Alabama Man Ticketed for Pro-Gun Bumper Sticker

Alabama Man Ticketed for Pro-Gun Bumper Sticker
The design above is similar to the bumper sticker the man had displayed on his vehicle.

An Alabama man is claiming his First Amendment rights were violated when a local sheriff’s deputy cited him for an “obscene” bumper sticker that displayed a pro-gun message.  

The sticker features an AR-type rifle followed by the letters “U,” “C,” and an AK-47. Underneath the letters and rifles are the words “gun control.” The shape and position of the rifles appear to spell the F-word, which is what the deputy noted in his citation, according to local media.

The man who received the citation, Nicholas Ennis, disagrees.

“I think my First Amendment rights have been violated because it’s not spelled out like he said on the ticket,” Ennis told ABC 3340. “That we should have the right to express our opinions, and the freedom of speech, and they’re trying to take it away, the constitutional right, they’re trying to take all that away from us, like American ain’t free no more.”

Ennis said he’s had the sticker on his truck for about a year, and this is the first time he’s had trouble with it. The deputy spotted the sticker while Ennis was parked at a gas station.

SEE ALSO: Congress Too Distracted with Trump Impeachment to Advance Gun Control Agenda

Ennis’ friend, Sam Monaghan, has the same sticker on his vehicle, and he’s never been cited. He told ABC 3340 that he doesn’t believe the sticker causes any harm to the public.

“Everybody has their right to express their opinion on whatever they want to,” Monaghan said. “People express their opinion about not having guns, well, I want guns, and I want more of them, and I will get more of them, and I’ll get them legally.”

Alabama’s criminal code does prohibit anyone from publicly displaying “any bumper sticker, sign or writing which depicts obscene language descriptive of sexual or excretory activities.” Other states, such as Tennessee and South Carolina, have similar laws on the books, according to Middle Tennessee State University’s First Amendment Encyclopedia.  

SEE ALSO: New York Teachers Starts Hunger Strike for Black Rifle Ban, Gun Control

Such laws, however, often fail at the federal level. Several courts have invalidated, on First Amendment grounds, bumper sticker convictions, including a 1991 case involving a trucker who displayed a sticker that read, “How’s My Driving? Call 1-800-EAT SHIT!”

In another case, an appeals court in Louisiana reversed the conviction of a man who displayed a bumper sticker that read, “Fuck Charles Foti, Jr.,” the sheriff for whom the man had previously worked.

Ennis told local media he’s meeting up with a lawyer sometime next week.

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  • Ej harbet October 10, 2019, 9:27 am

    Hope he cleans up on bama.thought they were into freedom

  • James Sutton October 5, 2019, 4:54 pm

    While I fully agree with the sentiment, I think the bumper sticker, like many others, is in poor taste. Offending parents, religious groups, and other members of your community is not likely to advance your position on any subject. While it may sting the people to whom it is directed, the choice of words is sure to offend many of the people who support your position.

    • TL October 6, 2019, 8:15 pm

      The Constitution does not protect people from being offended. These laws in Al, Tn and S. C. against bumper sricker language is a First Amendment violation.

      • Armed and Dangerous December 24, 2021, 5:43 pm

        James is correct TL. Just because it’s legal doesn’t make it right. I have nothing against offending thin skinned people but show some class. It’s not illegal for people to curse, however when you’re standing in the grocery line with your wife and kids and a couple of thugs are in line spitting out the F word and worse, it’s legal, but not right. Suppose a white guy is in a public place around several black people loudly using the N word? How would that be perceived? It’s legal

  • DaveGinOly October 5, 2019, 2:01 pm

    The statute bans “obscene language descriptive of sexual or excretory activities.” Narrow interpretation of this language would exclude the F-word as used on the sticker – it is not “descriptive of sexual…activities,” the F-word is being used as an indication of contempt for “gun control.” “F**k you” is not the same as “I want to f**ck you.” Only the latter would fall under the statute. The former statement indicates contempt, and is not sexual in nature.

  • BR October 5, 2019, 1:17 pm

    I don’t get it, gun UK gun, does that mean we are support for or fight Brexit?

  • Carl A. October 5, 2019, 12:38 pm

    Not in the best taste. While we may all feel the very same as expressed in the bumper sticker, we don’t have to display it in the vulgar way it was done.

