Auto-Ordnance Unveils Non-NFA Compact Thompson Carbines

Thompson T1-14 carbine

The T1-14 with a non-NFA 14-inch barrel. (Photo: Auto-Ordnance)

Auto-Ordnance, part of the Kahr Firearms Group, is announcing a new series of non-NFA-regulated short-barreled Thompson 1927 carbines, chambered for the original Tommy Gun cartridge, .45 ACP.

The new Thompson 1927 T1-14 and T1B-14 carbines come with an updated barrel profile that should be familiar to all Thompson fans, based on the M1928A1 with cooling fins, a top charging handle and a pinned and welded, permanently-attached Cutts compensator.

Although the original was fit with a shorter barrel, the T1-14 and T1B-14 come close with a total barrel length of 16.5 inches including the muzzle brake, only 4.5 inches longer overall–necessary to keep the carbines from being classified as short-barreled rifles by the ATF.

Both carbines sport integral forward pistol grips and all the furniture is polished American walnut. The T1-14 is the standard model with a fixed buttstock where the T1B-14 has a detachable buttstock to make it easier to store and transport or just shoot it like a pistol.

These carbines are based on the established T1 series and use the same fixed front and adjustable rear sights—only they’re shorter and weigh a half pound less. Still, weighing it at 12.5 pounds these are no featherweight carbines and will have no problems soaking up recoil.


For when 30 isn’t enough. (Photo: Auto-Ordnance)

They have an overall length of 39 inches or in the case of the T1B, 29.5 inches with the stock removed and come with one 30-round stick magazine. Auto-Ordnance also sells 10-, 20- and 30-round stick magazines separately as well as 10-, 50- and 100-round drum magazines.

You don’t have to be a collector to appreciate these iconic pistol caliber carbines. They’re priced the same as the T1 series, $1,461 for the standard model and $1,910 for the T1B-14, which means real-world prices will start around $1,000 or a little less if you find a good deal.

The Thompson Submachine Gun has a long and storied place in American and world history, serving all Allied forces in WWII in every theater from Normandy to Guadalcanal and beyond. It’s legacy spans decades and continues to shine to this day.

Just based on that it’s easy to like these carbines even if they’re not 100 percent true to the original specs. They come close, and most importantly, you can buy them with no NFA strings attached.

For more information, visit http:/

  • doug burgee February 3, 2017, 9:01 pm

    Mech Tech out of Montana has done this type of set up at least 15 years ago and are still making them.Great,great item by the way. The 9mm upper is accurate that is scary. Well made, good looking,easy to handle,and great price delivered to your door!

  • ejharb January 20, 2016, 8:42 pm

    Sbr and sbs restrictions a shining example of old school stupidity of my grand parents and others letting the government camels nose into the tent of freedom.
    Needs to be repealed now!

  • Kivaari January 16, 2016, 12:20 am

    No matter what you do to a Thompson it will never be a neat compact gun for anything except having fun. Even the real M1A1 SMG is a club having the handling of an awkward chunk of driftwood. The things weigh over 10 pounds empty. The controls on the real SMG simply are crude to use. If you just have to have one for the sake of having one, OK. And I would like a real WW2 Savage built one. But they cost way too much.

    • ejharb January 20, 2016, 8:45 pm

      I’d love to have a shooter grade m1a1
      I have some ideas on mods that would curdle collectors blood.of course it would be reversable so the ones who had it after me would have a decent gun still

    • REM1875 February 6, 2017, 5:00 am

      There is a reason why so many fire them from the hip – it’s as high up as one can comfortably lift and hold one.

  • ch January 15, 2016, 8:00 pm

    How is it better than a hi point?

  • Paul - K8IDX January 15, 2016, 4:21 pm

    This might be the almost perfect choice for a home defense weapon. Besides being a true piece of Americana IMO it’s capacity, firepower, and wieldability even in close quarters makes it a serious consideration. I know most people will opt for a pistol, but the problem with a pistol is that it is easy to miss your target. You might say that the longer barrel makes it much more “pointable” and easier to hit your mark and quickly. Missing in a home defense situation is a real problem considering the possibility of destruction of property, and more importantly the possibility of causing death or injury to friendlies. The 45 acp round is less likely than other choices to go through a wall or other obstacle hitting an unintended target like a family member in another room. I haven’t fired a Thompson for many years. Perhaps it’s time to try one again. I like the Americana aspect too. Just like Aladdin kerosene lamps and Harley Davidson motorcycles this gun is truly American. You have to love that. No, I don’t work for Auto Ordinance or own any of their stock, but I do love America and all things Americana.

