Paul Helinski

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Biden Says Go Buy a Shotgun  Mommy  - You Can't Aim an AR-15!

Biden Says Go Buy a Shotgun Mommy – You Can’t Aim an AR-15!

The word on the street lately is, “don’t worry they won’t be able to pass anything.” But yet, if you watch this video of VP Joe Biden, which is dated February 19th, only a couple days ago, he is still out there hard charging against AR-15s. This time he is giving us all advice for home defense, that we should arm our wives with a double barrel 12 gauge shotgun, “in case there is a problem,” and that said wife should shoot both barrels out the back door as a precautionary warning measure, just in case. It is a good thing his wife has never been stalked by someone sitting in his back yard with an AR-15, because after she disarmed herself and endangered her neighbors by foolishly taking Joe’s advice, she would have been a sitting duck. What a nut job this guy is, but he is clearly trying to pander to the “mommy” voting, which since the Sandy Hook crisis began have for the most part being walking in lock step behind the anti-gunners. .

Now, I’m quite sure that Joe had a private security detail even before the taxpayer funded Secret Service protection he now bilks us for, so the story is most likely a complete fabrication. The argument over shotgun vs. AR-15 is semantics, but it does show that the anti-gunners are going to attack this issue from every angle that they can, even trying to convince a Prozac infused America that they are in fact on the side of the people, with proper instructions as to how to protect your home. Here on GunsAmerica we are preaching to the choir, including a lot of you mommys out there who are proud American 2nd Amendment defenders, but every single one of you has a misguided friend that you could talk to, and now is the time to talk to them.

The 2nd Amendment vs. Bloomberg's Money & Obama's Campaign

The 2nd Amendment vs. Bloomberg’s Money & Obama’s Campaign

This is a video of a half hour “fireside chat” type interview with NRA President David Keene. You will most likely have to sit through a short advertisement to watch it, but it is actually very good. There are a couple points at the beginning which everyone should share with their friends and legislators, outlined below. The most disgusting thing about this mess is that it is readily apparent at this point that President Obama and the anti-gunners at Brady saw Sandy Hook as an opportunity. How disgusting is that? Is America’s 2nd Amendment freedom really going to fall victim to Michael Bloomberg’s money?

You may have read the article on Drudge that suggested this fight is over, but it is not. Contact and re-contact your legislators and tell them that we offer NO QUARTER to politicians who vote against our 2nd Amendment rights. American gun owners will not tolerate any new gun legislation as a result of the PR campaign from Sandy Hook. That means no gun bans, no magazine bans, no killing our gun shows, no stopping private interstate transfers of firearms, and NO CLASSIFYING US ALL AS CRAZY SO YOU CAN TAKE OUR GUNS AWAY.

Mojo Outdoors Motorized Turkey Decoy - Shake'n Jake - SHOT Show 2013

Mojo Outdoors Motorized Turkey Decoy – Shake’n Jake – SHOT Show 2013

New for 2013 from Mojo Outdoors is the Shake’n Jake. We got to play with his highness at SHOT Show and it is going to be a turkey killer this spring. Legal in all but 6 states, you have to check with your local regulations before you buy it. Even if your state does not prohibit turkey decoys, they prohibit motorized ones, and/or remote control ones. the Shake’n Jake is remote controlled, on or off. We were told at the booth that his majesty would be under $100, available in a couple weeks, but so far he has only popped up at Cabelas for $149.

Also check out the fan tail that you stick on your shotgun. It is called the Tail Chaser, $24.99 at Cabelas, and the word at the Mojo booth is that it works great. In cover, the turkeys see the tail and come walking right in. These will probably be at your local big box stores soon, but remember that they only get so many in so you may want to grab one online now before the turkey fever starts to really set in during late February.

Are American Gun Owners a Bunch of Fools?

Are American Gun Owners a Bunch of Fools?

The American gun owning public is being duped again, just like we were duped the two weeks before the election when we were convinced that Romney was ahead by several percentage points. The media, including our “friends” at Fox, Drudge, and other “conservative” outlets, are attempting to sell us the concept that the “assault weapon ban” legislation can’t pass, and this is a lie. We are told that Bill Clinton sternly warned his party that they will be punished in the mid-terms, and that the NRA is “too powerful” for any real legislation to make it through congress. This is also a lie. Behind our backs, the political machine is crafting public opinion in what have become the majority voting blocks to convince national and state legislators that they are safe for the next election… and they are safe. American gun owners didn’t show up in force for the last election, and we are not feared as a voting block any longer. Don’t be a fool and believe it when they tell us we can’t lose. We are going to get beaten again if we don’t act. And this time it isn’t a slippery slope. This time they are going to outlaw an entire class of guns with no loopholes.

