David R. Vaught, Ph.D.

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The Federal Duck Stamp


Estimated reading time: 0 minutes The early efforts of journalist and artist Jay N. “Ding” Darling of the Des Moines Register established the first stamp and the idea of artwork to grace the stamp.  His first stamp in 1934 featured a pair of Mallards dropping into the marsh and was sold for $1.00.  Table of [...]

Rig ‘Em Right – Full Choke Gun Case


I know many who opt to leave their guns exposed.  I have dropped my gun in the water more than once but luckily it was shallow.

Waterfowl: Footwork while Hunting


If we simply rise to shoot without thinking about the alignment of our feet we may never have a chance as our body movement is blocked right and we cannot swing to the right as far as needed. 

Waterfowl – Carry or Haul Your Gear


Be smart, travel light, and be prepared.  Instead, as a plan B, I tend to bring everything I might need to the marsh and field. 

Waterfowl Headlamps – Technology At Its Best

Waterfowl Headlamps – Technology At Its Best


I reached out to some high-tech companies to gain access to a few of their products that I considered among the best if not the best in the current marketplace.  I am not talking about hyped-up splash ads for headlamps but rather ones with a great deal of engineering, design, and durability meant to last for seasons.

2 - Hunt365 - Duck Boats and Blind Grass

Duck Boats and Blind Grass

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In the world of waterfowl, “hide” is key. Ducks can see and hear, but getting a good hide is top of the list for a good day of hunting.

Down Gauging: The Beretta A-400 Extreme Plus Semi-Automatic 20-Gauge

Down Gauging: The Beretta A-400 Extreme Plus Semi-Automatic 20-Gauge

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I love the idea of downsizing so will it stop at the 20-gauge or move to a 28 or even a 410?  My shot selection will of course need to be enhanced, but I tend to shoot over the decoys anyway.  I see this smaller gauge as nothing short of fun.

2 - Hunt365 - Dive Bomb Industries' Dry Blind Bag

Dive Bomb Industries’ Dry Blind Bag


The variety of ways to get your waterfowl shells and accessories into the field can be characterized in two ways: big and boxy.

Mud Motors and Waterfowl

Mud Motors and Waterfowl


Today the growth of new shallow-water mud or swamp motors is gaining the attention of wetland hunters

Lucky Duck HD 2.0 Remote

Lucky Duck HD 2.0 Remote


Technology advances our waterfowl hunting. Lucky Duck knows this and their new HD 2.0 Remote increases the field of options now available to us duck hunters.