Watch Texas CCW Holder Stop Assault on Woman

Last Friday a Texas resident with a valid concealed carry permit stopped an assault in progress in the city of Southlake, local media reports.

The gun owner got out of his vehicle when he noticed a man, identified as 28-year-old MacMichael Nwaiwu, punching a woman.

The armed samaritan held the suspect at gunpoint until police arrived on scene. Following an investigation, police arrested Nwaiwu and charge him with assault.

On its Facebook page, Southlake Police Chief Steven Mylett released the following statement:

While we commend this citizen’s willingness to get involved in order to protect a victim of crime, the Southlake Police Department does not encourage the public to expose themselves in such a manner.

Preliminary investigation revealed the individual with the firearm had observed an assault in progress inside a vehicle; specifically, a man physically assaulting his female front seat passenger.

The witness, a concealed handgun license holder, believed the female passenger to be in imminent danger of a felony offense. When both vehicles stopped, the witness exited his vehicle and confronted the suspect of the assault at gunpoint.

Vehicular traffic stopped in both directions on FM 1709 until police arrived.

The suspect of the assault, identified as MacMichael Nwaiwu was arrested at the scene and transported to the Keller jail.

Due to the unusual circumstances in this case, the Southlake Police Department consulted with the Tarrant County District Attorney’s Office to determine if the witness had committed any violations of law.

Based on the available information at the scene, the District Attorney’s Office did not believe the witness violated any State law. The Southlake Police Department continues to investigate this incident and will work closely with the District Attorney’s Office until this investigation is closed.

  • brad January 6, 2015, 7:58 am

    the girl who recorded the event was more worried about getting cool video than calling police. cell phone mania gotta love it. and yes thank god for Texas and people that still care enough to assist their fellow man.

  • Frank January 5, 2015, 6:07 pm

    As a CCW license holder that carries 100% of the time outside my home (in TEXAS!!) except where it is illegal, I guess I will have to second guess helping someone whenever I see a crime being committed…especially in Southlake, TX! What a sad commentary.

  • Russ January 5, 2015, 5:22 pm

    Cool, it all worked out well
    Cops were safe.
    The good citizen was compliant.
    The girl was saved from who knows what.
    The witnesses have just learned firearms are a good thing.
    The bad guy goes to where he belongs.
    The Chief has to say what he did, he knows not everyone has skills like a well trained LEO.
    I know there’s civilians out there with stellar skills , but he had to say what he did.
    I’m just glad there were no nervous nelly rookies involved. (might have got shot)
    Thank God for Texas!

    • Bigmag47 January 5, 2015, 6:15 pm

      @Russ….NO Russ, actually he didn`t. He doesn`t need to show his political correctness, that is of course unless he`s got NO balls!!!

  • Zach January 5, 2015, 4:29 pm

    This kind of relates to this story.In the Dec 28 Orlando paper it said that of the 2.4 million CCW holders in Florida, only 162 had committed crimes. As a percentage CCW, were the most law abiding citizens in Florida,Way ahead of police or politicians.It’s sad that the larger percent of criminals are trying to disarm and criminalize the most law abiding Americans

  • DaveGinOly January 5, 2015, 4:12 pm

    Yes, don’t get involved. Call the police. Let the perp drive away with his victim, and do who knows what to her before the police track him down, if they ever do.

    I’m an NFL fan, and have been subject to th NFL’s “No More” anti-domestic violence campaign. (I say “subject to,” because as a non-perpetrator of domestic violence, I object to being preached to about things I’m not responsible for.) I’ve been thinking while watching this campaign, “And when someone doesn’t cop out with ‘It’s none of my business,’ and intercedes with a firearm, what will be the NFL’s position then?” Is the NFL encouraging armed intervention? Because if it isn’t, it’s message is simply likely to get good Samaritans injured or killed.

  • Alabama January 5, 2015, 3:18 pm

    Good for the citizen that had the fortitude to stop this crime. They would jail him if they could.

  • David January 5, 2015, 12:35 pm

    Maybe the Police Chief should keep the political correctness countermeasures to himself, this would allow the citizens the capability to protect their neighbors, friends and love ones…

  • max hoyle January 5, 2015, 12:19 pm

    The DA’s office are still trying to find an excuse to prosecute this hero? (last paragraph) Man every things big in Texas they say, I didn’t know that included assholes, get rid of these guys this man deserves a metal!

  • Robin R. Price January 5, 2015, 11:21 am

    Way to go!! Everyone knows that the Police can’t be everywhere all the time. I’ll bet the woman is greatful that the armed man was there. But we must all remember guns cause crime they don’t stop it ! ! Hum I guess that’s way Police carry guns.. Have a nice Day !! You gotta love Texas …

  • fredpowe January 5, 2015, 10:05 am

    He is a hero, and I wish we could, as citizens not expose ourselves. But the truth is that we are the ones initially exposed during these incidents, and if we had to wait while we are being beaten and killed by these criminals we will not be around to tell the story.

    I salute police for doing what they are suppose to do, but we as citizens can clearly see that the police will not normally be there during the major part of the crime, so we can’t be blind any more to think that they we can just do nothing.

    I salute the citizen for doing what should be done, as all citizens were in danger during this incident.

  • Charles L Bloss Jr January 5, 2015, 8:28 am

    As a retired Deputy Sheriff, after serving 30 years with the same Sheriff’s Office, I applaud this citizen’s intervention. One thing to keep in mind, had this been a domestic violence incident, rather than an attempt car jacking, both parties can turn on the helpful citizen. That is why domestic violence calls are very dangerous for law enforcement. So be careful out there, if you do stop a car jack make sure that is what is happening. I have always supported law abiding citizens carrying concealed firearms. I fought hard for the concealed carry law in KS. I am a life member of NRA, GOA, LEAA & a member of the KS State Rifle Assn.

  • Forrest January 5, 2015, 7:50 am

    What??? A gun used by a law abiding citizen to stop a crime of violence? How absurd. As we all know guns cause crimes just like flies cause garbage. Remove this article from the news.
    Call Obama, call Holder, call Giffords. We can’t have Americans exercising their Constitutional rights and making our anti- Constitution/gun campaign look bad.

    Can’t wait to hear what the left has to say about this!

  • Geraldo Marin January 5, 2015, 6:32 am

    God Bless Texas.

  • Dave H January 5, 2015, 4:54 am

    With car jacking a modern day reality I’d surely say his actions are arguably justified, despite those who will undoubtedly use hindsight to offer that ‘simple domestic assault’ is not life threatening. Good for him!

  • rustydog January 5, 2015, 4:30 am

    Chief Mylett would prefer citizens allow the suspect to swing his fists, as exercise, while the woman blocks with her face, keeping in mind that safety of individuals is not a police responsibility.

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