New from Kel-Tec for 2015 is a gun that Kel-Tec fans have been quietly wishing for, but most didn’t not expect. The Sub2000 Gen. 2 is the natural evolution of the folding pistol-caliber-carbine with a few new extras. How do you take a gun that was already solid and make it even better?
Keeping the form, function, and mechanical action the same, this overhaul focuses on ascetics and ergonomics. Looking at the Gen. 2, the first thing you will notice is that the polymer encasement has been overhauled, trimmed, and textured. Railed surfaces have been added on the top and bottom of the handguard as well as M-lock slots on the sides.
The front sight has been vastly improved from the first generation. Modeled after an AR-15’s front sight, the Gen. 2 front site is now constructed of metal and is adjustable for windage and elevation.

The Handguard has rails on top and bottom. But don’t forget that you can attach M-Lok rails to either side.
The barrel is threaded to 1/2×28 for use with a suppressor. The front sight will need to be removed before a suppressor can be secured the gun.
The stock of the Gen.2 is also improved, giving the user the option for length-of-pull adjustment, as well as sling mounting surfaces.
As of now, the Gen.2 will be built in the Glock 17/22 pattern, but it will be available with Smith & Wesson M&P, and Springfield Armory XDM pattern magazine wells, too.
The Sub2000 Gen.2 is a vast improvement over its predecessor and it gives the user a gun that is less of a novelty and more of a real-world option for personal defense. Watch for these innovative guns at your local gun store in the coming months.
And for those of you wondering about the other Kel-Tec we’ve been waiting for, The CMR30 is now shipping in substantial numbers. The batch size is growing every week. Those who have been waiting shouldn’t have to wait much longer.
Just picked up one of the sub2k in 9mm Glock 17 mag pattern for $395 brand new.I got last 9mm, but there were four 40s&w glock mag petterns left. Got mine from Meek’s Gun Shop in Indiana….one of the two local shops in my area I frquent. Went to high school with the owner.
To everyone: I have noticed why there aren’t any Kel Tec sub 2000 2nd gen out there on the market. Twice, I have seen 66 in stock at one time then 33 in stock at one time at Targetsports USA and both time someone or somebody bought the whole batch at one time. I just barely got mine before they bought them. I couldn’t get the 9mm in time so I have to move my fingers real fast to get the 40 cal. The gun shops need to put a limit on how many someone can buy at one time to give other people enough time to get themselves one. Good luck guy and stay safe.
Someone else has probably mentioned this…it’s aesthetics, not ascetics.
I have had my Kel Tec Sub 2000 2nd generation for 2 weeks and have shot 500 rounds through this gun w/o one jam! It is spot on at 25 yrds and I can put several rounds in an area about the size of a mason jar top. I just cleaned it and it was easy and straight forward. I love this gun!
Just picked up a Gen2 for 365.00 + tax.
Going to the range tomorrow!
Where did you get it for $365.00? I might pick up two at that price. Seriously.
No doubt. Have not been able to find any in Phoeni.
Just picked mine up 2 weeks ago for $314 out the door. Havent had time to shoot it yet. looking forward to it.
Found NIB Kel Tec 2k9 S&W at a pawn shop. Took it out and fired 100 rounds out of the box no lube. Fired flawlessl. The next day I picked up the .40 I’m ready to hit the outdoor range in the morning.
Just need to find me the right magazine’s to keep them happy….
Yesterday I bought a Gen 2 Glock mag using 9mm at the Dulles Expo Center in Chantilly VA…got it brand new for $399 (well, $422 with tax and NICS fee). Shot it today, worked great. No fail to fire, no hiccups at all. Hit the targets at 75 yards with my 124 grain brass clad lead bullets from Extreme Bullets. Very happy with it, extended the stock and will be taking off the front sight to mount a suppressor. Great deal and a sold feeling gun.
I bought a PMR 30 one year ago after looking for one for a year, it works good but it’s just for looking at because I have been in love with my 1911 A1 for twenty years..