  • jay October 5, 2019, 6:23 am

    Would this same LEO write a ticket for obscenity when a person is in a store or on the street with their pants half pulled down, or their butt crack showing or their crap stains showing on themselves? That’s obscene not some F-word on a bumper sticker. I hear these words in stores being thrown around as regular language is that a ticket offense too!

  • Gregg E Edwards October 4, 2019, 11:48 pm

    I’m tired of hearing/seeing people acting like pigs.
    Keep it out of my face pal.

  • Retired Conventional Forces Guy October 4, 2019, 6:57 pm

    Some of these comments seem to be conflating propriety with constitutionality when they speak of that bumper sticker. Yes, an F-Bomb is a crude way of depicting support for the Second Amendment, and yes, many don’t want their kids to see it.

    But that is irrelevant when it comes to the First Amendment. Boorish language on a bumper sticker is not worth a fine or charges of any kind. That’s it. You can be offended and think the guy is a slug for putting that kind of message on his truck, but to say that it was okay for him to get a ticket for that is to say that you don’t believe in the First Amendment.

    If you shout your righteous indignation and support fining people like the Alabama guy, then you have no right to cry when YOU get a fine for saying something else that gets deemed inappropriate like–oh, “having an AR-15 is a right,” or “God exists,” or “Merry Christmas.” It can happen. When you set a lower standard for freedom and how our Constitution is interpreted, you keep us moving down the slippery slope to the kind of tyranny that already exists in the digital sphere.

    Don’t support state-backed penalties for cussing. If you do, you may find yourself on the receiving end of state-backed penalties for other “offensive” language.

    • Neil Schmidt October 6, 2019, 10:30 am

      I agree. The language is offensive (at least to me), and the owner of the bumper sticker shows that it was a display of his being an oaf… least in the context of how it was publicly displayed. But, as you say, even oafish redneck language is (or should be) protected by the First Amendment. Remember when the Nazis were “on a roll” a few decades back, yet their message and language were still protected.

      Additionally, the government and/or its representatives should not be the arbiter of what language should or should not be protected by the Constitution. I don’t appreciate such language, but I will fight for the right for those who use it, even they may be oafs, louts or ignorant rednecks.

      • Retired Conventional Forces Guy October 6, 2019, 3:06 pm

        You, my friend, get it. I particularly want to highlight a portion of what you said that is most salient and is what many are overlooking:

        “Additionally, the government and/or its representatives should not be the arbiter of what language should or should not be protected by the Constitution. I don’t appreciate such language, but I will fight for the right for those who use it, even they may be oafs, louts or ignorant rednecks.”

        Right on the money.

  • James Smith October 4, 2019, 5:10 pm

    He got what he deserved. Signs like that hurt our pro gun cause. How many of you would use that language in front of your mother, your children or your minister. He was charged for obscene language, not the pro gun part. Don’t let the media sucker you into a 1st amendment violation.

  • Bill Wright October 4, 2019, 2:05 pm

    What’s the problem…the bumper sticker is a persuasive statement against gun control.

    Persuades the readers that the driver is a no class oaf.

    Not helping the 2A cause.

  • Don Ridge October 4, 2019, 1:18 pm

    As a former police officer, you are taught to serve and protect, not to harass and humiliate. This officer mentioned should be retrained or terminated, he was unjust in his actions.

  • Alex October 4, 2019, 1:14 pm

    Personally I wouldn’t display something like this on my vehicles mainly because I always remain under the radar. I have no problem with it but it invites trouble. Is it In bad taste? Maybe…but I do think dude’s 1st Amendment rights are being violated and it’ll cost him more in the long run to make his point in terms of money spent, and time wasted. Until the next civil war comes, which will be a psychological guerrilla campaign to start with, it’s better to pick and choose your battles before-hand.

