Paul Helinski

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We Stand As One! Contact President Obama & Congress on Gun Legislation

We Stand As One! Contact President Obama & Congress on Gun Legislation

If you have been following our Law Abiding Gun Owner petition at, you know that it was shut off overnight on Thursday, when we sent our last email appealing to women and minority gun owners. Like many others, we suspect that the Whitehouse staffers noticed that the anti-gun petition was dying and that ours was taking off. We also got reports that many people could not sign it prior to Friday. Over 57,000 of you were able to make your voices heard, and we would have reached 100,000 alone given the chance. No national media outlet, popular gun website or even popular gun blogger linked to our petition. Thanks to those of you who tried to spread the word, and of course, those who were able to actually sign.

As it turned out, President Obama answered all of the gun petitions, for and against, in one note and video. He did not answer ours specifically. You can read his response here on the original petition page. I do feel that he should have answered us directly because we doubled the requisite number of petition signatures, but he did clearly acknowledge law abiding gun owners in his answer at least. If you read between the lines of what he said and wrote, the President appears to be notifying us that his political hands are tied and that we need to act now by contacting our congress members directly, and also by letting him know what we think of his answer. Rather than hem and haw, I think this is what we should do.

An Appeal to Women and Minority Gun Owners

An Appeal to Women and Minority Gun Owners

I am a parent of four children ten years old and under. And even though I am a writer by trade, somehow I don’t have any words to describe how the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary school has made me feel. Most us are probably like that, especially parents. But at the same time, the media and the politicians are using those raw emotions to make this terrible tragedy about guns. This letter is entitled “An Appeal to Women and Minority Gun Owners” because guns are not solely the realm of white males. Women shooters have been the largest growing sector in the gun world for several years running now. Yet politically, it is women who are being manipulated the most in this crisis. Ethnic minority gun ownership, especially in our inner cities, is what our success in the 2nd Amendment fight has been about for over ten years, and the media and the politicians are trying to strip that success away. Raw emotions in America are being played right now, and you have the choice to play along or stand for what you really believe in. Congress is out for Christmas, and you can bet every politician on both sides of the isle has his or her finger in the wind. We have one chance to change the direction it is blowing, and that chance is our Law Abiding Gun Owner petition. Please sign it.

Please Sign Pro-Gun Petition - Share, Tweet and Email

Please Sign Pro-Gun Petition – Share, Tweet and Email

Please sign this petition at: We ask President Obama to support law abiding gun owners in this time of tragedy. We ask President Obama to stand with law abiding gun owners in this time of tragedy. Guns laws could not have prevented Adam Lanza from killing 27 innocents. The real question is what made [...]

Killing Coyotes 101 - Daytime and Night Hunting Problem Coyotes

Killing Coyotes 101 – Daytime and Night Hunting Problem Coyotes

“Know your enemy” is something of a misnomer when hunting coyotes. They are not creatures of habit, but of instinct and opportunity. Creating what a coyote believes is an opportunity kicks in its instincts, and that is how you get a wily coyote within shooting range. If you are overrun with coyotes and you don’t know what to do, this is an overview of the basics, based on over six months of research with our guide Dwayne Powell in Okeechobee, Florida. The state of Florida is second only to Texas in beef production, and coyotes are an incessant problem on the cattle ranches, especially with newborn calves and birthing mothers.

We have hunted these creatures during the day, at night, when the ground is wet and when the ground is dry, when it is hot and when it is cool, and there is almost never a time when coyotes do the same thing. There are times when you won’t be able to lure them out, and others when they will stand 30 yards in front of you and let you shoot at them. But of one thing you can be certain. Make sure that your rifle is zeroed and that you shoot really well, really fast. She or he who hesitates is lost when hunting coyotes. They don’t give you a lot of time, even on the easiest day. More of Dwayne’s clients miss coyotes than all the other types of game combined. The Creator in His infinite wisdom made the coyote a ruthless, heartless, killing machine that is extremely suspicious and careful. You have to be no less than that if you expect to eradicate them from your property and hunt coyotes successfully. It really isn’t about coyote hunting. It is about coyote killing.

M1 Garand Sniper Variants M1C & M1D - Part 4 Garands from the Government

M1 Garand Sniper Variants M1C & M1D – Part 4 Garands from the Government

For those of you who have been following our Garands from the Government series, you probably remember back in the first article that we ordered two M1 Garand snipers rifles. They are called the M1C and the M1D, and as guns go, they are very different from each other. Both models are much more expensive than the other rifles available from the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP), and for the collector and military enthusiast they are far more exciting than run of the mill Garands. Sniper Garands were not a big factor in World War II, but they were the dominant sniper rifle in the Korean conflict, and many soldiered well on into the 1970s, serving in Vietnam and around the world. These CMP guns were mostly made during Korea, where both the M1C and M1D were used extensively. The condition on the guns is excellent and though both of the famous Garand Snipers have been extremely rare through the years, a recent re-importation of rifles from Greece that had been on loan has provided a entirely new wave of extremely collectible and shootable guns that will be the stars of any Garand collection. This article outlines what makes the two models different and what you can expect if you decide to buy one from CMP, as well as how to make your own versions of the M1C and M1D from an M1 Garand that you already own. We also cover the optics that were used on the guns back in the day, as well as some new replicas from Gun Parts Corp.

