Action Targets : Get Some High-Tech Bang for Your Buck—SHOT Show 2014

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Steel targets are usually not all that exciting. You lug them to the range, set them up and make them ring, but that is about it. Enter Action Targets. They have a number of targets that bring more action to your range time. From their flip-around Dueling Tree to the Rimfire Spinning Jack, Action Targets provide for more interactive reactive targets. But they have upped the game with what might be the coolest Action Target to date.

action targets006Now this is not something that you will be able to throw in the back of your pickup and take with you. This is something to look for at your local range or a training facility: a programmable, compressed-air activated pop-up steel target system called the Unpredictor, and it brings unpredictable behavior to a target system for use in tactical training.

The general idea is for range masters or trainers to program the targets to pop up in whatever sequence they want to select. The brilliance is that the targets will only go down after a preselected number of hits. A course might take 10 rounds to complete. The first target comes up and takes one hit for it to fall, the next one pops up and takes three, the first one comes back up and takes two more, the third target pops up and takes four hits, and so on. It also times the hits to get a clear indication on reaction and shot times. There are tons of ways the Unpredictor can be programmed. The time we had to check it out here at SHOT only skimmed the surface of the features. We hope these will be made available to commercial ranges, and soon. The Unpredictor will a fun, yet serious, way to improve marksmanship and personal defense reaction times.

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