There are reasons why some of us prefer the 9mm over the other options, but we’ll get into that later.
Last week I made a bunch of folks cringe with a well-intentioned list of my top 5 compact 9mms. With so many to choose from, the task wasn’t easy.
I can accept the criticism. No problem. My list was based on a mix of performance, and price, and capacity. I didn’t include any single stacks. I also didn’t include any pistols in the upper price points.
The criteria selected reflect my personal biases. Why would I pay twice as much for a gun that works exactly as well as guns that cost half as much? Why would I pay twice as much for a gun that doesn’t work half as well as some of its competition? It just seems a bit ludicrous. But that’s my opinion.
I look at capacity the same way. Some guns hold more rounds than others. Some double-stack magazines hold twice as many rounds, while only marginally increasing width. Take this example:
The Springfield Armory XD Subcompact, with its double stack mag, is 1.2 inches wide.
The Springfield Armory XD-S holds X rounds. It is .9 inches wide.
That’s a difference of .3 inches. The XD holds 13 rounds of 9. The XD-S holds 7. To save .3 inches of grip width, you give up half a magazine’s worth of capacity. Nothing against the XD-S. I own three of them. Seriously, I should be Springfield’s payroll the way I pimp these pistols. But I still have to get philosophical here–or is it practical? Get a ruler. Look at 3/10ths of an inch. It is nothing.
So where is all of this rambling going?
We get really wrapped up in superlatives. The thinnest pistol. I’ll admit to being suckered into it myself, at times. But I shoot a hell-of-a-lot of guns, and I know something about how I shoot. The more I have to hold onto, the better I shoot. And the more ammo I have on hand, the more likely I am to get rounds on target.
And then there’s the issue of “compact.” This isn’t an adjective I’ve coined to describe a pistol. It is an accepted industry term with somewhat fluid boundaries. If there are three sizes of the same pistol available, the largest will typically be euphemized as “duty” or “full-sized.” The middle child in the family is often the “compact,” and the most diminutive is the “sub-compact.” Occasionally you’ll get a “long-slide” thrown in for good measure. But Beretta’s sub-compact may be bigger than a GLOCK compact. Just the way it goes.
Words. Semantics. I get it. I trade in words. This next list is for those of you who wanted something a bit more inclusive, and some broader definitions. I’m still rocking the 9mm, but this time I’ll be looking a single-stacks…
The Bersa BP9
Bersa fans get rabid in the defense of their pistols. While they are firmly mired in the morass created by the brand’s association with the bottom end of the price spectrum, the Bersas I’ve shot have all performed wonderfully.
Could the Bersa be the best value in the compact class? It is certainly the most surprising bargain I’ve seen this year. It is slim and effective and well built. If you have negative associations of the Bersa brand, this gun will change your mind.
Capacity: 8+1
Cost: MSRP is $475, thought the street price in this market puts it closer to $400.
The Smith & Wesson Shield
Smith has nailed this design. It is almost sleek, and very easy to conceal. Now that it is available without a thumb safety, it is even better for concealed carry. If you are fun-sized, and you want an tool you can trust, the shield is a great way to go. It looks a lot like the BP9, though. Or is it the BP9 that looks like the shield? It isn’t that much more than the Bersa, either.
Interestingly, I was talking with a custom gunsmith recently, who I noticed had an M&P on his hip. He didn’t make Smiths–he makes high-end custom 1911s. When I asked him why he was carrying a shield, he said “this is my work gun. It is a tool. And I don’t get upset when I scrape it on the vice or hit it with a file.”
Capacity: 7 + 1
Cost: $449.
The Springfield Armory XD-S
For the Springfield fans, I’ll throw in the XD-S. When the XD-S .45 came out, the gauntlet was effectively thrown down. The 9mm followed suit, taking the platform’s ergonomics and performance and adding a couple of extra rounds. This platform may be one of the most well documented in recent concealed carry history, and for good reason. You get aggressive handling, and stellar performance.
And Springfield is having a kick-ass deal right now on extras. It ends on the 31st. You want extra mags for your gun, which is arguably the most expensive extra you can buy, and Springfield is giving them away. Figure that into the total cost, if you act soon.
Capacity: 7+1
Cost: I’ve seen them as low as the $460 range.
Kel-Tec PF-9
I have a deep and abiding respect for the PF-9. My first pistol was a Kel-Tec, and I believed passionately in the potential it provided. The Kel-Tec has the potential to be more than a starter gun, though (and by that I don’t mean a gun with which one starts races….). If you get a great Kel-Tec, it will sing. And it epitomizes the functional quality of guns meant to be carried and not doted upon lovingly.
The PF-9 is lightweight, inexpensive, and readily available. The width is only .88 inch.
Capacity: 7+1
Cost: $333 MSRP.
Beretta Nano
Beretta’s Nano has completely different ergonomics. The grip isn’t what is surprising—it’s more the way the barrel rides over the grip in its square frame. Its mass helps tame recoil, making it a bit easier to keep on target than some of the lighter pistols.
If you like your barrel higher up on the frame, this may be the best for you. And if you run out of ammo, you can bludgeon an attacker with the frame.
Capacity: 6+1
Cost: $445
Ruger LC9
If the hammer-head shape of the Nano isn’t to your liking, the LC9 may be the answer. The LC9 is thin, with more classic lines built into its polymer frame. It is a snappy gun, but one capable of surprising accuracy.
Of all of Ruger’s pistols, this one has always felt a bit loose to me. That isn’t to say that it doesn’t work effectively, and some shooters like looser tolerances, as they feel like it ensures an ability to run while gummed with pocket lint and grime. Maybe so. I’ve never had a failure from an LC9, that’s for sure.
Capacity: 7+1
Cost: MSRP $443, but it comes in much closer to the price of the PF-9
Kahr CW9
Kahr. I’ve shot several Kahrs recently, and my respect for the guns continues to grow. While some polymer framed 9mms feel almost disposable, the Kahr guns have tighter tolerances. They have less rattle. My early gripe with Kahr was that their pistols needed a break-in period before they would run reliably. And the prices seemed artificially high. I didn’t understand why anyone would buy an expensive pistol that wouldn’t run 100% when they could buy a gun for half as much that ran flawlessly.
The Kahrs I’ve shot recently, though, are rock stars and deserve a lot more love. The new lower-priced models, especially, like the CW9 are ready to go out of the box, and excellent guns. And Kahr has made a commitment to thin concealablity that makes these guns very appealing for small framed shooters. The lines are clean and the performance is unbeatable.