Figures. After years of waiting, I just bought an S2K (apparently what will now be called a Gen1) a month or so ago on an auction website! What a deal! I got tom pay 50% more than MSRP for a now “obsolete” S2K! Kel-Tec strikes again!
My buddy that owns a gun shop hates the Kel Tec 22 version long gun. Piece of junk. They bring them in for him to fix all the time. Now if the 9mm is better I would maybe own one. I looked at them but I’m like it a flimsy piece of a gun put together with Allen screws. Why not just buy a good solid AR for less. I see people paying like $600 for one of these. Retail is only $394 on them. Why would anybody pay over retail for anything? Do you over retail for a new car or TV? I haven’t figured it out.
Well, I have to admit they sucked me in! Interesting designs, good magazine test reports, affordable prices. My interest skyrocketed, and I started watching my usual internet sources, and watching, and watching……
When I realized Kel Tec was bringing out new models when I still couldn’t find current models, that’s when the bubble burst!
About three years ago, I crossed Kel Tec off of my wish list and never looked back!
Oh, well that’s great. So now they have come out with an even nicer version that they will continue their current production rate of what: 10 a month? What will the street price on this end up at? $900? They are a nice design company, they need to sell their ideas to someone larger then a hobby production facility…
I can’t believe they didn’t relocate the charging handle. That’s been the deal-breaker for me all along. Considering the fact that a guy on KTOG managed to do it himself, I really can’t figure out why Kel-Tec has not done this yet. Is there some great advantage to the underside charging handle that I’m not understanding?
I have a Gen 1 S2000 in G17. In 3 years and over 1,000 rounds I have never had a failure of any kind. The gun I bought as a novelty has turned out to be a very fine weapon. I have added a KelTec 4 railer up front, 150 lumen fore grip flash, and a Leaper Gen 5 red dot that I co-witness through with the stock sights. I have no qualms using this as one of my 3 home defense guns. I will be dumping the stock sights in favor of flip ups soon. I DO wish that the rear sight could be removed entirely, though…it’s gonna be kinda ugly with the frame sitting there empty. I LOVE my little “toy”.
I bet they won’t make enough of these either. Kind of a waste of good writing space when noone will ever be able to get this.
I have rarely seen the M2000 or .22 Mag. In the past I looked into buying the carbine, but the cheap sights were just too toy-like. A friend bought one that took Glock M17 magazines. His carbine failed to operate. Adding the toy sights and the failure to function, stopped me bothering to look at them – since none were on store shelves it was easy to not look for one. When these companies start producing enough guns that we can order them on demand and the quality goes up (like the new sight) maybe I would look again at them. Why make them so cheap looking, it can’t help sales. But since they don’t make many enough of them, selling every unit you make is an OK business practice. Making too many and not selling them is a bad business model.
CMR30? Could be a powerful weapon. How much?
Going to consider that CMR if it’s at a solid price point! !
Good for Kel-Tec on the new Sub2k’s but… Kel-Tec’s biggest problem is…Kel-Tec! For years the running joke is they are made out of “unobtanium”, they can be near impossible to find. I know people who waited over a year for the Gen1 sub2ks or the PMR or the KSG or a particular pistol in hard chome from them. Hell – SCCY has basically stolen their P11 business away from them with a better pistol for less money and with an extra mag. In short – they need to either get some serious investors & triple production or simply tell people what they are – more of a hobby producer of firearms.
I like most of their guns. But NO gun is worth being on a waiting list for a year, unless it’s a custom built work of art, built by one of the super gun smiths out there.
End rant!