  • Jonboy October 4, 2019, 12:36 pm

    I have been law enforcement for 22 years, before that 8 years US Army….i know how the Constitution reads and what it says. You can say what you want in a post without fear or retribution. I personally think the foul language spoken here or implied on the decal is wrong and does no one a justifiable service. The lack of respect people have for the rest of mankind is the issue, as well as the self only servitude has become the norm. Most law enforcement would still come save your butt if it needed saving, or in most cases help you defend yourself from evil doers, without hesitation. Cops in general are good people making a difference in most cases. However since you have lumped me in with the small number of hateful self-serving cops….i will lump you sir as a disrespectful self-serving thug degenerate who adds nothing to society as a whole. I ask you, just because I lumped you there, does it make it true? I don\’t know you, and you don\’t know ALL cops….get your news elsewhere, or go visit a sheriff\’s office or police station with an open mind….there is no training that can keep a human 100% perfect, especially after immersing them in the evils of this world every day… the way I am a conservative, a traditionalist of sorts that believes the Founding Fathers meant what was written how it was written, and that it does not need some constitutional lawyer adding his input as to what it means. BTW I would implore you to realize cops enforce law not write it….that you would have to go to the attorneys elected as law makers. Can some cops be heavy hand, answer is yes, but most is an articulation of what will and will not be prosecuted in their jurisdiction.

    • Rattlerjake October 4, 2019, 2:40 pm

      Interesting the claims you make, and obvious that it is because you were/are in law enforcement. First you insist that you believe in the Constitution and then you claim that you enforce the law, not make it. Well you take an oath to uphold the Constitution, which means that anytime you knowingly enforce an unconstitutional law, while enjoying protection from prosecution for violating those same laws; you’re nothing but a hypocrite! This is the problem with law enforcement overall. A perfect example is the driver’s license. The SCOTUS has established in more than one decision that a driver’s license is NOT required for an individual in the act of personal travel, yet any law enforcement who stops an individual who has no license will ticket them! This also goes for vehicle license plates. The states “force” the people to title and license their vehicles when the Constitution states that government (that means both state and federal) can only regulate commerce, also supported by the SCOTUS! And there are hundreds more. But law enforcement like you either don’t understand or you simply play stupid, that the majority of laws are designed to provide revenue for the state or municipality, or both! And doing it through intimidation from threat of fines and incarceration that YOU are immune to! Lets not even get into no-knock raids, coercing people into giving up their right to be silent, illegal search, illegal seizure (especially if you can CLAIM it might be drug related), and the list goes on. If “cops” were really good like you say, then they should refuse to uphold any and all unconstitutional, hence illegal, laws. By the way, states do NOT have the right to make laws that violate the Constitution, nor do they have a right to violate our rights; states are under the same constitutional constraints as the federal government. So spare us your “I’m a good guy” speech!

    • Thomas October 4, 2019, 8:17 pm

      Hey, nobody here wants your lousy Copsplaining….. The tide is changing. Amber Guyer should be a Great lesson for you. Cops never do anything but Escalate, Escalate, Escalate…………. When cops show up, people’s lives get destroyed. They take your money via intimidation with firearms for petty things like no turn signal, headlight being etc… etc. it’s all petty shit to control society and people are getting sick and tired of it. 1st Amendment Auditors are seeing to that. Taking legitimate firearms from Veterans who served and fought for this country. That’s BS and you know it. But go ahead and believe your brainwashing masters. Bet you feel Great taking people’s money who do petty traffic offenses while you get the Blue line privilege. All you gotta do is flash your blue line tin badge and get off Scott free…. All you do is violate people’s rights and now your ALL going down the road of trampling on everyone’s rights. People are fed up with LEO’s. Your not our Masters and we don’t need your protections. That’s why we have a 2nd Amendment. You say you believe the Founding Fathers and the Constitution??? Stop lying….. and Yes you’re lying. Your so used to being able to lie on the job that you now take those lies with you everywhere you go and lie some more. St. Michael used to be the patron saint of cops. However, since the light of how cops really act and treat people is being exposed with the advent f the camera and live feeds to you tube where the videos can’t be erased or lost by law enforcement. Now Lucifer is exposing himself as the Patron Saint of Police. Liars, Abusers, Wife Beaters and Alcoholics. Do yourself a favor and get a job where you don’t violate people and steal money from families trying to feed their kids, just so you can feed your kids.

  • PM55 October 4, 2019, 12:22 pm

    While I agree with the message, show some class. There are other ways to express one’s opinion without getting in the gutter.

  • Floyd October 4, 2019, 11:38 am

    Communist take your rights then kill you history repeats if you let it?

  • Dick Peterson October 4, 2019, 11:02 am

    It’s a matter of community standards. Your refusal to spell out FUCK says that it is unacceptable in your community. You have no right to call out another community where it is also unacceptable. You Talk the Talk but fail to Walk the Walk.