Capacity: 7+1
Cost: MSRP $449
Sig P239
Sig fans don’t typically line up for the single stack options, but it is nice to know they are there. As I’m slowly converted into a Sig P226 carrier, I’ve been looking for cross-platform familiarity and performance in a gun that’s more concealable. The P239 is the answer. It isn’t as small or as thin as some of the others on this list, but you wouldn’t have to retrain yourself to learn a new pistol, either.
If I were going off to war, this is the back-up gun I’d take–no questions asked.
Capacity: 8+1
Cost: Varies, depending on options, but expect to stay above $700, and south of $1000.
Kimber Solo DC Carry
Though the Solo’s launch was plagued by (substantiated) rumors that the pocket 9 was a picky eater, the Solo hasn’t gone away. Kimber recognized there was a desire for a compact 9 that wasn’t built of polymer, one that would look as good as it shoots, and they’ve owned the fact that these guns prefer punchy ammo.
We’ve got a D.C. Carry Solo in now, and have more than 300 rounds downrange with it without a hiccup. While we’re not completely finished with the review process, the Solo is exceeding my expectations. If you’re looking for a true sense of style, the Solo has to make the short list.
Capacity: 6+1
Cost: MSRP $904
Guncrafter Industries CCO.
Last but nowhere-near least.
True 1911 aficionados will know the name. Guncrafter makes 1911s. That’s a bit of an understatement. Guncrafter perfects 1911s. I have a CCO in for review now, too, and it defies easy description. The fit is what you’d expect from a high-end 1911. This is one of those guns that’s as much fun to look at and hold as it is to shoot. Every detail, no matter how minute, is perfect. Get as close to the gun as you’d like–you won’t find an imperfection.
But the CCO isn’t a safe queen. The gun is meant to be carried.
Capacity: 8+1
Cost: ? As all of these are custom guns, with a wide variety of options, the price is going to vary. Let’s just say you can may be able to buy one CCO for less than the other 9 guns combined. But look at it this way–the gun won’t ever depreciate. Ever.
So there you have it. Ten this time. And more loose considerations.
I always like to read about the so called experts on guns especially the ones that know what every one should be shooting I hav carried everything from wheel guns to the modern with 20 round semi auto, I will still take a 1911 colt with its puny 8 reds and go into any gunfight you want to go into I don’t need to spray and pray, I hit what I shoot at.
3 of the 10 guns on here are close to the $1000 price point. If the other guns on the list that cost half as much are virtually better or just as good in all categories, then the $700+ guns don\’t even need to be on the list. As they will not be a consideration to anyone thinking critically.This might be \”my top 10 favorite single stack 9mms\” But this is definitely not \”Top 10 Pocket 9mms ideal of concealed carry\”. Not all of these are even pocket guns. From the Kahr CW9 and down you can knock those right off the list immediately. Good guns? maybe. Nice guns? Definitely. \”ideal for concealed carry\” not even close in comparison to the 6 other guns on the list. And then from there what 2 firearms in that category dont belong? Why of course, the god awful Kel-tec no one likes and the horrific Bersa BP9. So what do we REALLY have left that any normal modern person would consider? The Baretta Nano, The Ruger LC9, The S&W Shield, and the Springfield XD-S. On shear price, quality, availability, accessory support, holster availability etc there is no single stack 9mm that compares to the value of the smith and wesson shield.TL:DR if youre using this list to make an intelligent decision, dont be an idiot. Just go pick up a shield, a nice holster, and Magguts +2 kit that will give you 9+1 on a flush fit mag. The shield is the best gun on the list hands down.
3 of the 10 guns on here are close to the $1000 price point. If the other guns on the list that cost half as much are virtually better or just as good in all categories, then the $700+ guns don’t even need to be on the list. As they will not be a consideration to anyone thinking critically.
This might be “my top 10 favorite single stack 9mms” But this is definitely not “Top 10 Pocket 9mms ideal of concealed carry”. Not all of these are even pocket guns. From the Kahr CW9 and down you can knock those right off the list immediately. Good guns? maybe. Nice guns? Definitely. “ideal for concealed carry” not even close in comparison to the 6 other guns on the list. And then from there what 2 firearms in that category dont belong? Why of course, the god awful Kel-tec no one likes and the horrific Bersa BP9. So what do we REALLY have left that any normal modern person would consider? The Baretta Nano, The Ruger LC9, The S&W Shield, and the Springfield XD-S. On shear price, quality, availability, accessory support, holster availability etc there is no single stack 9mm that compares to the value of the smith and wesson shield.
TL:DR if youre using this list to make an intelligent decision, dont be an idiot. Just go pick up a shield, a nice holster, and Magguts +2 kit that will give you 9+1 on a flush fit mag. The shield is the best gun on the list hands down.
In your review of the Guncrafters Industries CCO you made the comment: “Every detail, no matter how minute, is perfect. Get as close to the gun as you’d like–you won’t find an imperfection.” Well I made a fast glance from a far piece away and found the same “imperfections” as with most of the arms you listed (and BTW the Kinber Solo photo is negative reversed). They are: the slide release; magazine release and safeties. Note that they are All right handed with no left hander accommodation. Now think about it and be honest…. Would you happily purchase the same arms with ONLY left handed controls?
I own many of the arms you reviewed. My first Glock19 purchase was about 1983. I own several. I seldom carry one.
My constant IWB carry piece, other than Church on Sundays is the KelTec PF9 (I go pocket carry .380ACP Sunday mornings). They are the lightest, simplest and thinnest. Once KelTec got the bugs out it, the PF9 became dependable with every kind of ammo I shoot. I seldom am aware I’m carrying it. I keep one in each of the out of Texas states I travel to avoid the TSA hassle. the And BTW, I have owned both S&Ws and Colts that were junk right from the factory. In the case of Colt, they refused to make a Combat Commander right when I returned it. I haven’t bought a Colt since. I enjoyed your review. Keep em coming please.
I am a little surprised we did not see the Diamondback DB9SL series. When they first hit the market they were all the rage with that mini-Glock look. 6+1 capacity , 0.80 wide , and 11oz (unloaded).
No , I do not own one , but certainly would if my current EDC ever decided to file for divorce. Meh. What do I know.
I bought both a Sig P238 380. and a yeat later a Sig P938 9mm. Each time while shopping around i found the Sigs cheaper than a Glock. I still like Glock but to carry i like a safety with a 1911 style.