Good luck on finding any of these new guns. The original sub 2000 Is still a rare find. The ones you do find are way over the Mfg suggested price
Now if I could only find 22 Mag ammo at WalMart again…LOL
Everyone says Kel Tecs work so good but I have had nothing but bad experienced with Kel Tec. I bought a P11 when they first came out. I had to “fluff and buff” it before it ran tight. Then I still have problems with ejectors breaking. After a few years Kel Tec appeared to be putting out a better product so I bought a P3AT. The first 5 months I owned the P3AT it was going back and forth to FL. The first time the 380 came back the feed ramp was literally cut off the barrel. I sent it back again and it didn’t work and it came back with the barrel with the missing feed ramp. I decided it was best to try to get refund at that point so I called my credit card consumer protection. We had a conference call credit card co, kel tec and myself. I agreed to give Kel Tec one more chance to fix the pistol. They did indeed fix the P3AT.. Then over the course of the next 3 years the take down pin broke, the extractor and the ejector broke. I finally dumped the P3AT for $150 just to get it out of my sight. I am done with Kel Tec. I have the P11 but I do not carry or shoot it very often. I will pay the extra money for a Glock or an M&P I have two HiPoint carbines that have never given me any grief. I have kept up with the rounds fired in the 995TS. I have shot over 800 rounds without a single malfunction, I got the 995TS when CTD put them on sale for $224 around memorial day.
I’ve had the pleasure of shooting a similar Kel-Tec product. They are fun to plink with and in my opinion, very accurate. For this, I would rate it an A+. The downside was in the lack of extensive takedown ability and cleaning difficulties. Unless they made improvements in the regard, I would rate it a C-.
Recntly purchased a keltec 40 cal least expensive gun i own and one of the best shooting can hit the target repeatedly up to 85 yards standing up without having gun on a rest.
Right, and still ignore lefty shooters who don’t want shrapnel in our eyes. It looks like a mobile dildo launcher. Yay.
I’m a lefty and I have the 40 cal sub2000 2nd Gen. It’s safe to shoot and the shells fly away from you. The powder blow-back is not that bad. It feels like warm sand hitting you in the face. I just have to find the right type and grain of ammo to shoot. I have tried the 155 grain, 165 grain, and the 180 grain. I tried the ball and the hollow points and they all have their issues. After I put 1000 rounds through mine then I will decide what type of ammo I will be using. All-in-All it’s a great weapon. Oh, for everyone who has the 40 cal you better use a shoulder pad because mine left a large bruise on my chest and I’m a dark skin person. I even had a rubber padding on the stock. I ordered myself some shoulder padding protection for the next time. Good shooting everyone and stay safe.
Sounds like u like looking at gay things, to ur standards and commenting on it ?!?!?! What a fag ur what’s wrong with America !?!? BEST PART OF U WENT DOWN UR MOMMAS LEG WHEN UR P.o.s. FATHER GOT OFF IN THAT SLUT!!! And a gun can’t suck but if it did u’d watch it fag..
what in the hell is wrong with you? stop commenting drunk, go to bed…
“Ur what’s wrong with America” nope wrong, YOU’RE what’s wrong with America.
Nice article but finding a PMR-30 22mag pistol in St Louis MO is
impossible. The SU’s rifles in 223 are also hard to find as I am not
interested in ar-15 rifles. That makes any talk of new production at keltec
very laughable.
“The front sight will need to be removed before a suppressor can be secured [on] the gun.”. Who the F thought that was a good idea? If you don’t want to change the folding lock mechanism, make the barrel 3/4″ longer… That decision had to be made after a looooong lunch. FML.
Absolutely! ! Got my PLR16 recently, first mag I put through it blew my hair back! Little gun, but you definitely feel the blast-shock. It’s a real head-turner, and fun to shoot too
What was wrong with Evan’s argument? It was solid, lacking only facts, statistics, and insight. Other than that, it was fine…I own a Kel-Tec PF-9, and although not my favorite handgun, it hides well and shoots just fine. A little hard on the recoil sensitive, like my wife, but I have not suffered a failure to feed with OTC ammo or hand loads. It does the job intended for an excellent price. Ruger must have liked it, they seemed to have copied it…
When is the last time you saw a Sub2000 in a gun shop??? I hold no hopes of ever being able to buy one of these unless I pay double for it on Gun Broker…
Funny, just saw two Sub 2000’s on the rack at a place called Gunnies in Orem, Utah this afternoon, January 21st. They have had them in stock regularly for months. I have one already but they always get my attention because I like mine so much. It is a Beretta 92 mag model and like new when I got it. I bought it from a local guy for $200.00 and it has been one of my best gun purchases. People love to shoot the thing for the “strange” factor alone. Great shooter.