If you are on the GunsAmerica email list, or you are clicking in from the website, you are probably a gun owner of some type (or you are desperately trying to buy your first gun before they ban them), and you may feel that we are “preaching to the choir.” But there is also a 90% chance that YOU HAVE NOT CONTACTED YOUR LEGISLATORS to let them know that you are strongly against any kind of weapon ban, or any increase in our national or state gun laws whatsoever.

Walther PPX Under $500, .22LR PPK, Updated PPQ - SHOT Show 2013

Walther PPX Under $500, .22LR PPK, Updated PPQ – SHOT Show 2013

In a field full of great striker fired polymer pistol it is very hard to stand out. Walther’s top of the line take on this type of duty gun is the PPS, and we thought it was a fantastic gun last year when we reviewed the first version. This year Walther is no longer under the wing of Smith & Wesson and the PPS will still be their flagship pistol, but they got rid of that trigger guard safety and installed an ambidextrous button. H&K is the only other company with the trigger guard design and American’s haven’t taken to it the way the German’s thought they would. Truth is, the thing was hard to use without tilting the gun to the side. This new standard usability safety should make the PPQ more palatable, and hopefully it will get the recognition it deserves in the market.

Even bigger news is the PPX, a Walther under $500. We haven’t gotten a good look at it yet, but it appears to be an external hammer version of the PPS, with most of the same features. At first glance, at the booth, it appears that the PPX is going to be double action only, similar to a striker gun, with about a 6 pound trigger and no decocker or manual safety. At a street price probably well under $500 it should be extremely competitive in the market. Can’t wait to try one!

And last but surely not least is the famous PPK-S, in .22 LR. Ammo being as expensive as it is these days, everyone wants .22 LR version of their favorite guns, and Walther has answered the call with what is its most iconic gun, and one that continued into the wildly recent James Bond movie. Julie Mac, our host, is an avid handgun shooter and loved the feel of this gun. Walther is flying on their own again and it looks to be an exciting first year.

Aimpoint Patrol Optic Goes Nationwide & Blaser Detachable Mount - SHOT Show 2013

Aimpoint Patrol Optic Goes Nationwide & Blaser Detachable Mount – SHOT Show 2013

The Aimpoint Patrol Optic was designed for the US Military and carries a street price of $453. They can’t make enough of them because of the worldwide reputation for Aimpoint quality and durability. This year Aimpoint has opened up the sale of this high demand sight to all of its dealers, not just Law Enforcement (known as LE) dealers. If you are looking for an up-head read dot sight for your AR-15, the Aimpoint Patrol Optic is going to be the one you want to shop last. Be careful online buying Aimpoint. There are cheap copies out there that are not Aimpoints and they are absolute junk. Nobody is selling real Aimpoints at less than retail prices, because the demand is so high that they had to re-purpose an entire factory just to make more of this one Patrol Optic, and it is still backordered. Only a real Aimpoint is a real Aimpoint, so beware and don’t be tricked by non-Aimpoint dealers selling fakes. Also check out the new Blaser mount for the Aimpoint hunting sight. We haven’t actually tested it in hand, but it is said to return to zero when you remove and re-attach the mount. No word on the price yet, but if you shoot a Blaser this is an exciting development. That hunting sight is great choice for North American game. There are a lot of red dots on the market, but there is only one Aimpoint, and they are the world leader.

Pietta Enameled Lemat & Bridgeport Cowboy Rig

Pietta Enameled Lemat & Bridgeport Cowboy Rig

Maturing your gun tastes doesn’t necessarily mean that you go more expensive and more advanced. Cool guns date back to the 1700s, and though you may think that the AR-15 is the ultimate in firepower, in 1836 the five shot Colt Patterson was all the rage. The history of guns is the history of America itself, and thanks to several firearm manufacturers in Italy, we can all visit what it meant to fire a gun from the American Revolution through the Wild West just the way they did, with full power combat loads.