Surprised they didn’t include the S&W m&p9c, combact firearm with a 10rnd double stack mag. With option to get mag extension grip and different hand grips so it fits to a person hand size and lastly a Good overal feel and a good price
Im not a collecter but for pure shootability love my Glocks. I actually carry my G21 concealed IWB most of the time. Im a big guy. I do have a Nano and like how it feels and shoots with an extended magazine – 9+1.
I want to mention the Walther PPS. Its at the .9 width and is good looking and shoots great. I like the Nano and G43 better but thats only because I have short fingers and with the PPS Trigger I can only get my fingertip on it. But the Walther quality and price make this a top choice, right behind the Nano Id say; well Nano is a cool name.
Trying to find a new easy to use,easy CCW9mm that will be efficient to carry,be accurate and easily stripped to clean. A lot of research and I really would like the Heckler Koch P30SK V3!
You left mine out of your list, and it definitely deserves to be mentioned. My single-stack, compact 9mm is the Walther PPS. This is the best naturally pointing handgun that I have ever owned. And the quality is superior to that which you will find in a Glock. Don’t get me wrong, I have several glocks and I like them all. But the PPS is easier to conceal.
There is all of one gun here I would ever consider carrying. Seriously, the PF-9 is garbage, the Sig is over-priced, the Kimber Solo carry is over priced garbage. But the G43 is “late to the party” and “not asthetically pleasing” (it’s a glock, it’s for shooting things not hanging on the wall)
Very nice summary of compacts. More and more seniors are becoming interested in guns. How about a comparison of best guns for seniors. Many of us have arthritis and poor grip strength. I for one would like to know how hard is it to pull back the slide, trigger pressure, weight of the pistol, recoil, grip configuration, ease of operation etc. In fact the first manufacturer who designs a semiautomatic pistol for seniors will hit the jackpot.
Would have to agree with that last comment. I have met many people in the advanced-age group, who have said they would like more range time, but their bodies wouldn’t allow it.
I always suggest a smaller caliber. I would definitely rather shoot a .22, than nothing at all.
When I get to the point of not being able to shoot a handgun (and I’m sure this arthritis, will eventually stop me) I will spend more time on the rifle and shotgun ranges.
Until then, you’ll see me on the pistol range and in the shop, designing a .0002 pound trigger. 🙂
I own and carry a Walther PPS. It is my favorite single stack 9mm. I own an XDS and a CW9. It is worth looking at.
Did I miss read something in the article? I thought you said you didn’t include any single stacks and you didn’t include anything in the upper price range. They are all single stacks and the Kimber solo is more towards the upper price range.
Man o man! That sounds crazy! I lost the thread and couldn’t go back to make corrections. Sorry for the repeats.
One more thing about the Taurus…it has rear sights that are adjustable for windage and elevation. How many of those other guns have that extra???
Sorry Cheryl. “Windage and elevation” for a carry weapon?
Maybe it’s just me, but I find that completely unnecessary.
Only thing i like about taurus is the Judges they make, sadly i’m in california so i can’t have one
I am very pleased with my Walther PPS; I believe to be the best single stack 9 available. You could not go wrong to pick one up.
I am woman…hear me Roar! But I’m a woman with short fingers, so it is necessary for me to have a 9MM pistol that’s not only slim (thin?) but the reach to the trigger has to be taken into account. I have a single stack…a Taurus 709 Slim. It’s been my best gun out of many. It has never failed to cycle any brand of ammo…even my husbands hand loads. If you think about it…I do beliee Taurus was the first to come up with the ‘slim’ profile idea! Then other manufacturers finally caught on…
I now see adds aimed at women and those with small hands.
I also have a Taurus 709 Slim. It’s been very reliable! It has cycled any and all brands of ammo…plus my husbands hand loads…round nose and hollow points.
Skinny or slim makes the reach easier for a lot of us women. It’s not always about concealability. For me it’s getting my short finger to reach the trigger!
As for Bersa…I had one and hated it. Mine was not reliable! It went bye-bye FAST!
I had one of the newer Ruger LCP9s. The sights sucked. I tried to get different ones for it, but NOTHING that helped was available. So, this one, too, went bye-bye in short order.
So, when it comes to single stacks…not all are created equal, that’s true. I’m currently thinking about adding a S & W Shield in 9MM. My husband has one in the compact model. We’re both impressed with it.
Then there is the new single stack Walther CCP in 9MM. I fnally got to handle one, but found it bigger than expected. Reaching the trigger was a stretch for me.
I had a Bersa…hated it! Had the newer Ruger LC9S…and couldn’t hit the broadside of a barn! I had the men in a local gun shop try and try to get me better sights for it. NOTHING available!
My very first handgun (sadly) was a Ruger LC9s. I got it right after Christmas 2015 and have probably run 250 rounds through it. Not my favorite gun as I cannot seem to hit my target even within 10 feet!! I also have a Sig Sauer P938 with Crimson Trace laser sight and it does much better, however I still need to work more with it. I may try CT sight for my LC9s and see if that makes any difference there. But for now it sucks big time! 🙁
My girl (who has small hands also) bought a G43. Really likes it. It’s plenty small for her.
What made you not decide to put the Walther PPS on this list? I was in the market for one so I thought I’d ask.
Most people love that gun because of the trigger. Thats the only draw to it that ive heard.
To me if the weapon, regardless of the make, is too heavy (20oz or up) I won’t carry it ON A REGULAR BASIS. That’s why I EDC a Sig P938 with laser (16oz.). IMHO.
I have and EDC a Taurus PT709 Slim. 7+1, very light recoil, and quite accurate. It rides well in an Uncle Mike’s Inside-the-Pocket holster in the front pocket of cargo shorts without making them sag or printing. $299.00 and rock solid. I’m pleased across the board with it.
I have a friend who does firearms reviews nearly everyday on YouTube. He gets lots of free stuff, but never seems to have anything bad to say about the products. Hmmm…
well say what you want. i love my kel-tec pf9. $249.00 goes baang everytime i pull the trigger.
Concealed carry is all based on personal preference as is this article. With my experience, I never would have chosen the keltec,solo,cco or the p239( I love sigs though). The keltec is sketchy, for me. I carry a pt709 (flawless). I have no experience with the solo or cco but consider them too expensive for me to ccw. The sig is too heavy. As for the exclusion of Glocks, when they make a single stack nine it will probably make the list. I never liked them for myself, I’ve always had a problem with the entire “perfection” thing. I’ve seen them fail, they feel like a “Man From U.N.C.L.E” cap pistol in my hand and I simply don’t like polymer mags. All matters of personal preference but valid for my choices just as yours are to yours.