I found the 9mm version to be a little dissapointing in accuracy, but the chief problem was that unless you have a really short neck ( I don’t) trying to get a sight picture is really uncomfortable. I bought one since it was Glock Magazine compatible, but sold it quickly. The SU-16 kicks ass, and I have carried it as a back-up rifle to my AR-15 ( Heavy barrel version since I was a designated marksman for a PMC) and it accepts AR mags. Very good thinking on Keltecs part!
So no Beretta 92/96 option… grrr…
Will the gen 2 subs start with a new set of serial numbers or continue with the last set of numbers?
Big problem I have always had w Kel Tec is good ideas, usually flawed execution. They picked about the best time ever to come out w a new 22mag rifle, has any of us actually seen any 22mag on a shelf to feed it? Yea the occasional box, but the thing holds most of a box of 50. Friend works at a range, they have a one of the 22mag pistols in the rack to rent, but not a round of ammo in months. The KSG shotgun, yes there are many that love them, but seems to be a hit or miss proposition if you get one that works decent. You never see them for even close to retail, but way over. I was in the market for something like a KSG, so tried one they had at the range, yea Ill just keep my mossberg, at least it will stuff a shell in the chamber every time, vs sometimes. And doesnt take so long to load.
I have seen the Sub2000, occasionally. Yea its a nice feature that they make different ones to use your preferred mag. But only complicates finding one. Yea maybe the local gun store has one, but will it use your preferred mags? I looked at one in the case at the LGS near me, probably would have bought it, but that mag issue came up. I have lots of glock mags, no springfield or M&P. $350 gun now is another $200 for mags. Now if they could produce them fast enough where you could actually order one in your preferred cal and mag, great. But not the way it works, dealers get what they can, vs what you want.
And again a little flawed execution, yes the new front sight is better than the gen 1. But then instead of making the sight sit back a 1/2 in or the barrel 1/2 in longer, no you have to take the sight off to put on a can. Which would make it tricky to aim, yea use a dot sight, but then you cant fold it up. They included rails, yet again cant fold it up with any sort of optics mounted.
I got a Kel Tec plr-16 a couple years ago. That thing is a beast! No issues. Always turns heads at range. The thing shoots flames!!!
Absolutely! ! Got my PLR16 recently, first mag I put through it blew my hair back! Little gun, but you definitely feel the blast-shock. It’s a real head-turner, and fun to shoot too
I have the Keltec KSG, the RFB, and the SUB2000. Hundreds of rounds thru all of them, zero failures. Not sure about all, but mine are great
I have a KSG (haven’t been able to feed more than 1 shell thru without a jam). Tried all types of “tall brass” shells. Also have RFB and that thing is awesome. Anyone want to buy an almost brand new KSG?
I would love to have it! So what is a single-shot shotgun worth to you? How about two hundred dollars? If you have all the original paperwork I will even go $300. How about it?
I would love to have it! So what is a single-shot shotgun worth to you? How about two hundred dollars? If you have all the original paperwork I will even go $300. How about it?
Move the selector switch on the magazines to one side or the other. If it’s in the middle it won’t feed.
how much do you want for it and where are you located?
I have the pmr 30 .22 mag.
Kel-Tek 2000
PF 9
At first I had problems with the pf9. Kel Tek took care of the problem and had my pistol back promptly.
Fires perfect! The other two were tops right out of the box! ( actually like any gun I buy, I clean them before
taking to the range)
Me too. I have the KSG and Sub-2000 (still looking for and RFB) and all function flawlessly. Kel Tec is one of the most innovative, outside the box thinking manufacturers in the gun market. All of their designs don’t pan out. But then neither did all of Thomas Edison’s. We never hear about his failures. Just the successes. The big take away for Evan and those like him is, If you’re going to critique something, use it first. You may discover some really cool things, and an entire blog won’t be calling you gay.
now if they’d make enough so that they are AVAILABLE at MSRP and not always out of stock, or at twice MSRP… hint, hint!
