A Look at the Wear Orange for Gun Violence Day Event

H/T: Guns.com:

June 2, 2015, marked the first ever National Gun Violence Awareness Day, an event meant to bring attention to victims of gun violence across the country by having participants wear orange.

The event was hosted by Everytown for Gun Safety, which essentially gave the concept a megaphone. The gun control advocacy group used its assets to market the campaign through media and social networking. In response, roughly 200 celebrities and politicians participated by sharing self-taken photographs of themselves wearing orange and other announcements.

The event in Chicago’s Harold Washington Park had a modest attendance with 100 to 200 people. Families of those killed by gun violence spoke at the event along with Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel.

  • Steve Warren September 14, 2015, 12:56 pm

    Yet another mis-guided, feel good, do nothing astro-turf event….

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