I had a Taurus slim. Right out of the box it had light strikes on the primers and failed to fire. I returned it to the factory for repaired. I’ve had the same problem with the Taurus .380 and their 1911. I sold them all after they were repaired. I will never buy another Taurus product. I’ve never had this kind of problem with other pistols. If a carry pistol doesn’t work it’s useless.
I have been carrying a full XDM 9 5.5 for two years…But that has been all open carry. Now that I live in a county where Open carry has a lot of red flags I had to pick up something for concealment. I had the M&P Shield and the XDS both in 9mm sitting right in front of me. I have always loved the aggressive grip cut on the XD’s and it was extremely difficult to go against a platform that I was familiar with. But I ended up going with the Shield and I don’t have enough rounds through it in just 2 days to say a whole lot in terms of any mis fires or anything, but I will say that it feels really nice. Currently prefer the extended mag as I am still getting used to not being able to have my pinky all the way on the gun. But that will come with time and I will not worry about the 1 less round. I carry all of them on me anyway. (it pains me more that I don’t have all 57 rounds on me from the 3 19rd Mags as before) I love the Shield so far and I have no doubt that i will carry for a while. then again there is no reason to ever get rid of a gun for me. (even down to bury cases placed in the yard for my old hi points)
I have a couple of Glocks, Colt and Smith revolvers, Smith airweight, 1911’s, and even a Makarov and .25 auto Raven (slightly better than a rock!). The single most common piece I use for concealed carry is my Keltec PF9. So I have to agree with the author’s choice there. Mine has a Crimson Trace with a +1 magazine in a pocket holster. The slim profile simply cannot be beat IMO. With the +1 mag, my size large-xl hands get a full purchase on the grip and I can shoot it almost as well as my Glock 19 at 25 yards. It literally disappears in my front pocket and is light enough to carry without drama all the time no matter what. My brother has a Khar CM9 and its a good piece, but for $200 less, my PF9 does all I need it to do and is so easy to carry. In the event I would need it to defend my life, I am much more likely to have it with me, and when loaded with Hornandy critical defense 9mm, it has enough ballistic clout to get me a fighting chance. I only wish KelTec made a PF40! I HAVE written them and asked! 🙂
Hey Dave I’m curious to see your opinion on the CZ 75 RAMI sub compact. I was hoping to see it make this list.
I took my new CW9 to the range for the first time today and it was 100% for 125rounds of inexpensive MagTech and PMG ammo, most FMJ and 25 JHP. It’s too big for a pocket gun but it is easy enough to CCW IWB. I wasn’t as accurate as I am with my G36 but I’ll get used to the trigger (which is smooth, just different) and all will be good with my world. LOL
In the Marines we had a saying regarding pistols, “A pistol is only good for fighting your way to your rifle.” If I knew I was going into a gunfight, my primary weapon of choice wouldn’t be a pistol. Having said that, I love 1911’s in .45ACP. For a “go to war” pistol I really don’t think it can be beat. Personally, it fits my hand better than almost any other handgun. I know it and I trust it. However, as a civilian, in addition to a bad guy you might have to face down, another equally serious enemy (if you would ever have to use your pistol for self defense) might be “liability issues.” Never tried Glocks, never liked the way they looked, and they didn’t seem to fit my hand right. However, I finally got one and “WOW” – for an every day carry, a “don’t worry about dirt and grime and scratches” sidearm, and for reliability and accuracy it is just hard to beat. On my ranch I daily carry, in addition to a Ruger Mini-14, a G26 because of its weight. Due to the amazing amount of outstanding self defense rounds available today, the “.45ACP vs 9mm” argument doesn’t have the same weight, so the 10-round G26 gives me a couple of more rounds than my trusted .45 and I don’t worry about tearing up an expensive 1911 platform. I can carry a decent reliable self-defense weapon whether I am jumping into my truck, getting on a tractor or walking a fence line. and it is an affordable “tool” that I can use and not worry about daily wear and tear. I now own and use several Glocks (I still love my Colt 1911’s!) and they have proven to be one of the most useful, reliable, accurate, easily maintained, daily carry sidearms I’ve ever used in my military service or my 25 years in public criminal justice. Semper Fidelis on this the 239th anniversary of the founding of the United States Marine Corps!
Very glad to see the Sig P239 on the list as that’s what I carry. Its slim, fits my hand and I like the Sig sights. They really show up at night well. I have the Sig paddle hosted and it works great. Recoil is low, because of the all metal frame and it handles all 9mm rounds. Amazing for a 20 year old design that exceeds or beats many new polymer striker fired guns.
What about the SCCY CPX-2? Compact 10+1 capacity, life time warranty, street price of $325 or under. I purchased mine at a
local range promo day, for 259.00 +tax also with a coupon for a free extra mag with purchase for 3 total. Lucked into some Don Hume holsters @ 50 % off, one slide type and one full. these are for the KEL TEC PF9 which fit fine and tight. With a hair under
$300 invested and 600 plus rounds down range no problems.
I like all of your comments about various guns for concealed carry. Have tried many on the list but never found one I really liked. Then I found the Ruger LCR .38. Actually the LCRX is the one I carry. YES a revolver. It is light (15.7 ounces loaded with 5 rounds of .38+P), accurate, always fires and is easy to conceal. Yes, semi-autos are sexy and hold more rounds but I have NEVER found one that didn’t malfunction at some time. When a life is on the line I want a powerful gun that WILL shoot.
I agree. The LCR is safe and utterly reliable. It’s a true pocket gun that always goes bang when you pull the trigger. It’s accurate at 15 feet and has an extremely smooth double action trigger. The grip is very good for most hands and lets you hang onto it. Recoil is a bit snappy, but the gun weighs less than 16 ounces fully loaded.
Recently i purchased a Sringfield 9mm sub compact in o.d. green with a 16 plus one round clip, while i was shopping with my son for a Barretta 9mm, i just love it, we fired it last week and it is totally awesome, i am going to purchase another used one just like it so i will have two to hand down to my son and grandson, being an Army Veteran from the early 1960’s, i am so impressed with the gun.
I hate the SCCY. The most uncomfortable gun to shoot that I have. My favorite is the Kahr CW9. It’s been accurate and reliable. Followed by my PM9.
I also own a Kahr, the P9. It functioned flawlessly and hasn’t had a single malfunction during or after the break in period. But, I can’t recommend it to anyone. The only thing I like are the sights, which are the vertical white line on the rear, and dot on the front, so you “dot” the “i” when acquiring a sight picture.I don’t like the trigger, and the tolerances are so tight that you need three hands to get the thing apart for regular maintenance and cleaning! I bought the Kahr to replace my Fire Star 9 mm that was stolen. I’d rather have the Fire Star back! It also never malfunctioned, and was much easier to disassemble. The bad thing about the Fire Star, well…out of production.