Professional Reticle Leveling System - Wheeler Engineering

Professional Reticle Leveling System – Wheeler Engineering

Scope alignment is something that most of us take for granted. If you don’t plan to shoot a rifle at more than 100 yards or so, it’s not such a big deal, but at long distances it can make a big difference to make sure that your scope reticle is perfectly aligned with gravity. Gravity pulls straight down for the most part (Coriolis effect is far outside our purview of this article), and your drop calculations are only going to work straight down from the bore axis if your scope reticle is perfectly straight up and down and perpendicular to your bore axis. At 300 plus yards, if your reticle isn’t perfectly aligned, your shots are going to hook somewhat, like a golfball, from where you think they are going to go. That is the purpose of this “Professional Reticle Leveling System” from Wheeler Engineering. It gives you two levels that reference each other to your bore axis and gravity, so you can make sure that your scope is aligned to the exact same shooting plane as your bore. If you have invested a lot into an extremely precision made and accurate rifle, this MSRP $54.99 kit is a cheap insurance policy to make sure that your scope is lined up properly for long range and extreme long range shooting.

Hornady Lock-N-Load Case Prep Center - Review

Hornady Lock-N-Load Case Prep Center – Review

Case trimming isn’t as complicated as most people make it out to be. The problem is that simple, beginner trimmers are difficult to use, and they give trimming a bad name. If you reload necked rifle cases or plan to reload necked rifle cases, the Hornady Lock-N-Load Case Prep Center, MSRP $531, street price considerably less, makes trimming your cases a lot easier. The Case Prep Center addresses all of the issues that you find when trying to produce ammo in bulk while using a bench mounted, hand crank trimmer. It also includes everything you really need for case prep all in one motorized package, in addition to the actual trimmer. If you aren’t yet a handloader/reloader, check out our introduction to handloading by Scott Meyer. It explains the basics of handloading/reloading, including the dynamics of why you have to trim your cases. If you load only straight wall pistol cases you don’t have to worry about trimming, but if you load, or plan to load, necked rifle cases, trimming is almost always required at some point.

Stg-44 Replica from American Tactical Imports - New Gun Review

Stg-44 Replica from American Tactical Imports – New Gun Review

You may remember from our SHOT Show 2012 coverage that a new copy of the famous World War II “assault rifle” the Stg-44 was supposed to come out this summer. It is out, and it is called the GSG Schmeisser STG-44, available in .22LR. Made in modern day Germany, the gun is imported into the US exclusively by American Tactical Imports (ATI) with an MSRP of $599.95. Like the other German Sports Guns (GSG) replicas we have seen, the similarity to the original is uncanny, and the gun is nice and solid and feels “right.” Even though this rimfire version of the Stg-44 carries a collector premium price tag, this is the one gun that most World War II buffs assume they can never own. Original Stg-44s are prohibitively expensive, and this gun looks great, feels right, and shoots well enough for plinking. What do you get the old fart for Christmas who has everything and loves World War II junk? I’ll give you a hint. It is about the same weight as a big coffee table book, but it would look a lot better on your coffee table when guests come over than any tired old coffee table book I have ever seen. You guessed it. It’s a .22LR version of the infamous Stg-44!

Weapon Mounted Cameras - The Contour ROAM

Weapon Mounted Cameras – The Contour ROAM

If you have ever tried to film your hunts, it can really give you fits. The cameras never behave, and you can’t ever get the right angle. You can of course try to take along another person, but they generally want to get paid. And even if you have an extra pair of hands, there is no guarantee that the camera guy is going to be at the right angle when the game shows up. The answer is a weapon mounted camera, and our friends at Daniel Defense sent us a new camera called a Contour that is meant to be just that. We have tried Flip cams, hand cams, and even full sized HD tape cams, to the tune of over ten thousand bucks, but nothing has worked as well as these little cameras from Contour. We got two of the Contour ROAM cameras, and we have only begun to figure out all the cool stuff you can do with them. Check out the videos here in the article to see some of our exploits so far. We have shot a few hogs and a couple gators so far with the Contour, and one of the gators was even with a muzzleloader. Contour has a dedicated weapon mount that mounts right to your Picatinny rail, and we have also had great success with rubber bands around the cameras on a regular old Remington 870 slug gun. These are extremely versatile and waterproof cameras that should bring a whole new generation of hunting and shooting videos to Youtube and Facebook. If you are making your list for Santa already this year, make sure you have got a Contour camera on there.

How to Scope Your AK-47 - Texas Weapons Systems & Hi-Lux CMR-AK762

How to Scope Your AK-47 – Texas Weapons Systems & Hi-Lux CMR-AK762

All other things being equal, the AK-47 nearly always wins on price. Therefore most of us end up with at least one AK in our gun accumulation. The problem is, all things are not equal with the AK. They are known for reliability that exceeds ridiculous, but they are also known to be horribly inaccurate. If you follow our exploits here at GunsAmerica, you probably read our recent underwater, in the mud test of a high end AK from Century Arms called the PAP, but most of us out here have the inexpensive, garden variety Romanian AK-47 that generally retails for well under $500. These guns are the poster children for no matter what reliability, but they also are known as “spray and pray” guns, though the parameters of spray and pray would vary depending upon who you ask. We have tried to scope the AK-47 with one of many not ready for primetime scope mounting systems over the years, and they are always a disaster. But times have changed. You aren’t going to get anything like good accuracy out of an AK-4, but with the right mount and the right scope you can get accuracy good enough for just about any self defense situation, and even 3-Gun and other tactical rifle competitions, provided the targets aren’t too far away. For this article we review the highly rated rail/scope mounting system from Texas Weapons Systems, $139.99, and the Hi-Lux CMR scope with a new AK762 reticle, $436, which is special made for the ballistics of the 7.62×39 AK-47 cartridge. This combination delivered acceptable accuracy for an AK-47, and is a platform that is as hardcore as the AK-47 itself.