I think this should be a V3, since the original had a metal frame. My 2nd gen Sub2K with Beretta 92 mags has been flawless through 1000 rds.
Will it lock in the closed position on all three buttstock lengths? It seems like they could have added a little extra barrel length if they were going to thread it. M-lok is nice, I prefer keymod. Why not ditch the rail on the bottom and put M-lok there also, throw in a couple of rails with the gun.
Oh i dunno, because mlok and keymods are gay? Lmao. Go back to watching your tacti-kool videos
I’ve been a fan of KelTec since the biginning. American made and always trying to innovate. The P32 was one of my first ad I sitll enjoy it’s reliability and compact size. There are so many fine offerings, priced right, from this company. Kudos to them for filling the niche needed by so many American gun enthusiast. The Sub 2k is a great option for personal defense. Glad the Gen 2s are on the way. I want one.
Was the fhe first in Oregon to get a P32…Serial Number 92. It was a piece of pure junk. Carried it concealed for about two years and shot it regularly on my farm range. It rusted, jammed, failed to eject, failed to feed, and I couldn’t hit a thing with it. Finally dumped it for a hundred bucks. Got brave and bought a Sub 2000 and I absolutely love it. Never a problem. Got a KSG and it works great too. Can’t bad mouth Kel-Tec for the interest they bring to the gun world. I’d buy more of their products.
I think Kel Tec has some very innovative designs, but they look clunky and to see the bolts and nuts holding it together is ugly. The new CMR could change my take on Kel Tec though…
Oooh no, nuts & bolts, what ever are we going to do??
I have three Kel Tec’s; RFB, PF9 and a Sub 2k in 9mm. All three rock!
” …. this overhaul focuses on ascetics and ergonomics.” I hope you mean aesthetics, rather than ascetics.
Almost had me XD but then it wa followed by ‘m’. Ugh!
Ascetics? OK then.
You got my attention with the better front sight. But lost it again, when you said it has to be removed to access the threads on the barrel.
Hopefully the CMR is better than the PMR that I owned for two weeks. 15″ group at 15′. That one got sold quick, at a profit no less.
I loved my SU16CA, but their quality seems to be so hit or miss. I really wish they would address production and quality concerns.
Just bought 2 gen 3 PMR 30 for $399 each new in boxes
Both rock not a single prob
I’m hoping KelTec can keep up with production for the demand. My son wanted a Sub2000 in 9mm for Christmas. Spent 2 months looking for it at local gun shops and gun shows. Only found one in .40 S&W and it was priced $200 OVER MSRP. Insane ……
Hope they also improved the trigger on this Gen2 version.
They didn’t, but apparently didn’t need to. According to a rep(and youtuber who was test firing), the Gen 2 mold fixed some of the issues with the trigger.
Keltec can’t even manufacture their existing line of guns fast enough. Look forward to seeing these at my local gun shop in 2017, at twice the MSRP. Thanks Kel-tec for more teasing, didn’t I date you in high school?
Exactly I have been trying to find the pmr-30 22 mag pistols since it came out. We have a lot of gun shops
in St Louis MO nobody has ever seen one. Dealers just throw their hands in air even on su 223rem rifles.
Hello J Miller
Try the gun shop I go to. Buy there and ask them to transfer to yours. I get every weapon I ever ask for there within a few days if they don’t have one. It is Guns and Leather in Greenbrier, Tn. I have gotten Su 16, KSG and many others there with no problem.
Thanks for the info it is appreciated
Try “Smokin Gun Worx” for a PMR 30. They have several on hand. KSG and su223 also.
Conk thank you for the info it is appreciated.
This new SUB 2000 is great. I have all M&P 9s and I think this will be a useful addition.
With M&P mag compatibility and the redesigned rails I think it’s a lock if I ever find one.
The CMR30 is cool and all, but I fail to see the point. Especially when MSRP of the CMR30 is $630 vs $409 for SUB2000. The price will probably go up for the new SUB2000 version, but in any case, 22mag costs the same as 9mm and can’t be reloaded so I don’t see any value to it.
