Atlas Development Group (ADG) is a company that produces high quality rifle brass for some cartridges that simply nobody makes brass for. For those of you that load wildcat cartridges like myself such as the 338 EDGE and 6.5 GAP 4S, take note and check out this company for your self because you simply cannot find brass for these cartridges that is as high quality while also affordable.
ADG has a ‘YUGE lineup of hard to find cartridges and they are continuously adding to it. Check out the pictures below in order to see what they have, as well as what is new for 2019. In order to check pricing, click here to navigate their website. ADG does production runs of their brass and then switches to the next cartridge, so they do go out of stock occasionally on their most popular products but all you have to do is wait a little bit and they will inevitably have some more go in stock so you can grab what you need.
What Makes ADG Brass Different?
First off, ADG brass is great because, as I have mentioned, they produce a few cartridges that nobody else really offers. Second, ADG brass is manufactured through a stringent process which leads to brass that is more precise, uniform and holds up through more reloads. This brass is formed through the traditional drawn method but there are 30 dimensions taken during the forming process in order to ensure the brass is within SAAMI specifications. The case head is double stuck in order to increase the hardness of the brass in this area, which leads to longer brass life. (Speaking of brass life, each brass is tested by ADG to 10 reloads. Standard cartridges will last much longer than this though.) Once formed, the case goes through an induction annealing process that is controlled by a sidewall hardness profile gauge. During the manufacturing process, there are a lot of checks that are in place such as measuring the micro-hardness of the case surface as well as within the case wall.
Included in the price of the brass is an included ammo box. This ammo box is big enough that you can use it to store your loaded ammunition as well. These boxes are made from US sourced materials. The brass that you buy is also available in the standard finish which shows the annealing line, or bright for a bit more where the anneal line has been polished away. As mentioned, because of the high demand of some of these cartridges and low supply, ADG does run out of stuck on some of their popular brass. No worries though, you can just sign up on their website to receive an email when the product comes back in stock. You will also notice that ADG brass is competitively priced to be similar to other brass manufacturers.
So, technically speaking, these cartridges are NO longer ‘wildcats’, since the brass is now commercially available.