F. LLI Pietta is celebrating your 50th Anniversary making mostly percussion guns from the Civil War era. A few years back they started making cartridge guns as well, in the pattern of the 1873 Colt Peacemaker, and they are heavily involved in Cowboy Action Shooting in Italy as well as here in the US. Several of the guns in our article “A Handgun When you Can’t Buy a Handgun” were made by Pietta (including the engraved Pattersons), and in all the years that those guns have been shot, in and out of SASS competition, not one of them has failed. The finishes have never flaked and the engraving is as sharp and crisp as they day they were made.

This year Pietta has introduced a new enameling in their popular Lemat revolver, which they have made since 1985. If you have never seen a Lemat, it is quite a dandy. Nine .36 caliber barrels surround a roughly 16 gauge shotgun barrel, and the entire thing is the size of a hand cannon. Invented in New Orleans in 1856, the Lemat was carried by several famous Civil War generals, and it has been featured in several movies. Watch the videos we have posted here to see how the artists at Pietta are actually making these works of art.

Also appearing in the Pietta catalog this year is one of their ’73 cartridge guns set up on a “Bridgeport Rig.” This is a belt clip system made for gunslingers in the old west that both secured the firearm and held it ready for quick firing from the belt, no holster required. Don’t know if these are legal for SASS so you’ll have to contact the powers that be first if you intend to use them.

Limbsaver Handle Slings & AR-15 Accessories

Limbsaver Handle Slings & AR-15 Accessories

The biggest secret in rifleslings is the Kodiak Sling from Limbsaver. You probably know this company for their damping technology and sights in the archery business, but they have secretely created the best riflesling ever made as well. You have seen our Kodiak sling on the Ambush Rifle we use all the time in our hunting articles with our guide Dwayne Powell at Kissimee River Hunt & Fish, and now they have come out with a lighter version that uses nylon instead of rubber for much of the non-bearing surfaces. Something as simple as a riflesling isn’t usually a big story, but these slings have a handle on them, made of rubber, so you have a firm place to hold the weight of your arm up as you walk along with your rifle. They sell these at most big box stores and a lot of stocking gun dealers, so stop and try one. Also check out the new AR accessories. They have a front grip with a riflestock profile. Neat stuff from Limbsaver for 2013. Note that if you order the Kodiak online, the “crossbow” sling is the same as the rifle sling and is easier to find.

Viridian Green Laser Auto-On Holsters - SHOT Show 2013

Viridian Green Laser Auto-On Holsters – SHOT Show 2013

In a gunfight microseconds count. Turning on a laser can cost you a bunch of time, so several of the laser companies have come up with different ways to turn on the laser instinctively, without a separate thought operation required. Viridian’s take on it is the Tac-Loc holster, which they call an Enhanced Combat Readiness technology. Marketing terminology aside, the holster actual turns on the laser as you draw it, so you don’t have to put your finger in a certain place and press, and you don’t have to hold the gun in any particular way for the laser to go on. We have not tested this in house, so this Media Day at the range outing was the first we got at it in actual use. If you have been wondering how it actually works, it works great, but be aware that not all of their units fit all of the holsters. If you already have a Viridian green laser, make sure it actually fits the Tac-Loc holster before you buy one. We should have more stuff from Viridian this week. This is kind of a follow up to the introduction at last year’s SHOT Show because we haven’t actually gotten our hands on one over the course of the year.

Chiappa Triple Barrel Shotgun - The Triple Crown - SHOT 2013

Chiappa Triple Barrel Shotgun – The Triple Crown – SHOT 2013

Ok, before you beat our host Julie Mac up for calling this a rifle (er, twice), please keep in mind that Julie is a regular shooter here in Las Vegas, but she has never been exposed to shotguns. This was her first encounter out at Range Day, and though she shot that .375 Cheytac from APO at 500 yards and dinged the steel, she was afraid to actually shoot these three barrel shotguns. Ron Norton from Chiappa was such a gentleman for not correcting her and just saying SHOTGUN loudly twice, so do him a favor and go buy one of these silly guns. Three barrel shotgun and rifle combination guns, called Drillings, were very popular right after WWI in Europe, but I personally have never seen a three barrel sidexside+middle like this before. The Triple Crown and Triple Threat may do very well in the market because of the sheer simplicity of firing 3 rounds of 12 gauge in a home defense situation. At about $1,600, they aren’t cheap, but leave it to Chiappa, makers of that nifty, different, and great shooting Rhino revolver, to come up yet again with everyone’s new favorite oooh and aaah gun at the range.