Make it in .45acp or 10mm and you’ll sell a bigillion of them
Kel-Tecs are flemsy enough as is. Put a 10mm in that thing and it will explode!
I have Had a Couple sub 2000, 9 mm ,had one stolen out of Truck, takes beretta mags, have a few 33 round mags, threaded with suppressor is badass and quiet w 147 grain bullets, complements my beretta 92f nicely . Very accurate out to 100+ yards w iron (plastic) sights.
I just wish they made it in 45 acp and threaded.
That’s where the KRISS Vector comes in.
(nice name)
Evan is gay and thus, he sucks.
While I disagree, you made me laugh.
With the price of name-brand AR’s falling below $5-600 why not purchase a real self-defense weapon instead of a Kel Tec?
If you absolutely have to have a pistol caliber carbine buy a Hi Point for half the price of a Kel Tec. They make high capacity aftermarket mags for the Hi Points now for cheap.
Kel Tec started out with a great idea but others made those great ideas better like the P3at done better by Ruger or the KSG now being modified and sold for less by other manufacturers. Kel Tec needs to EVOLVE. Adapt or die that’s the law of nature.
And what’s with the Glock 17/22 designation on the Gen 2 Sub2000? Does it shoot both .40 s&w AND 9mm?
All good observations & questions methinks.
If you want a “real” self-defense weapon why in hell would you buy an AR? If you want a dependable .223/5.56 carbine that is ten times the weapon any AR will ever be, buy a Ruger Mini-14. ’nuff said….
Spoken like a true chair borne ranger!
Now that’s funny
Mall Ninjas know best….
Chair borne ranger! Hilarious! Is that a step above or below Special Laptoperator?
LOL. What an absolute fool.
“Fu–In A Skippi”
Hi Ross
I think the Glock 17/22 means it is available for 17 or 22. Your choice
It is available in nine mms as well as fourth cal
Well F me. Right after I sell my M&P for a CZ P-09, a Sub2000 comes out in M&P format.
Never sell a firearm.
One way or another most people regret it.
There are so many Kel-Tec haters out there. It is nice to have been around long enough to have seen this cycle come around a few times. Let me remember a few quotes.
“They are made out of plastic”
“It looks like a toy”
“That design will never work its flaws are obvious”
“I’d never risk my life with a piece of s**t like that”
“This thing would fall apart if you butt-stroked somebody with it.”
Are we talking about the current Shot Show hub-bub about Kel-Tec?
NO, these are the comments about the new radical M-16 from the 1970’s.
That’s right, what is now the most popular and venerated firearm in America was once derided by all the “experts”
While any firearm design can have teething problems I for one am glad that in a stodgy, traditional, backwards looking industry like firearms manufacturing, that SOMEBODY is actually sitting down with a clean sheet of paper and making something NEW for consumers to buy.
If you don’t like it don’t buy it.
Here, here!!
Very well said!!
For the haters. Shoot one! Then,No more hating, maybe just a lil jealousy
Bravo!! To all the nitpickers who complain about triggers, etc. What you wanna do is: 1) Stop whining. 2) Practice until you don’t notice the cruddy trigger (or whatever) any longer. 3. Oil it up, sand it down, and shoot it til it’s dependable. 4. Develop a positive attitude about your gun, as is. I would go to war, with confidence (and at least TWO plans) with a NAA mini .22, if that was all I had.
The thing is, Howard, is that those first M-16’s were very flawed and more than a few of our people died due to weapon malfunctions. It took a lot of rework over the years to make the M-16/AR platform a good, reliable firearm. I agree with you though, if ya don’t like the danged thing, don’t buy it!
Love my sub2000, don’t blame kel-tec for the greed of the gun brokers. They are working hard to make the supply meet the demand. There’s a reason so popular, hang in there you’ll find out when you have your own.
How much for this magnificient .22 mag Cal., I had always Henry would make a 22mag version of the AR-7 to go along with the 22lr, maybe they will someday. I see this to be over priced, just like the 22 look alikes that have hit the market that are wannabe AR-15’s.