  • Michael J October 4, 2019, 10:36 am

    Do you know whey there are so many stupid laws? Just in case. Must have been a slow day in law enforcement.

  • Justista October 4, 2019, 9:28 am

    But Beto can still sell and stupid people still wear his T shirts?

    • Dick Peterson October 4, 2019, 12:05 pm

      Justita, John in DFW etc,
      The outfit that made and sold the bumper sticker did not get a citation, only the person that displayed it in a very public manner. That right there is the difference. That’s why it is also OK for Beto to sell the T Shirt. If someone is cited for public decency, that’s not Beto’s problem or fault. Local standards, y’all.

  • john in DFW October 4, 2019, 9:12 am

    oh .. like a Beto sticker is not offensive ! oh yeah like De Niro saying the same word on national tv is ok ? what did he get charged for again ? i missed that part . Impeach the MF from a congress woman , that’s ok !

    ok I get it now . if you’re a liberal you can say what ever you want , if you’re a conservative you are a racist , bigot , deplorable and you should be fined , silenced and disarmed .

    I’m done talking !

  • Skysayno October 4, 2019, 8:33 am

    For all of you PC police:
    There are actually studies (some with small sample sizes) that show people who swear may have a better vocabulary and be more honest and communicable than those who don’t.

    Imho, part of the problem in this society is the “better than thou” attitude. You can see it here separating people that should be for a common cause here, but rather you what to show how you are better than this guy because you dont swear.

    It’s am infringement no matter how you put it. Constitution wasn’t written with “unless so and so takes offense”… though that seems to be the interpretation more and more these days. A right is a right.

    • DaveGinOly October 5, 2019, 2:10 pm

      Indeed, only “offensive language” demands protection. No protection is needed for language nobody cares enough about to try to squelch.

      This also applies to “assault weapons.” If the right to arms protects any arms at all, it must protect those arms that are under threats of bans and confiscation. Protections MUST apply and are MEANT FOR those arms which are threatened at any time. Arms not under such threats do not (currently) require protection.

      People who are here arguing that offensive language has (or should have) less protection than civil language are making an anti-gun point (“offense” and “objection” to something can reduce or eliminate constitutionally-mandated protection). But then again, there are people who consider themselves “pro-gun” and then say “But…”

  • Paul October 4, 2019, 8:22 am

    We have drug addicts, criminals, subversives running around and all people can go apeshit over is a couple of words……Just man-up get over it and worry about the important things!!!

  • Michael Dean Hanson October 4, 2019, 7:41 am

    Sorry, but the only thing I see is the letters U C and Gun Control. Perhaps the U C stands for Un control, or Unconstitutionally Crappy. Grow up people….it is a word. Remember “Sticks and stones, etc?”

  • Vincent G October 4, 2019, 7:11 am

    Relocated from RI to Birmingham in 2002. Raised family there after Clinton’s exported my high paying career to India. Learned a lot about Southern manners, hospitality, politeness, and if all else fails, Justice. There is no place for that kind of vulgarity in communities striving to maintain some level of decency! Dude needs to clean up his truck!

  • Geo Ling October 4, 2019, 7:04 am

    I think the sticker is out of order. It is not a 1st Amendment issue with me, it’s a right and wrong issue. It shows a lack of respect for others, particularly women and children.Arrest is not the answer ultimately, a definitive lesson in manners and respect for others would be appropriate.He needs to suffer negative consequences for his bad decision. So be it.

    • Blasted Cap October 4, 2019, 7:34 am

      Which is why all speech is protected. Just because you, or someone else doesn’t like it, doesn’t mean he needs to be punished for it.
      My Drill Instructor, Sergeant McCray, always told us, you don’t have to like it, you just have to do it.

      • Robert October 4, 2019, 10:08 am

        Yeah, my DI always said, “smoke em if you got em”,
        guess that smokin O.K..

    • CivilWar2.0 October 4, 2019, 7:54 am

      I can not believe anyone thinks a police officer giving a ticket for this sticker is ok. This law has more to do with blatant sexual depictions and vulgarity. Even so, leave us law abiding citizens alone damnit. If you feel this sticker is worth a first amendment violation you are the reason why we are losing this country. The sticker was obscene. WE HAVE TOO MANY LAWS!! If you aren’t hurting anyone why is it anyone’s business? Every year there are new laws that turn a law abiding citizen into a damn criminal. It’s ridiculous. Remember, you may love doing something that doesn’t harm anyone today, but tomorrow you can be deemed a criminal. Oh and lawmakers love hiding behind “The Children”. Beware of laws that remove things for the sake of “The Children”. That’s a scam as well. Raise your children right and be active in their lives and they’ll be ok. Never give up your freedoms. Police should do a better job at solving real crime. The left hates them already so why do you want the rest of the population to dislike you?

