Action needed: Humane Society attacking Traditional Ammo

Interior secretary Sally Jewel with president Obama.  (Photo: NJ Today)

Interior secretary Sally Jewel with president Obama. (Photo: NJ Today)

Listen up! Humane Society cretins are attacking traditional ammo. Cretins, yes, I shouldn’t use personal attacks, but in this case the shoe fits. I mean, how else do you explain folks who want to ban hunting with traditional ammunition on public lands?

As I write the Humane Society along with other fringe so-called ‘animal-rights’ organizations are pushing Sally Jewel, the Secretary of the U.S. Dept. of the Interior, hard to sign a 50-page petition filled with junk science that would outlaw lead-based ammo on the more than 160 million acres of federal lands controlled by the National Park Service and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

To put that in perspective, that land represents one-fifth of the total land area in the U.S.

It goes without saying but we need to put a stop to this misguided effort. How can we do it?

Well, we can call Secretary Jewell’s office directly and let our voices be heard: 202-208-3181.

Another way to contact her is to send an email. Hornady® Manufacturing has set up a web page that has an editable file that we can fill out and send (click here to access it). It doesn’t take longer than a few minutes to complete.

Aside from stating the obvious — banning traditional ammo is asinine — if you’re hard pressed on what to say, you can include any of the following cogent criticisms of the petition in your missive or phone call:

  • It lacks sound science to support banning the traditional hunting ammunition used by hunters for centuries.
  • It is another attempt by the HSUS to ban hunting altogether.
  • The adverse impact of traditional ammunition upon wildlife has not been substantiated to the point of necessitating such a drastic move.
  • There is no evidence that consuming game taken with traditional ammunition poses a human health risk to hunters and their families.
  • Approving this ban would reduce the 11% excise taxes currently raised from the sale of traditional ammunition, which is used to support wildlife conservation. A ban of traditional ammunition would harm the very animals HSUS claims to protect.

Also, if you’re curious to know who else is behind this anti-Second Amendment, anti-hunting, anti-firearms effort, here are the other organizations that are supporting the petition:

Humane Society of the United States
Fund for Animals
Defenders of Wildlife
Natural Resources Defense Council
Wildlife Conservation Society
International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council
National Wildlife Rehabilitators Association
South Florida Wildlife Center
Chocolay Raptor Center
Upper Peninsula Environmental Coalition
Northwood Alliance
National Wolfwatcher Coalition
Five individual sportsmen, including Judd Hanna, former California Fish and Game commissioner

Here is the Humane Society’s propaganda at its worst:

  • Chris July 24, 2014, 11:19 pm

    Lead Comes From The Earth morons were just putting it back how stupid are they???

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