I tried to convince HENRY to develop a .22 MAG Survival Model, but they said they had no intention of doing so. I thought it VERY short-sighted on their part, since the .22 WMR would greatly increase the potential for downing larger game, and would truly define the term: SURVIVAL!
Defining survival means different things to different people. One rather obvious consideration is the number of rounds you can purchase, store and ultimately carry. Like I said, there any many considerations, but you would be surprised by what a .22LR can do if you haven’t seen it first hand.
Totally agree; .22WMR has been overlooked for the most part. You can carry a couple hundred rounds in the space taken up by two 30 round AR mags. If you have to grab-n-go, a pocketful of .22WMR can offer you some real firepower for self defense and game getting.
I have never been a big Kel Tec fan but the Sub2000 is outstanding! I’ve put at least 2000+ RDs through mine and it rocks! I look forward to getting a g2 model soon!
Paid $500 for my .40 sub 2000 8 years ago @ Xmas party. Easily over 1000 rounds fired. Cleaned barrel once or twice. No jams. No misfires. Super accurate. Always the weapon evryone wants to fire, when at the range. Great all around weapon. Very cool theres a Gen 2. Not sure how they could have made the original any better!
Aim center mass and pull the trigger until it goes “click.”
I’m finished with Kel-Tec. You can’t find what you want. When you do, it’s way over priced. You can purchase a real firearm for much less.
I found a brand new 9mm Sub 2K a few years ago. I paid $298.00
I don’t think that that was too much.
I bought one NIB yesterday, got it for $325 plus tax. As it was an instate purchase, I got charged tax, but at the same time I paid cash which kept me from paying the usual 3% credit card fee and did not pay any shipping. It was on Just so happens that my abode is all of 40 miles away, took me 30 minutes on the interstate to get there. I was there moments after he opened his door. He had several in .40 and 1 in 9mm. The .40s used the old 4006 S&W mags but a 4006 version is better than what I had before (meaning I didn\’t have one at all). My carry weapon is a .40, so I have a considerable store of ammo already in hand. Considering the MSRP price, I snatched it so fast it looked like Darth Vader used the Force on it.
I have read in one of the Sub2000 forums that any of the non-Glock versions can be retro fitted to another mag type by acquiring from Kel-Tec the mag release for whatever version mag you want to use. I haven\’t tried this yet, will likely do so tomorrow. the forum at contained a good description of the swap over method. I would leave mine as is if I could find a couple of high-cap mags for the 4006 version. Any help out there?
GrouchyJohn : You are correct that the Glock version is the only one of the first version of these critters that cannot be converted to another brand of magazine [[Insert disparaging Glock line here]]. I bought a Sub2K designed for a Beretta and after talking sweetly to the folks over at Kel-Tec, they snail-mailed be a replacement mag release of the the Sig Sauer flavor.
Today I wish I had waited for an M&P version, but that said, I still have no major regrets. Enjoy your new toy.
Can you have a gen 1 retrofitted with the stock and handguard.
Unfortunately, no. According to the sales rep, the mold is new, which prevents it.
Damn…just bought the Gen 1, guess I have to get another.
I appreciate the M&P mags… but I can’t even find the first generation Sub 2000 for MSRP anywhere!
No doubt! Vastly improved would be manufacturing enough that a person could find one somewhere.
Vance outdoors has it right now for $419.99
You should check when ever your looking for anything having to do with shooting sports, for what\’s available, at the best prices, nationwide
It took me 10 seconds to find that for you.
Sorry, no G-2
You won’t find it for MSRP. Supply and demand has yet to catch up. Just bite the bullet and pay market price. It’s worth it. You should be able to pick one up for around $550. Well worth it for a go bag gun. If you can get one that takes Glock mags in the caliber of your carry gun you can use the high capacity mags and you’ll have a quick access, hi-cap, formidable weapon when you need it most. I have mine in my computer bag that goes everywhere I go.