      • Robert October 4, 2019, 10:20 am

        I’m guessing that when common decency, courtesy and respect are considered “taboo” by society in general then creating laws to control these “non-violent” offenses will be absolutely necessary.

    • Rattlerjake October 4, 2019, 3:01 pm

      Exactly what/who established what is proper or improper? Just because YOU are offended, or you were taught that certain words are “offensive” doesn’t mean they are. It’s all in your head. Are you offended when the word ni99er is used? Why? Most negros aren’t, they use the word as a form of “affection” or “friendship”, so why should you be? Because you are indoctrinated and/or you are cowering to the PC agenda!

      Here is what scripture says about being offended!

      Offenses will come by divinity clashing with carnality, but let us not create any offenses of our own.
      “And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another” (Ma. 24:10).
      In this eschatological passage where Jesus shares extensively about the marks of the end times, he said that “then shall many be offended” (in modern English: “many shall leave the church because of hurt feelings”).
      What Does It Mean To Be Offended?
      First of all, let us look at the dictionary definition from the American College Dictionary: to offend means to irritate in mind or feelings or to cause resentful displeasure in a person.
      It seems that this is a good, common description of what happens to people when they are offended: they become irritated, resentful, and they are greatly displeased.
      But a theological definition of an offense goes deeper than that because irritation, resentment, and displeasure experienced by the person offended is only a description of the effects of an offense and not that of the cause.
      Christian theology tells us, first of all, that behind every offensive response is a sinful disposition of life. Sin in the hearts of people produces a resentful, irritated, upset response whenever they hear what they don’t want to hear. So, in actuality, an offense, most of the time, is the fault of the hearer and not of the speaker. For one person will hear a certain truth, and he will rejoice. Another one will hear the same truth, and he will be resentful and outraged……….

    • Reality Bites October 4, 2019, 8:26 pm

      Hey Geo…. Fuck You!!! Are you offended yet?? I hope so.

  • Geo Ling October 4, 2019, 7:03 am

    I think the sticker is out of order. It is not a 1st Amendment issue with me, it’s a right and wrong issue. It shows a lack of respect for others, particularly women and children. Arrest is not the answer ultimately, a definitive lesson in manners and respect for others would be appropriate. He needs to suffer negative consequences for his bad decision. So be it.

    • Roger October 4, 2019, 9:08 am

      “…particularly women and children”???… I don’t think that I will ever understand the minds of the perpetually offended. I may believe that the sticker is silly, immature, and counterproductive to the message…but it is certainly not a crime. The driver has every right to put this sticker on his vehicle, just as I have every right to consider him a classless dope for doing so while I sit behind him in traffic. End of story. No need to involve a threat of legalised extortion, kidnapping, or violence from a police department, as these are the only services they would bring to the situation.

  • Hendrik Haan October 4, 2019, 6:09 am

    When Robert DeNiro, the high school dropout, can say “Phuc Trump” as a matter of free speech… Like they say in Vietnam: Phuc Yieu!

  • Jason Coffey October 4, 2019, 5:52 am

    More and more Police these days seem to be jumping rite on the leftist totalitarianism wagon! And to all the people who posted below they agree with Peoples 1st Amendment rights being violated justified by because children might see a cuss word you are part of the problem in this Nation that will see our freedoms dissolved 😡 What children see at school and on Internet make this sticker harmless as ever. Freedom of speech is not just meant for some speech!

  • Michael E. Hensley October 4, 2019, 5:52 am

    Alabama, Nothing else should be said.
    I love my AR’s but come on folks this Bama idiot is exactly That!!
    I do not blame the Deputy for giving the ticket.
    Use a BIT of Common sense

  • Kevin Moakley October 4, 2019, 4:26 am

    It is protected speech, and authentically so, because of the overtly political nature. You don’t have to like it, or agree with it, but it is still afforded First Amendment protection. PERIOD. While it may generally offend people by being in the public eye, it is quintessential a political expression that is a danger to no one specifically. Man wins, ticket dismissed.