The 9mm is actually more powerful than the .38, and that includes the .38+P. I was married to the same woman for twenty years. I convinced her to go look at guns one day after work, when I got there she had already bought a S&W 9mm revolver? I never knew that they existed. It was the model 940, an all-steel J-Frame. After twenty years of marriage, it ended in divorce. I still miss that S&W 9mm revolver 🙂
The one thing that wasnt mentioned and people need to remember, each of these pistols will feel different in different people’s hands. What works for you might not work for me and what works for me might not work for the next guy. These kinds of ‘best guns lists’ need to be kept in perspective. Although I still enjoy reading em! Thanks.
I just got the new Ruger LC9s. It is 10 times better than the LC9 because of the new shorter pull striker fired trigger and it shoots lights out for a small gun.
I looked hard for the right CCW several years back after returning from Iraq. Having used a 9mm Beretta in the military I knew it was an excellent round for the job. After looking at quality and price issues I picked the Taurus Slim Nine. Sorry you didn’t put it in your lineup. It lives up to its “slim” name and fits unnoticed into my front pocket using a DeSanis pocket holster for easy and smooth removal if necessary. The only thing it needed was an inexpensive plastic add on to the bottom of the magazine so I had somewhere to put my pinky…and it still fit easily in my front pocket.
After I got out of the military, I graduated from the police academy in 1976. We had THREE choices for revolvers, Smith& Wesson, Colt or Ruger. For semi-autos, we had TWO choices, Smith & Wesson or Colt. Calibers for the revolvers was, .357 magnum-period, and for the semi-autos, 9mm, .45ACP or for some of the cow-counties in California, .38 Super. Now days, you
younger shooters have tons of choices, brands, calibers, styles of pistols and revolvers to choose from. Gives me a headache. Choose wisely, practice at least every two weeks, but, carry legally all the time. Always carry additional reloads for your chosen EDC, and if legal in your areas, carry a BUG. My Murphy relatives are everywhere, and I’d hate to have them show up at the most inopportune moment, like they always do. Carry what “fits” abut practice.
Good list, never a list that makes everyone happy. Maybe that is why there are so many different firearms made?! 🙂
As for one on your list I like, the Kel-tec PF9 is hard to beat for what it is, super reliable!!
Are there others that might be a bit easier to shoot, maybe. Are there others that are higher priced, yes. Are there others with a fancier background, definitely.
However, the ones I have seen all do the same thing, fire every time, with any ammo! That is what a concealed carry is about.
Not target accuracy, it is accurate though. Not best looks, it looks kind of alright, but no one ever gets to see it, unless it comes out for business.Not the easiest recoil, but anyone with proper grip and training has no trouble with shooting it accurately and quickly. Even with small hands and weaker grip it has never failed.
At 21 feet, think about the distance, all shots stay inside of IPSC A&C zone in 1.4 seconds for 8 rounds. That is an average time, not a best time. Most are in A zone, few go to the C zone. My smallest student at 5’1″ can do 2.1 seconds regularly, with a bit smaller spread than myself.
Is it the best pistol for a head shot, no. But seriously, few pistols are during the heat of the moment. Could it be used for the head shot, if you had the time and need, yes. But then a 9 is not my idea of a good head shot cartridge.
Do I like some of the others, yes. It is just a matter of what you need, are looking for, want to spend.
The pistol I am looking for, weighs about 2 ounces, holds about a million rounds, recoils like a .22 CB cap, and hits like a .460 Weatherby, while never missing exact center of the intended target.
Now that would be one I would even consider spending a bit more on. 🙂
I’ve tried most and still keep coming back to my Kahr PM9. It’s small easy to hide and accurate. 7+1 with extended mag.
I have to take umbrage with your last pick, the cocked and locked, 1911 clone, in 9mm, ‘Guncrafter Industries CCO’.
Although I absolutely love my 1911M1A1, seeing as I was weaned on a pistol like it, in the US Army, oh, so many years ago, it is Not a pistol that you would want to carry in your pocket (pocket pistols, remember?)
I recognize that the ‘Guncrafter’ is a downsized version, but as a single action only pistol, that you are showing cocked and locked, it is not, in my opinion, a safe way to carry this pistol.
As a NRA Pistol Trainer, I have to empathsis safety, to all of my students and there is no way that I could ever recommend carrying a single action only pistol, cocked and locked, in one’s pocket. In a suitable holster, absolutely. Although I have read that some others defer from carrying a cocked and locked pistol in concealed carry mode, fearing that it could catch on one’s outer clothing and result in a premature firing. I’ve seen the sort of damage that firing a round into one’s leg can result in. A co-worker, in my Military Police outfit and his buddy were playing ‘quick draw’ in Vietnam, with loaded weapons (STUPID). The old Army .45 holster has a small piece of wood, situated about half way down, on the body side, that enables you to draw the weapon about halfway, then rotate it 90 degrees, butt out, catching the front sight on this wooden piece, then pushing downward to chamber a round. Thus enabling one to chamber a round, one handed.
Well, my friend drew, chambered/cocked and accidentally pulled the trigger, before he had completely drawn his weapon, resulting in a horribly disfiguring wound track down his right thigh. Something that I’m certain he will never do again ! To make it worse, he didn’t even get a ‘Purple Heart’ for his wound. lol (you have to be wounded in combat)
I have had my LC9 for years. At first I hated it because of the long trigger, but that is correctable. Check youtube. I installed a hammer/sear/trigger bar kit that reduced the trigger travel to about half (cost a little above $50 for the kit). I suspect it is now comperable to the LC9s. I also suspect that the standard LC9 can be found really cheap since with the new LC9s striker model almost no one wants them. Add the kit, replace the recoil spring with a heavier one, and you will have a decent gun. It is nice because of its size — easliy fits in my pocket with a cheap DeSantis flypaper? holster.
If you really wanted to review 9mm “Pocket Pistols”, why no mention of the Sig 938 or Taurus PT709?
I bought the new LC9s, which is the striker-fired version of this model. It’s trigger pull is much smoother than and seems about half that of the original hammer-fired LC9. It is definitely very accurate at defensive range, though a bit snappy in recoil for lady shooters who I have seen fire it. Great value and very concealable.
No Kahr CM9? I carry a G27 most days (and yes, I can shoot it), A G23 some days, but for quick errands in shorts and a T’shirt, the CM9 goes in my pocket.