$550?? Are you retarded?? This is why prices are so absurd, people are willing to pay ridiculous prices. They had them at the last gun show down here, $379. If people would stop being such moronic savages, as if the world was going to end tonight, OMG i have to buy ALL the 22 i can find! Stop it folks. Enough is far beyond enough. How many idiots paid over $800 for a KSG? OMG i gotta have one right now i dont care if its $3,000! Lmao. Morons.
I have 1st Gen sub 2000 nib Neva fired make reasonable offer
What caliber and what mags does it take. How many mags come with? I have a Gen 1 9mm Beretta mags. Looking for one with Glock mags.
Hello Wade –
Are you looking to sell your sub2000 (9mm Beretta mags)?
You had me at “M&P mags”…
Me too! That’s the Sub-2000 that I’ve wanted for years!
Trust me, when you start shooting this thing, a few things are glaring.
1st, because of the way the sights are situated on this carbine, you have to hold the butt high up on the side of your face to see through the back site…..OUCH!!!
2nd, unless they’ve fixed it, the 1st 100-300 rds you put through this will have quite a few of FTE/FTF, unless you saturate the bolt with oil. After 3-400 rds, and numerous cleanings, no more problem.
Now, as nice as this newer version looks, it still has a 2 piece plastic forend. While it’s aesthetics are better than before, the
ability to mount scopes, lights, lasers, etc…is still relegated to the sides, that is…if you want too have the ability to fold the gun in half.
I upgraded mine so that it’s more user friendly for me,… can install as many rails and accessories as I want and, still has the ability to fold in half. Take a look at some pics:
The new forend is from RedLion and, it has the ability to turn 45 degrees so you can still fold the gun.
Dude, i really appreciate you taking the time to post some helpful info for people that might be interested in this carbine. But that setup you have on that sub2000 is hurting my soul. Dude, please, for the love of GOD take some of that crap off of there. Just unscrew that stuff and put it away.
wow is all I can say… I think you missed the point of a pistol chambered carbine my friend. Mall Ninja comes to mind when I saw that gun lol. take the crap off your gun and learn to actually use it, put the scope on a real rifle
ok dude I looked at your set up are u a idiot that scope on a carbine. are u trying to look cool or shoot. U have no clue do u. put a dot sight on it. sling, and forward pistol grip and that is all maybe a flashlight for night. that is all. grow up
……?? Your gun finally puts WTF into perspective for me…
Heeeeyyyyyy, thanks for all the Non-Support.!
The scope is a 3×9….nothing fancy, and with it, I can circumcise a Gnat @100 yds.!
For me, the ability to be accurate out to some distance was important.
I did not miss the point of a pistol chambered carbine.! I know how to use it for CQC, and I have the ability for shots out a little further.!
For what I wanted, it works better.!
And, the best idiot comment….……”?? Your gun finally puts WTF into perspective for me…”
Perspective.???…Did ya have to google that word bucko.?
All of you people are such experts, ..EXCEPT…you have absolutely NO IDEA how I plan to use this firearm.!
So to all….Thanks for sharing.
When someone posts…”ok dude”…I know I’m being schooled by someone who is trying to give me the wisdom of their 20 something years on the planet, but I do have a red dot on it, but thanks for the suggestion, since you seem to be able to read my mind as to WHY I put the scope on it.!
A really nice improvement for this carbine. Can I order one direct as I am an 01 FFL license holder?
Thank you.
I own its predecessor in 45 ACP and it is one of the finest carbines I have ever owned . Never knew the power of a 45 acp until you run it through a 16 in barrel . And there is very mild recoil due to the design of the stock . I hope this new one comes out in higher calibers
Hey Man!! Are you just trying to see who knows whats what? Kel-Tec never made a sub 2000 in 45ACP. 9MM 40CAL..If Im thinking right it was HI Point who has a Gen 1 and Gen2 45acp as well as 9 and 40. But Kel-Tec dosent make the sub 2000 in 45acp. I WISH THEY DID !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK it’s like looking for a pmr30 at my gun shops……RIGHT……. Quit teasing us please KelTech
I got lucky and found a PMR-30 at my LGS. Still waiting on a Sub2000, though.