    • Alex L October 4, 2019, 11:15 am

      Well said. Freedom of Speech is all encompassing. You don’t get to pick and choose what is appropriate based on your personal beliefs.

  • Jim Macklin October 4, 2019, 12:43 am

    I don’t have such a bumper sticker. Maybe I’ll get several and hope for such a sheriff or city police officer to issue a ticket.
    I’d then sue for at least $20,000,000.00. Maybe I could get a hearing in 50 different state courts. Ideally I’d win 25 and lose 25 and the SCOTUS would have to take the case on First, Second and Tenth Amendment grounds.
    Obviously the Fist and Second Amendments, but the Tenth is were the right to self-defense is secured.

    Maybe the deputy has a problem and it could be dyslexia combined with an over-active imagination.

  • Dan 71 October 3, 2019, 8:33 pm

    I got so sick and tired of those Communist loving Clintons and the disregard Kalifornians had for the U.S. Constitution I spelled out the “F” bomb and spelled out on my Jeep. No police (or anyone else) stopped me. It was surprising. Wouldn’t do it now though. some libtard would through a home bomb at my Jeep and REALLY piss me off!!!

  • Jon P October 3, 2019, 2:44 pm

    I guess Constitutional law is no longer taught to our police officers. In the 80’s Hustler magazine founder Larry Flint went all the way to the Supreme Court to fight for the right to use the F word. They agreed with him and the word F U C K was granted protection under the 1st Amendment. So they have no case and he should get his ticket over turned.

  • Tom October 3, 2019, 12:35 pm

    When a Congress Women stands in front of a crowded room and says impeach that mother f@!#er. It should be legal to have that bumper sticker.

  • MrLucky October 3, 2019, 12:22 pm

    We can support the our 1st and 2nd amendments without using F-bombs. My kids are grown, but that’s not a message I’d like children to see. And being a gentleman, it’s not a message ladies should be exposed to. We have much more credibility when our words and actions are civil. It doesn’t matter that some people’s parents didn’t raise them to be polite and respectful, we don’t have to stoop to their level. People who use F-bombs to express their views publicly (including children and ladies) should be chastised.

    • Rosie O'Moore October 4, 2019, 5:52 am

      You know, those words offending you is just exactly like those evil black guns offending some folks. There is nothing really wrong with it….it’s just that you don’t like it. Be careful who you choose to break bread with.

      • Blasted Cap October 4, 2019, 7:53 am


    • Doug October 4, 2019, 4:00 pm

      Chastising someone is not making a law against them..

      Read this and understand it clearly, unless you want your rights curtailed because you somehow offend some other snowflake out there and they have to pass a new law to take away what you got, you know like our gun rights might be next?! Because that happens to be another of our Creator give rights according to our Constitution.

      Children nowadays from about the age of three on up know ALL the words you claim their virgin ears have never heard, whether we like it or not. Freedom of speech and expression has NO boundaries unless it could physically hurt folks. STOP! And think about the can of worms you’re opening here, as you are playing right directly into the lefts game of you offended me, so now I want a new law to take away something you have to make my world a fake non-existent utopia.

  • PATRICK October 3, 2019, 12:12 pm

    I don’t know about you but when people swear like that around my children I get upset. I usually say something and they stop. When they spell the word out on a shirt or bumper sticker and they have to read it I get upset. I have to explain to my little children that we don’t talk like that.

    I have seen the Fuck Cancer bumper stickers, the Fuck Trump bumper stickers and so on. There’s really no point in adding that word to your message. It doesn’t change minds and, in my case, usually ,makes me think less of the cause people are trying to promote.

    Using the word fuck is not funny or edgy or whatever people think it is these days… unless you’re an 8-year-old boy. I was raised, correctly, to believe when you result to swearing you only demonstrate your lack of control, intelligence, maturity, civility and class.

    In the end, this pussy wasn’t even man enough to fess up the word was even there in black and white.

    Almost every gun owner I know is in control and responsible, intelligent, mature, civil and respectful. Bumper stickers, t-shirts etc. with this type of message only portray me and my fellow responsible gun owners as out of control nut jobs who probably shouldn’t be allowed to be near sharp objects.

    I wish more gun rights folks would think twice before they allow their opinions combined with their limited communication skills to portray me and mine as low-class, back-woods guntards.