Ok… since 1988 I have owned nearly every gun on this list plus about 50 more. Where I live in S. Florida it gets beastly hot and shorts and T-shirts are the normal dress of the day. Very few guns qualify as comfortable and concealable when dressed for the tropics. Virtually all the lightweight guns have a single big problem …ACCURACY (or lack of). The most accurate handguns hands down that I have ever fired are the full sized Colt 1911’s and the Beretta 92F. Both are heavy and huge and do not work for concealed carry. My recommendations are: 1) Northamerican Black Widow .22 mag 2) Northamerican Pug .22mag (BOTH ARE EXCELLENT BACKUPS, are surprisingly accurate and carry 5 shots. 3. Sig P938 9mm 4. Sig P238 .380 or 5. Colt Pocketlite .380 (all have safeties and can carry one in the chamber without worrying about blowing your family jewels off or jamming in a stressful situation).
S&W 3913 My pick of the best. but for the money I like the M&P shield to
I’ll add another to the fray – Sig P290. It’s been my EDC gun for over 3 years, since I upgraded from the Ruger LCP. I don’t like a safety on a CCW, and it is the most concealable 9mm pistol I’ve found. I’ve owned a Kahr P40, Springfield XDS .45, Kel-Tec PF9, and have rejected (and sold) all of them in favor of the P290. The trigger pull is longer than I’d like, but realistically (as someone already pointed out), the typical self-defense encounter is at very short range and over with quickly, so concealability and reliability are my top concerns.
Okay. So, being that I’ve been trained how to shoot by the USMC. That includes rifle and pistol. If you can’t hit anything with your pistol, especially at 10 yard/meters, that means you suck and you need to learn how to shoot that firearm properly plain and simple. It’s just like driving a car or truck, the more practice and knowledge on the equipment you are using the better you will be. Not to mention some people just can’t get any better than they are and that’s fine. At that point pick a different firearm or customize the one you have to better suit you.
And talking about concealed carry, there is nothing too heavy for concealed carry. If you happen to not like the weight of one firearm over the other then that’s your opinion, but don’t tell other who carry bigger that that is not correct. I personally conceal carry a Taurus PT1911 .45ACP (which by the way is a full size w/ 5in barrel). It is not too heavy for me and I personally am not as accurate with 9mm or .380ACP as I am with a .45ACP due to how I am used to the kick of a .45ACP. With a little bit more practice I could use any other caliber if I wanted.
Switching over to the Glock 26 and 27, my buddy (veteran of the Navy) uses both and other various models and he loves all of them. In fact, he swears by them as long as you can properly handle it and shoot worth a damn. So, for those who don’t really know anything about shooting or firearms themselves, shut the hell up and let those that actually know what they are talking about pass on information to newbies.
Sir you review was spot on for single stacks.
My EDC is the Sig 938.. It is the best conceal carry that I have ever had. I like it better than my xds and the shield.
Ummm…did Seecamp begin making a 9mm? Maybe need to follow your own advice.
sorry wrong thread
You’re incredibly stupid and yes, they make a 9mm.
Psssst! Seacamp comes in .25, .32, .380
Seacamp 9mm. & Unicorns do not exist.
If they did, I would be riding one, and firing them from each hand.
I love your name.
You should really stop posting these lists. You clearly have little to no experience with handguns.
Not listing the SIG P39, Walther PPS, Beretta PX4, Glock G26 or even a Seecamp just signals you are an idiot.
Please fire yourself.
Stop Posting Already,
Thanks for your input. Your tact and expertise are most persuasive. I respect your opinion much more than my own, especially as it is made from behind a cloak of anonymity, and will consult you in all meaningful decisions from this point forward, though not about guns–as I’ve begun taking your advice immediately by recusing myself of such duties.
LOL, that was perfect.
Ummm…did Seecamp begin making a 9mm? Maybe need to follow your own advice.
IMHO, you missed the boat on this review. I have been shooting for several years and have tried three of these guns but not a one of them is as compact and carry friendly as the Diamondback DB9. I have been carrying it for three years now and love it. After 1000 rounds, still running strong and accurate.
You obviously know very little about day to day concealed carry. The imprint, size and weight of most of the guns you mentioned are far too large and heavy. The Rugers are too light and not at all accurate. My choice is the Sig P938 which is
strong enough to handle the hottest +P rounds and has a great safety (do you really trust having a heavier trigger as a replacement for a safety? not good for safety or accuracy).
No exposed hammer pistols for me, they’re clothing catchers.
Please revise your list to include Walther PPS and the NEW CCP.
The new LC9s is remarkable. Everyone should try it. Right trigger pull, right caliber, right size, accurate, fits in jeans pocket, and feels pretty good.
S&W 3913 My pick.
Right after I purchased my Glock 26, (many years ago), I passed on a NIB 3913, that I could have had for LESS than the 26. Ah, the foolishness of youth. I still have my 39-2 and love it. Added a Wolff extra strength recoil spring to keep it decent.
All I can say about your 3913 is, LUCKY YOU!
I have carried my Smith 3913 for duty work for many years…it is OUTSTANDING! Reliable, fits the hand like a glove and accurate as hell.
I have never understood how or why S&W discontinued making the 3913. When I found my Walther PPS, I brought it home and I was examining it and it dawned on me that the PPS is the modern 3913. At least it is for me. It is the most natural pointing handgun that I have ever owned…the full-size 1911 and the Browning Hi-Power are both in that same category, at least in my opinion. Surprisingly, the little Glock 26 is another great little gun. I know that it isn’t a single stack, but with the right holster, it can be carried just about as easily.
“Kahr specializes in two-tone pistols” What a talking point!
3/10s of an inch may not seem like much on paper, but stick one IWB all day and get back to me on the difference. And if you compare the slide width of the double stack KT P-11 at 1.0″to the XD-S at 0.91″, it’s not that much difference. I love my XD-S in .45 however and it’s my EDC.
3/10s of an inch doesnt sound like much, until you realize we are talking about a 25% reduction in width. I have an XD subcompact and also an XDS. For a smaller guy like me (5’10 175) it is a huge difference when carrying IWB. Not to mention the weight difference.
Its all about how you talk about it. Good list. Glad to see somebody stir up the Glock hornets nest.
Um how can you mention cwp 9 mm’s without the Sig 938?
