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Backyard Mosin-Nagant Shooting - The Gletcher Model 1891 BB-Gun Replica Rifle

Backyard Mosin-Nagant Shooting – The Gletcher Model 1891 BB-Gun Replica Rifle


It is so frustrating sometimes to have a safe full of guns, but no time to go out and shoot. For that reason I’ve been exploring a series here on air gun training, and BB gun, Airsoft and Paintball versions of popular guns in general. This is a high-end replica of the Mosin-Nagant rifle from Gletcher. It weighs over 5 lbs, and looks, feels and even works similar to a real Mosin. The bolt cycles with the same weight and resistance, and you feel as if you are shooting the real thing. Of course it goes “poof” and not bang, but oh well, the neighbors would call the cops on you anyway. And who doesn’t miss the gargantuan Mosin kick right?

Bowie Knife vs. Kukri Knife - What's Your Fighting Knife?

Bowie Knife vs. Kukri Knife – What’s Your Fighting Knife?


This is not a knife snob article. I am a big fan of cheap knives, and I don’t consider them really that inferior. To some degree, a knife is a knife is a knife. The point of this article isn’t cost or quality. My question is what style of knife or short sword is best for a survival situation. On one person you can carry a big knife and a little knife, and maybe an even bigger knife on your back, but coupled with a battle rifle, a pistol, ammo and supplies, a lot of blades sticking out of your form isn’t going to be a net positive. You have to choose, and choose well.

Taurus Curve .380 Pocket/Purse Pistol - Yes, the Gun is Bent!

Taurus Curve .380 Pocket/Purse Pistol – Yes, the Gun is Bent!


When you think about it, we wear our guns a lot more than we shoot them, yet they are designed primarily for shooting. The new Taurus Curve fixes that. The grip on the gun is curved, so that when you were it on your hip or carry it in your pocket, the guns hugs the contour of your body. It is a 6+1 .380 ACP semi-automatic pistol with a consistent trigger pull for each shot. The MSRP for the introductory model is $392, and it will come with an integral LaserLyte light and laser combo built in. The Curve also comes with a Kydex pull-off trigger guard holster, and screwed onto the side of the gun is a steel clip for inside the waistband or inside a purse pocket carry.

Prepping 101: Catastrophic Radiation Events & How to Survive

Prepping 101: Catastrophic Radiation Events & How to Survive


From what I can tell, nobody is going to send me a Facebook notification 24 hours before Russia, China, “terrorists” (ie. our own shadow government), or the US under official license launches a nuke. Radiation is silent once you are outside the blast radius of a nuclear bomb, so unless news of the blast makes it onto Drudge, how would you even know that a blast has occurred? Up until now we have focused our attention on Geiger tube radiation meters, but I recently found out that those meters tend to BLANK OUT at radiation levels that aren’t even on the level of a CT scan. For this article I consulted with Shane Connor, owner of the famous radiation site I bought potassium iodide from him and had him calibrate my Civil Defense meter back in the 90s. He is still doing it today, and he calibrated four meters for us for this article.

Springfield Armory XD Mod.2 Subcompact 9mm/.40SW - New Gun Review

GunsAmerica’s Springfield XD Mod.2 Giveaway


Springfield Armory has a brand new design for the XD. The Mod.2 has a brand new feel, and we have one to give away. Click here to find out more.

Prepping 101: The $100 Survival Woodstove

Prepping 101: The $100 Survival Woodstove


If you live in the northern climes it is getting to be that time a year again where you worry about getting caught in the cold with no electricity and no chance of it coming back on anytime soon. As I explained in my article on water, the best thing you can do to gaurantee yourself fresh drinking water and a warm enough place to sleep is to build a greenhouse. If you have the land, a greenhouse will melt your water all winter long, no matter how cold it gets. You can also put a tent inside your greenhouse and sleep in there, and with the double insulation, it will be warm enough, most of the time. A supplemental wood stove or other alternative heating system certainly won’t hurt, and I found a really inexpensive stove that works great.

Taurus USA Firearm Factory - Miami Florida - Photo Essay

Taurus USA Firearm Factory – Miami Florida – Photo Essay


When I got an invite to the factory at Taurus Firearms, I thought I had just scored a free trip to Brazil! But little did I know, Taurus makes many of their guns right here in the USA, near my stomping grounds in Miami. Those of us who were invited from the gun media family got to see how they make the Taurus tipup pistols, called the small frame or Model 22, and many of the .380 TCP parts being made, as well as guns from Taurus’s Heritage cowboy gun series and even some of the OEM parts that Taurus builds for other manufacturers.

Deep Concealment - Pocket, Neck, Trigger Gaurd Holsters

Deep Concealment – Pocket, Neck, Trigger Gaurd Holsters


I had a conversation with several other gun writers yesterday about carrying a gun on your belt. The consensus was that if I am going to belt carry a pistol, it ain’t gonna be no pocket 380. My experience over the years is that belt carry is seldom practical unless you want your whole life to revolve around carrying your gun. For that reason, I pocket carry, and as a fairly big guy, I can easily get away with the Springfield XD-S .45 in my pocket. Once before in these pages I shared my “secret” $25 source for pocket holsters, and I will do so again, but this time I want to share some of the other products from this ingenious company. If you carry in a purse, pocket or other “pouch” type of concealment, or if you want to hang a Kel-Tec P32 from your neck, you should check them out. I call these deep concealment holsters.

Prepping 101: Strategic Relocation - Reality or Elaborate Farce?

Prepping 101: Strategic Relocation – Reality or Elaborate Farce?


Occasionally in this column we devolve into the reasons why many of us feel that some sort of survival strategy at this juncture is prudent. Most people are on a budget, so to divert some of your family resources to prepping that you may end up laughing about 10 years from now can seem a little, well… nuts.

Taurus CT9/CT40 Carbines - New Gun Review

Taurus CT9/CT40 Carbines – New Gun Review


For urban combat and self defense, many would argue that there is no better choice in a firearm than a pistol-caliber carbine. It has almost no recoil or muzzle rise, little muzzle flash and plenty of punch to get the job done in close quarters. The H&K MP5 is legend when it comes to SWAT and SPEC-OPS deployment, and it has achieved that status firing the 9mm cartridge, despite concerns of many that the 9mm is underpowered. The Taurus CT9 and CT40 are new entrants into the pistol-caliber carbine market, and they look and work a lot like H&K’s follow up to the MP5, called the UMP. The civilian version was called the USC, and is no longer produced (it was too expensive). The Taurus CT9 is a more full-featured gun than the USC, and with an MSRP of $879 and street prices under $750, this new carbine should fly off the shelves. As this article is coming out, the .40 S&W version was released, but we were able to test the 9mm gun. Our results showed the CT9 to be extremely reliable and tolerant of different types of ammo. The accuracy is at least as good as other pistol caliber carbines we have tested, and the features on the gun are all you could want for home and personal defense. This year is going to see a new emergence from Taurus since Mark Kresser took over the company. With the new focus on quality control and great customer service, the affordability of Taurus products will finally be backed up by a company that puts customers as #1. The CT9 is the first truly new product from Taurus for a while, and minus a couple peeves, it seems to be everything you could want in a pistol caliber carbine.