    You won’t win any arguments by cussing and yelling. Honey catches more flies than vinegar. There’s no reason why you can’t express your freedom of speech and show some fuckin’ class at the same time. It reflects on you AND the rest of us.

    • Dr. Strangelove October 4, 2019, 6:10 am

      You object to the use of the word ‘fuck,’ but you call the man a ‘pussy?’ Hypocrisy much?

    • Steve in Detroit October 4, 2019, 7:24 am

      Bumper sticker more offensive than urban type music? It is 2019.

    • Hypocritmuch October 4, 2019, 8:00 am

      Excuse me, but you call the guy a “pussy” and then you say, “use some fuckin class “. I’m afraid that’s hypocritical. Don’t judge and you won’t be judged. If people aren’t hurting anybody who cares. Take care brother.

      • yup October 4, 2019, 9:03 am


        • Walkerhound October 4, 2019, 7:30 pm

          He used the word “pussy” in a private forum, not posted on a bumper sticker in public. I’m far from a prude, but ANYONE uses that language around my family in public is going to hear about it. You DO NOT have the right to use any language you wish in public, do and say what you want in private. And if you’re ok with people using that language around your kids, mother, grandmother, etc., YOU’RE the pussy.

    • Bill Wright October 4, 2019, 2:36 pm

      Exactly! We are in the political fight of our lives and we need all votes and all the support we can get for 2A candidates…even in AL where a “D” senator was recently elected. Crass bumper stickers don’t help.

  • Bruce 'Pilgrim' Stanton October 3, 2019, 11:12 am

    It is such a common word in these days I wonder what the deputy was thinking. If you doubt this, hang around a school yard and listen to the trash talk.

  • Paul October 3, 2019, 9:06 am

    I am all for everyone’s 1st and 2nd Amendment Rights but I find that obscene, crude, nasty. I also support our Police, Fire and EMT’s.

    • yacantfixstupid October 3, 2019, 11:27 am

      anything that you find “obscene, crude, or nasty” I find hilarious!

      • MagnumOpUS October 4, 2019, 6:26 am

        Your moniker is very fitting! Too bad you really are stupid and don’t get the irony.

        The Demokrat Party lives on as long as dirt bags like you exist.

    • BigJohn9 October 4, 2019, 8:08 am

      Brother, please don’t support anyone blindly. Police are not always protecting our rights. Many cops will be at your door step one day. I come from an LE family and support those who protect our constitution. Aside from our constitution, we are beginning to have one too many laws. Be well

  • Daniel Lawson Jr October 3, 2019, 8:36 am

    It’s been my opinion that the founding fathers may have known that such a situation may arise in the future, and is the reason they wrote the constitution as they did. Though sometimes, people have pushed the envelope on what is being said. To put it bluntly, using objects to represent letters in the “F-word” is a common practice. But using the pink ribbons to spell out “Fuck Cancer” is not only popular but accepted. But using the M-16 and AK-47 to spell out “Fuck Gun Control” has been villainized. But I personally have lost a brother to cancer, and just recently lost a nephew to suicide, but I would still display both of these stickers on my vehicle. It’s not “Gun Control” we need, but gun education. I carry a pistol in my truck at all times, not so I can use it, but with the hope that I never will.

    I believe that it was a soldier that said, “I may not agree with what you said, but I will fight to the death to defend your right to say it.” This has never been more true than today. Our constitutional rights have been challenged. The country should stand up and say in ONE VOICE… No, we will not be silenced!

  • Ed Schrade October 3, 2019, 7:24 am

    So, you can’t have a bumper sticker that may be profane but it’s legal to ride around town with profanity blaring from a high powered stereo system ?

    • allfour1 October 4, 2019, 7:13 pm

      Few comments hit the point better than this.

      Just in case I’ll bother pointing out most locations have 50′ noise ordinances, the frequent blaring and tasteless music/ language emanates from peculiarly stereotypical sources, with stereotypical customizations, frequently operated by just as stereotypical persons, often at completely inconsiderate times of day, and no one recalls them playing Glenn Miller, Woody Guthrie, John Lennon, Joan Baez, Billy Gibbons, Warren Zevon…All while license plate frames and less secure attachments buzz along keeping time.

      Craving attention, I believe they lack confidence, genuine assertive qualities and creativity; in other words -utilizing natural gifts to achieve same.