I can’t believe you didn’t include the Sig P938. If you’re going to do a best-of list, it just makes sense to include the best. Slimmer than these puffy plastic guns, with a crisp 1911 style trigger and surprising good recoil control, my 938 isn’t much bigger than a cigarette pack. I know you prefer striker-fired guns, but I find a perpetually creeping trigger to be, well, creepy. Be open to something out of the boring mainstream!
I own and carry the BP-9cc. I have to say, it is one concealable puppy! It runs like a scalded dog, isn’t picky about what I feed it- Winchester White Box, Tula steel-jacketed, Fiocchi JHP, Speer Gold Dot, whatever…it eats it all. The only thing I don’t like about it is the sights, wish it had Trij’s or Mep’s stock, but it takes a Glock style in the back and a Sig style in the front. That means I gotta buy two sets of night sights to outfit one gun, because of the design…dangit. That said, the stock sights work in low-light conditions, but not in the darkness of a winter’s night…but hey, we’re talking about a $400 gun here, not an $1800 custom hand-cannon.
The trigger on this little monster is simply one of the best stock triggers I have ever pulled. Light and crisp, with a ridiculously short reset, it put my buddy’s race gun to shame. He was blown away by the smoothness and the especially the reset! Bump fired it a couple mags, and it was “ZZzzip” and you’re done. If you’ve ever broken down both a Glock and a 1911, that’s pretty much it for teardown on the cleaning bench.
Becuse of the slimness of the design, I initially had a tendency to shoot to the left a little bit, but after running a few mags, and changing up my grip a hair, it’ll shoot the wings off a gnat at 25 feet. Has a comfortable, reassuring weight to it, neither too heavy, nor too light. Best value carry gun out there, in my opinion.
I had a BP9CC for over a year, and loved it. I had bought it used, however, and it wasn’t covered under the lifetime warranty. It started having light strikes, and I tried changing the firing pin and spring. Worked well for about 5 magazines worth, then light strikes again. I ended up selling it to a friend who wanted to tinker with it.
I have a new one on layaway now, hope to get it within the next couple of weeks. $350, and well worth it.
I used a Remora IWB holster for it, and it worked fantastic. I will get another Remora for the new one.
Bersa uses an anti corrosion gunk, it’s not a lube, it’s actually a bit sticky, if there’s ANY at all in your striker channel then you’ll develop light strikes once it collects enough microscopic brass shavings. Most reports I’ve seen about 500 rounds or so. But, all it needs to run reliably is a good cleaning, drop the striker assembly, clean out the channel with solvent and Q tips. and it’ll have a “Glock” like reliability.
The XD-S 9 hold eight rounds, not seven. I carry one for work each day.
Also 30 yds for a concealed carry pistol is an idiot statement .95% of all self defense actions happen at 10 ft or less At 30 yds run away, also try this for self defense scene. Jog in place for 10 mins bring your heart rate to just below 200 Then try and hit you targets Thats the way you will truly know what happens in the time of stress fire
I’m surprised that you don’t mention the Walther PPS. I am able to shoot more accurately with it than I can with most sub compacts, its light, fits comfortably in my hand and fits nicely in my pocket, yet it performs better than its physical size would cause one to think. Add to that the excellent service one gets from S&W and I think you have something good.
OK Great List I always thought that a ccw be it single or double stack was based on PTGB
I will match my CS9 with big dog grips and my3913tsw pre rail against all of them not to mention the glock 26
Both smith and glock got it right PTGB is all that matters
I Carry “The Shield” 9mm 8+1 here in S. Florida !
I have owned ,at one time or another, almost all of the guns on this list. My favorite, the one I carry almost daily and have the most confidence in is the S&W M&P shield. LOVE this easily concealed gun. It’s extremely accurate and reliable.
I carry the same up here in the Pacific Northwest. I tried many of the firearms on the list, and the Shield just felt better in my hands. That said, I never met semi-auto pistol I did not like, except for my friend’s Taurus. And my brother-in-law’s Hi-Point.
You missed the only one that actually amtters: Taurus PT709.
Also available in .40, PT740.
The shape matters when concealing. The Taurus Slims are impossible to beat there.
I agree the Taurus PT709 / 740 have a very thin comfortable profile. The can be found new at my local shows for about $300. Another nice slim one is the Walther PPS.
My solo has been a problem. Extended mags are not reliable. Call kimber and they admit it. Without the extended mag I can’t grip so I went to the xd/s and love it. Plus the kimber was sensitive to some ammo. Lots of better firearms for less money.
My Kimber Solo has been EXTREMELY reliable and accurate while using the RECOMMENDED premium ammo. It’s the same ammo I would use in any other 9mm when depending on it to save my life. Lesser ammo in it will indeed cause malfunctions.
P239 as a pocket gun? It’s 30.5 oz empty, almost 2 pounds! P238 would make much more sense.
Cw9 is pushing it for a pocket gun. Cm9 is the better choice.
I’ve personally, never been able to “warm up” to the Kahr pistols, however, they ARE reliable and they ARE accurate, at leas the ones I’ve fired certainly are. The CM9 is far too small for my peasant hands. Nothing wrong with a Kahr or a SIG 239. When I visit my native state of the PRKallefourkneeya, I have my single stack S&W 39-2 with me. I am also at present seriously considering the Bersa BP9CC to replace it, as that 39-2 is FAR too expensive (now) to replace where I to have to use it, there.
My CW9 fits in the pockets of some of my pants, but not others. Some are too shallow. Can’t buy the CM in California. Agree about the Sig–should have been the P938–on my wish list but not on the roster either (but the P238 is). Nor the XDs or the Nano or the Solo….We still get the Shield, but the Ruger LC9 has dropped off the list as well.
Still no PPS?! You got something Audient Walther?
He shouldn’t. seeing as he chose the Walther PPQ in the last 9mm article.
Yep… I’d take the PPS over the shield any day of the week. Awesome shooter..
You entered a Sig in the mix but the wrong one. If I read right you were talking single stack compact handguns. That would be the 938 then. It’s a completely different gun from what you mentioned. The 938 is so compact you can drop it in your pocket and almost forget that it’s there.
You listed a gun I own, therefore the entire article is correct and you sir are a knowledgeable and good person.
If you had failed to list a weapon i own, you would be a booger, and the entire article would be inaccurate.
Has anyone whined about Glock yet?
Cracking me up, thanks Scott
I don’t own or want a 9mm.–I hate them all…lol
I cannot believe Glock did not make your list.
Think he was focusing on single stack 9s
He must have been! If not, the so called study is horribly flawed. There is nothing I cant hit with my glock, AND its easily concealed every day. This study is obviously biased.
