Paul Helinski

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Stop State Gun Dealer Licensing Scheme in Illinois - Contact Your State Rep Today!

Stop State Gun Dealer Licensing Scheme in Illinois – Contact Your State Rep Today!

It is very important that everyone with a connection to Illinois take action now to defeat what would be groundbreaking anti-gun legislation.

Winchester 1887 Lever Shotgun - The $350 Century Arms PW87 Full Review - Cowboy Time Machine

Winchester 1887 Lever Shotgun – The $350 Century Arms PW87 Full Review – Cowboy Time Machine

When I was cowboy shooting at SASS matches back in the mid-90s, my holy grail cowboy gun was the Winchester 1887 lever action shotgun. It never made any sense to me that the most competitive shooters used a ’97 pump gun, and up until I found an ’87, I shot strictly side by sides. Sure, [...]

Prepping 101: Winter is Coming! - Nuclear War Survival Skills & Tools

Prepping 101: Winter is Coming! – Nuclear War Survival Skills & Tools

Nuclear war is surprisingly survivable, if you have the knowledge and the tools to best handle the blast and subsequent radiation. This article has a ton of great resources, and in the video I show you some readily available high level radiation meters that are generally under $100. America is in the crosshairs, and winter is coming. Are you ready?

Prepping 101: Blade Snobs - Testing Chinese Swords from Budk & Ebay

Prepping 101: Blade Snobs – Testing Chinese Swords from Budk & Ebay

This video is directed at the blade snobs out there who say you can’t get a quality self defense weapon for under $500. Wrong!

Prepping 101: $20 Augason Farms 4 Person/48hr Supply at Walmart - Ultimate Survival Food Deal?

Prepping 101: $20 Augason Farms 4 Person/48hr Supply at Walmart – Ultimate Survival Food Deal?

The Auguson bucket I cover here that I found in my local Walmart is 2x to 3x better in calories per dollar than most of the stuff out there, so that is why I figured it might be a good candidate to compare to what I can really get for the same money, right on the same shelves at Walmart. The bucket and food, at $19.99, work out to 545 calories per dollar. My example bucket comes to 2,000 calories per dollar.

Prepping 101: $20 Tripwire Booby Traps/Perimeter Alarms Fire .22 Cal Blanks & 209 Primers - Video Review

Prepping 101: $20 Tripwire Booby Traps/Perimeter Alarms Fire .22 Cal Blanks & 209 Primers – Video Review

I first covered tripwire alarms back in 2014, and the same guy is making the same products for the same price. This is a video test of them, and a new product that fires 209 shotgun primers. Great cheap low tech perimeter warning system.

Prepping 101: Testing Military Field Telephones for Off-Grid Communications

Prepping 101: Testing Military Field Telephones for Off-Grid Communications

TA-312 Field Phone on Ebay Swedish Field Phone $39.99 .5 Kilometer Military Phone Wire Communications are something that nearly everyone takes for granted. But after the grid goes down, it will be the first thing that you miss. I have covered the different frequency ranges for long distance radio communications several times, and I’ll get [...]

Cooking With Gasoline - Prepping 101 - Season 3! - Coleman 533, 424 Dual Fuel Reviews

Cooking With Gasoline – Prepping 101 – Season 3! – Coleman 533, 424 Dual Fuel Reviews

This week I finally dragged out my gasoline stoves. And the reason I waited so long is because I just assumed that they worked (they did), and I assumed that most survival minded folks have seen a dual fuel Coleman stove (not so much). If you watch the video, I brought in a couple other Chinese stoves that may be a better buy than the Coleman stoves, and they are certainly more portable. But first I want to back up a bit and address the point that I made in the video about cooking in general, and cooking specifically with gasoline.

External Hammer Coach Shotgun Under $300 - Century Arms JW2000 Review

External Hammer Coach Shotgun Under $300 – Century Arms JW2000 Review

This past year Century Arms figured out a way to get a classic externally hammered coach sized side by side into the hands of American shooters for under $300. As you can see from the video, the gun has a bunch of ugly markings on it, but it works great.

Remington Fights Back Against Fake News 60 Minutes Attack

Remington Fights Back Against Fake News 60 Minutes Attack

This past Sunday 60 Minutes ran yet another hit piece on the Remington 700, and this time Remington didn’t just take it and release a bland statement. Instead they put forth a long and linked explanation that 60 Minutes completely ignored the evidence in the case, and deliberately attacked the company fraudulently. Yet another battle in the war against fake news.