      Can’t hear yourself think, speak with another passenger, enjoy your own choices; but they turn it down answering THEIR phone, order drive thru, hoot at female pedestrians, a police cruiser is seen…

      So, ticketing the driver was over-simplified (questionably) with falsified evidence in replacing symbols with the _implied_ letters.

      And noise issue? Beside intense bass difficult pinpointing its correct origin in the short time at an intersection, I’m pretty sure they’ve had practice stymieing law enforcement and legal system via language of segregation or profiling.


      I’ve confronted a few directly. “I’m NOT sending you a check!”
      Whaddya mean?
      “I didn’t hire a fricken DJ!”
      They usually turn it back up, so I respond, if I’m close enough.
      With a canned-air horn.
      That can escalate, got a little something for that too.

  • Kobi October 3, 2019, 7:11 am

    Such a waste of taxpayers time and money. I love that sticker. Where can I get about 100 of them? First two will be placed on my vehicle and my safe and the rest given freely to friends and family. Fight the power 🙂

  • Jack October 2, 2019, 12:29 am

    Fuck Gun Control and while you’re at it Fuck the Police, they are not our friends. “Just doin’ my job.”

    • Alan Yates October 3, 2019, 7:20 am

      You have a right to your opinion, even when articulating it as you have causes you to appear to be illiterate.
      Ironically those who express that opinion regarding the police are among the first to squeal for ‘help’ when they get scared.
      Never fear. When you do send out a “come save me” message the police will respond and do that.

      • Jack October 3, 2019, 2:58 pm

        I admit I probably should have used better language but we are in a fight for our rights. As far as calling the police for “help” to “come save me”, I never have and I never will. I can take care of myself. All what the police do is escalate the situation, frequently resulting in an unnecessary fatal shooting.
        How will you feel about the police when they come to take your guns Alan, when and if a Beto or Kamala is elected. It’s already happening in CA and the police couldn’t care less about the 2A.

      • Retired SOFguy October 3, 2019, 6:12 pm

        I don’t agree with the original poster’s exact sentiment, but cops enforce laws daily that clearly violate the 2A. We also see policing change based on politics and guidance from their union. Not pretty or good news, just is what it is.
        And frequently I see responses about how those who might seem adversarial to cops are somehow “the first to squeal for their help.” Any data to back that up? I’ve got significant issues with how LE in this country comport themselves, and I neither need them to solve my immediate problems nor expect them to even have a response time that would make that feasible.

      • Michael E. Hensley October 4, 2019, 5:55 am

        Jack is probably from Alabama
        I have a LOT of Deputy Friends in Bedford County VA. and they know they will help me if needed and they know I shall do the same for them

        • allfour1 October 4, 2019, 7:33 pm

          Hmmm. Getting sufficient police aid shouldn’t necessitate dependence on them as “friends”.
          I’ve only known three officers; CHP, LA Sheriff, LAPD. Friendly enough, but one useless as tits on a boar.
          Now, those military members I know; real persons of quality, dedication and overriding concern for others.

    • Jonboy October 4, 2019, 12:33 pm

      I have been law enforcement for 22 years, before that 8 years US Army….i know how the Constitution reads and what it says. You can say what you want in a post without fear or retribution. I personally think the foul language spoken here or implied on the decal is wrong and does no one a justifiable service. The lack of respect people have for the rest of mankind is the issue, as well as the self only servitude has become the norm. Most law enforcement would still come save your butt if it needed saving, or in most cases help you defend yourself from evil doers, without hesitation. Cops in general are good people making a difference in most cases. However since you have lumped me in with the small number of hateful self-serving cops….i will lump you sir as a disrespectful self-serving thug degenerate who adds nothing to society as a whole. I ask you, just because I lumped you there, does it make it true? I don’t know you, and you don’t know ALL cops….get your news elsewhere, or go visit a sheriff’s office or police station with an open mind….there is no training that can keep a human 100% perfect, especially after immersing them in the evils of this world every day… the way I am a conservative, a traditionalist of sorts that believes the Founding Fathers meant what was written how it was written, and that it does not need some constitutional lawyer adding his input as to what it means. BTW I would implore you to realize cops enforce law not write it….that you would have to go to the attorneys elected as law makers. Can some cops be heavy hand, answer is yes, but most is an articulation of what will and will not be prosecuted in their jurisdiction.

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