I’m glad to see glock isn’t on the list. There 26 subcompact is joke, it wont hit anything at 10 yards and its too wide to conceal easily, and just for the hate ill receive, I own one so I have tried it and do know what im talking about.
Ahahaha. You think the 26 is a joke?? Try the 27. Worst purchase I have ever made. Can’t hit anything more than point blank. You can break your wrist on the kick.
Sorry. realized you were replying to OP
I own a Glock 27 and it hits what I aim at reliably. Perhaps you got a bad one.
I believe it more likely to be true that they have never fired a Glock. I wouldn’t touch one for the first 10 years they were made because I didn’t like the way they looked (not actually rational thinking when judging a firearm for protection). After buying one, I discovered that they are possibly the absolute best pistol made (at any price). Not only are they extremely accurate right out of the box, but in over 5000 rounds fired through Glocks, I’ve yet to have my first FTF of any sort. I completely and totally dismiss the incorrect information about Glocks posted by some wimp who cannot handle the recoil of a simple .40 round!
amen dude!
amen dude!
It’s not the gun in the man’s , It’s the man that’s holding the gun !!! A gun is a tool and just having a box of tool’s does make you a craft’s-man. slp
You sir, need to learn how to shoot. My Glock 26 is just as accurate as my G17. It’s basically the same gun just with a shorter barrel and less capacity.
I’m not talking about the 26. I’m talking about the 27. It’s a 40cal w/ 2 finger grip
I had a Glock 27. The first day I shot it, I was taking the corner suits out of playing cards shooting one handed at 25 yards. It was a superb gun. Flawless with a very manageable recoil.
Not my experience at all! I own both the 26 and 19 and and actually shoot tighter groups on-target at 10 yds. with the 26. Definitely not the MOST concealable but then again I prefer to have the capacity of the 26 over a gun I can slip into my shorts.
I tried many guns before buying the 26 and I couldn’t be more satisfied. I don’t really think any one person can make a blanket statement such as you have. The author seems to prefer the Springfields. I owned one for awhile but just couldn’t shoot it worth a damn and I really wanted to like that gun. Bottom line: no single firearm works for everyone just so happens the Glock 26 works perfectly for me but not for you.
I hope the gentleman who claims he is taking the corners off of playing cards, at 25 yards, with the 27 is being snarky. If not, he is completely full of crap! I have shot competitively, in various formats, for 20 years. Were this actually the case, not only would he be the only man alive who could shoot the 27 this well, but would be among the likes of Miculek and his ilk.
I agree I owe a glock 26 gen 4 and I truly love it.
Really??? Can’t hit anything at 10 yards??? I have owned countless Glocks over the years and accuracy has never been an issue, especially with the 26. Yeah, it’s a wide gun, but only .2 something wider than an XD. I’m sorry you feel that way, but in my experience, my 26 shoots as well as my 34 up to 45 feet. And let’s be honest, most CC situations are going to be WAY closer than that. If you need a gun for CC to shoot further, well then you shouldn’t be taking those kind of shots.
The Glock 26 is not for everybody. Obviously, your hand shape is not conducive to the 26 at all. So be it. However, to say that, “…you can’t hit anything at 10 yards…” is as inaccurate as your post. You can’t anything with it at 10 yards is far more accurate. This is not “hate” at all, and yes I daily carry my Glock 26, and to improve my scores, I added a Glock 19 mag with a grip adapter and I can effectively conceal it on ME. Which is saying a great deal at my age, I’m no longer the dashing svelte figure I once was. So, there are a number of excellent pistols out there, the 26 being one of them. I personally don’t care for the ergonomics of several different pistols, however, those pistols are indeed inherently accurate, at least in my hands, even at 10 yards and far beyond.
Mabey it’s the shooter, my wife does fine with hers
try glock gen 4 model 23, its compact and pretty darn good gum
Maybe that is why it is not on his list. HUH ?
Yeah man, the BP9CC and the 9mm S&W Shield! Two very nice single stack pistols. Not to get this comment section off on a different direction, but did you mention the SCCY CPX-2 previously? For me, I tend to gravitate to that one when I take multiple guns to the range. I’m not quite sure why.
Roger, I’m with you on the SCCY…fits my hand much better than the Shield. On the Shield, my finger hits the trigger wrong; My Shield does not cycle 115 target ammo consistently. And the CPX has three finger grip, 10 rd capacity. Cheap price and lifetime warranty are added bonuses, but number one is dependability.
Yeah,the Glock 19 made the last list. This is all single stacks.
Springfield must have worked very hard to send you a working xds. My xds was a total piece of crap and in the 6 months that I owned it, it spent over 3 months at the factory getting ” repaired” when I got it back the last time I don’t even know if it got fixed? I sold it without testing it, If it was going to be sent back to the factory again… it would be from the new owner, not me, and now won’t buy any Springfield products, I did not know My xds was dangerous & unsafe and had been recalled weeks before I went on a 3 week camping trip in Bear country. carrying it everyday and having it next to me in the tent every night. Only to get back and eventually find out about the recall, then only after contacting springfield, i was told that it was unsafe & to unload it immediately.! it was my conceal carry weapon, but I lost all faith in it as it was unreliable, jammed frequently and then got recalled. No one should conceal carry an unreliable weapon that constantly has fte and ftf issues. or could discharge while chambering a round, and or fire twice from one trigger pull….thanks springfield You made me a wiser, better gun shopper. If you hadn’t re-branded such a crappy gun made in croatia by another company to import, I wouldn’t now have the best gun I have ever had in the 1911. I now only Buy, American made weapons ! nothing against other imported weapons. but I like to support American Companies that make their own guns. Not ones like springfield who merely slap their name on a foreign made weapon, add a few hundred dollars to the cost and then sell it to us as a “springfield Armory” weapon? just like they bought the “springfield armory” name, this is not the original springfield armory, they simply bought the name for it’s recognition. My hi Point was far more reliable and I could have had 3 of them for the price of one unreliable xds.
the good news is, lots of people don’t know and they are still easy to get rid of, once you get tired of sending it back to springfield armory and decide to get a good gun
Sounds as if you had the first release XDs45. XD9 has run flawlessly for the last decade. I would buy an XDs in a NY second if they were legal for us peons to buy in California, but sadly they are not on the roster. Either you had a strangely defective weapon or you were limp wristing it, easy enough to do with such a small .45. Sure they are made in Croatia, but it is a better and safer design than the Glocks, which are/were also foreign made. (the Glock Gen 3s sold in California must come from Austria–the US produced versions are not on the roster, nor are the Gen 4s).