ve fed it. I even put some 10-y/o FMJ through and it ran perfectly. Absolutely no complaints.

  • Rachele Boesen June 28, 2012, 9:05 am

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  • Cleareyes February 22, 2012, 10:44 pm

    I had a 70year old Winchester Auto that shot faster than that. Only trouble it was tube fed But still couldn’t afford the shells, it would eat-em faster than my dog eats ice cream!

  • Big McLargeHuge February 18, 2012, 1:49 pm

    While the videos were pretty good, the only criticism I have is that it’s very difficult to hear and/or focus on what you guys are trying to say, with loud gunshots every other second, drowning out essentially all other audio. Get a better sound engineer, or record a bit further away from the range.

  • Seekers February 8, 2012, 9:38 pm

    “I’m gonna go right now and shoot on the range and see how it does”.

    and the verdict is?

    Nada… Zilch.. Nothing?

    Very poor follow up, really leaves a guy hanging. No independent knowledge, just the company rep’s canned spew.


    • Administrator February 8, 2012, 10:17 pm

      Yea the drive ran out while he was shooting and there was a guy who needed to shoot a cellphone video who needed to go next.

  • Gary February 7, 2012, 8:07 am

    Spike, The ARX-160 going for a military contract is a 5.56x45mm NATO round.

    The .22 model is being made for the general public. Many of today’s assault/battle rifles are now also being made in .22 caliber.

  • Al February 7, 2012, 7:29 am

    The Nano is not a copy of the Sig P250, the only thing it has in common is a removable chassis. The Sig is a double stack, hammer fired gun. The Nano is a single stack, striker fired gun with very few moving parts and a simple design. The gun shoots very well, has a smooth trigger, and fits in you pocket.

  • Deadeye Pete February 6, 2012, 10:57 pm

    I dunno, the first video is not as disturbing as the 2nd. What kind of D-bag handles a firearm like that on a hot line? Let alone whatever RO authorized and approved the second vid. The producers of, the guys in the vid and Beretta should get smacked for handling weapons like that and approving that vid.
    It onyl goes to show that Beretta themselves support the spray and pray mindset that riles people up to buy firearms they know nothing about. It is the exact same vitrol that is used against law abiding and dedicated, respectful firearms owners. Those of us that know,what we know will get it. We know know this is an unacceptable and disgraceful clip to respectful, and dutiful firearms owners.

    • Paul H February 9, 2012, 2:55 pm

      Dunno Deadeye, seems like they were handling firearms in back of the firing line with the slides locked back explaining features. Doesn’t sound very unsafe to me. Spray and pray? The only firing the presenter did looked pretty controlled to me. Maybe you saw a different video?

  • Randy February 6, 2012, 7:16 pm

    I understood every word of the nano interview, and all but a few words of the ARX-160. Would it have sounded better in a studio? Yes, but BORING! So, how did it shoot? How did it feel?

  • brian February 6, 2012, 6:43 pm

    if you can use the mic closer to the mouth thanks

  • PawneeBill47 February 6, 2012, 5:27 pm

    I like how the review of the guns was given in a quiet, understandable fashion……….next time try it on the back of a garbage truck in crush cycle.

  • spike February 6, 2012, 3:18 pm

    i dont think the u.s. will replace a 223/5.56 with a 22lr i mean 223/5.56 isnt exactly a heavy round to begin with and to replace it with an even smaller caliber i dont think it would be a good choice, but i havent shot the arx-160 and have shot 22lr rifles and for me a 22lr is a22lr.unless there is conversion kits or a bigger caliber model i think the m4 isnt goin anywhere. but i am in the market for a semi auto 22lr and will check out the arx-160

    • Paul H February 9, 2012, 2:57 pm

      Not to worry Spike, there is nothing in the videos that suggest the US is going to a .22 rimfire. The rifle reviewed was the .22 VERSION of the full caliber ARX-160. The full caliber version uses the same 5.56 cartridge the US currently fields.

      • Matt May 11, 2013, 8:42 pm

        It also has the capability to be changed to a 6.8 or 7.62 so in theory you won’t be losing anything by replacing the M4 with the arx

  • Marc February 6, 2012, 12:46 pm

    Regarding the 9mm Nano, You cut video before we could see how it shoots!

  • jeff February 6, 2012, 12:00 pm

    Hasent that been done already?

  • Brock February 6, 2012, 10:47 am

    Next time, step away from the firing line to do an interview or place the mic up next to the person that is speaking. Not very understandable for the most part.

  • Rodney February 6, 2012, 10:18 am

    I don’t think there is anything wrong with copying a good idea with the Sig 250. It gets the buyer more value for what they are buying. Sig hasn’t really followed up with anything since that gun, so you can’t say that Beretta copied a wild success and stole this idea that has sold millions of guns. The Nano will probably be a more successful gun for them. I’m going to buy one for sure.

  • jeff February 6, 2012, 9:19 am

    Holy Sig 250 Batman!

  • nieves February 6, 2012, 6:24 am

    how’s you shoot the Beretta.Where can i buy it?thanks