Texas homeowner on shooting burglars: ‘Part of me wishes I killed them…’

A Katy, Texas, homeowner shot at and wounded two alleged burglars Thursday afternoon after the suspects had tied him up, local media reports.

While the victim does not want to be identified, he spoke with KHOU about the harrowing incident.

While sitting at his desk in his bedroom, two masked burglars burst through his door. The men then began to duct tape the homeowner’s wrists and ankles. The burglars also tied up his friend’s son who was in an adjacent room.

“They flipped me on my stomach and put me in a head lock, tried to choke me out. I faked fainting and played dead,” he told KHOU. “All I could think about was my daughter.”

With the homeowner tied up on the floor, the burglars began to raid the house. They attempted to break into his gun safe but were unable to do so.

“I looked up 15 minutes into it, and the guy said, if you look up again, we’ll kill you,” he said. “About five minutes later, I heard the door to my room shut and I didn’t hear any noise.”

Believing the coast was clear, the man partially freed himself and went immediately over to his gun safe. He grabbed a firearm and waited for the burglars to come back.

“The door opened, and I unloaded on them,” he said.

After firing every round in his gun, the two men were critical injured. Police said they were air-lifted to a local hospital where the underwent surgery.

Another suspect, a third man believed to be part of the crew, remains at large.

“Part of me wishes I killed them and put of me wishes I could forgive them and they turn their lives around,” said the homeowner.

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  • J March 12, 2017, 1:09 am

    Justice is blind, and the more sides of the story you have, the better. It’s cut and dry here and now, after the fact, but for the first respondents making the calls? I’d never admonish one of them for erring on the side of caution. They don’t know the whole story before they have to make these calls, and it’s in every one’s interest to have well trained, professional, and unbiased first respondents on the scene trying to save every life they can.

  • Alan January 28, 2017, 11:45 am

    The biggest shame of this story, is the perps were airlifted to the nearest hospital where they underwent surgery. Really, do these type of people deserve to have their lives saved after doing what they did? I think not. It is this type of thinking in America that perpetuates the lives of criminals as well as our so called “justice” system. Who’s best interest is our “justice” system working for?

    • Somegunguy April 3, 2017, 6:33 am

      Yes it’s worth airlifting them to a hospital. Cops never know the whole story when they arrive at the scene. Apparent criminals can later turn out to be the victims and vice versa. Truth is often stranger than fiction.

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