    • Vic January 15, 2016, 11:42 pm

      With regards to penetration one round vs another..

      Housing is constructed from many varied materials.. What would not penetrate one type of wall .. may well penetrate another.. Further it is something one generally does not control . Existing Structures..

      It makes sense to spend less time being concerned with “over penetration” and more on the lethality and capacity for incapacitation of the threat..

      For a long time now a mental and emotional error has been a part of many peoples thinking..

      If a police Officer lawfully engages a criminal and as a result one of the Patrolman’s rounds fired injures or results in the death of either a partner of the criminal or a bystander .. The crimminal is charged.. While at the same time in some communities the citizen is held to a greater standard in a similar lawful use of force situation..

      This is nonsense..

      The crimminal made a decision to commit a crime.. Citizen lawfully defending themselves or other innocents or Peace Officer.. the party responsible for any injuries or deaths quite properly is the criminal assailant.

      Further the idea that a normal citizen will have such fire discipline when faced with a lethal threat is Highly unlikely we legally do not require it of Peace Officers presumably reasonably well trained in the use of force…

      If adding one more concern to an already near overloaded decision making process increases the chance of failure and a loss of innocent life because of misguided notions of restraint.. That itself is unjust..

      While such concerns merit a degree of thought and planning they cannot dominate or justify a reduction in the defensive capabilities of innocents.. again that itself is unjust.

      Perhaps it is time for the laws to reflect this and treat all who lawfully use lethal force equally and assign the responsiblity of any subsequent injuries or deaths to the responsible party.. the crimminal assailant.


    • Jose Cuervo February 1, 2017, 9:02 am

      45acp out of a carbine barrel will easily penetrate through a house, typical 2×4 construction with drywall and osb/siding are no match.

      I have seen the 16″ barrel 45 acp shoot complete passes through 5-6″ trees that were used to hold targets

  • RAPTOR555 January 15, 2016, 2:37 pm

    I was just speaking with Al Capone and Machine Gun Kelly and they’re more than a little upset about not having a rotary magazine option.

    • Archangel January 15, 2016, 10:53 pm

      Auto-Ordnance also sells 10-, 20- and 30-round stick magazines separately as well as 10-, 50- and 100-round drum magazines.

  • Daniel January 15, 2016, 11:41 am

    It’s time to get rid of the outdated NFA regulations on Suppressors, short barrel rifles/shotguns, etc.. They are commonly used by the “militia” now, so citizens should have free access to them as well.

    • Paul - K8IDX January 15, 2016, 4:31 pm

      I agree and I would like to add that there should be no restrictions to law abiding citizens owning anything even up to 20mm cannons. If I owned an A10 warthog I would certainly not be using it to commit crimes. Just like the restrictions on suppressors and full auto weapons these regulations only in very rare instances if at all prevent crimes. Our real problem is not gun ownership, it’s responsibility ownership.

      • RSVP2RIP September 4, 2016, 10:19 am

        A10 Warthogs have 30mm cannon, so you still could not own one in your example, just saying.

  • Dave Hicks January 14, 2016, 9:33 pm

    So the overall length is shorter by welding the the muzzle brake to a shorter barrel ?

    • Mike January 15, 2016, 9:56 am

      Yes once it pinned and welded it becomes part the barrel,so instead of a16in barrel and21/2 inch comp now you have a a 14 inch barrel 2 inch comp for an overall shorter length ofb16 instead of 18 hope that helps

      • Dave Hicks January 15, 2016, 1:22 pm

        Yes Thanks That would be a neat package

      • ejharb November 25, 2016, 9:55 am

        I had a 870 that without the poly choke welded on would’ve been sub 18″. Just be sure it’s not easily removed or it won’t count and you’ll be SOL

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