Kalashnikov Concern Shows Off New Prototype: ‘PL-14’ aka ‘Levedev Pistol’

The Kalashnikov Concern debuted a new pistol this week called the “PL-14” or the “Pistol Lededev,” reports TASS.

Unfortunately, due to Obama mandated sanctions on Russia there’s very little chance that the “PL-14” will show up on U.S. soil anytime soon.  Nevertheless, we can gaze from afar and admire it’s very distinct aesthetics.

From TASS:

Concern “Kalashnikov” in the international military-technical forum “Army 2015” first introduced a prototype of a new pistol “PL-14” (the gun Lebedev), the concept of which was developed together with specialists from law enforcement agencies and leading hands-athletes of the country. This was reported in the press service of the concern.

“The key difference” PL-14 “on the other modern counterparts, is its ergonomics and balance that best meet modern notions of human biomechanics and manufacturing best shot. Particular attention should be paid to the unique aesthetic of the gun”, – stressed in the press-service.

Well, what are your thoughts?  Do you want one?   (Photo: K.C.)

Well, what are your thoughts? Do you want one? (Photo: K.C.)

With the company believed that the gun can be used not only as a weapon for the army and police, but also in sports. “To use a gun arrows variability special units we intend to produce different versions of the modified characteristics of the shock trigger, as well as make modifications that would allow its use in sports,” – said General Director of “Kalashnikov” Alexei Krivoruchko, whose words have led to the press service .

As described in the “Kalashnikov”, the new pistol chambered for 9×19 mm different small thickness – from 21 mm in front and 28 mm at the handle. The bilateral arrangement and configuration controls, “PL-14” and you can use it right and left hand, and characteristics of the weapons make it comfortable in terms of returns, toss after the shot, and quickly return to the line of sight, stressed in the press-service.

With the company drew attention to the presence indicator cartridge in the chamber, which allows you to “touch” to determine whether the gun is loaded, and allows in combination with the modified geometry of the chamber shoot defective ammunition for which the length of the sleeve does not meet the standard.


  • Caliber, mm 9×19
  • Length mm 220
  • Height mm 136
  • Thickness mm 28
  • Barrel length 127 mm
  • Magazine capacity, rounds 15
  • Weight without ammunition, 0.8 kg
  • Weight with ammunition 0.99 kg

(H/T: Guns.com, TFB, Outdoor Hub)

  • Zack Albanese October 5, 2018, 7:06 pm

    If i were to design a combat handgun it would be alot like this! Its like a CZ, Steyr, and strike one had a baby in Russia. This looks beefier though. All the way up to $1000 a piece id want 2! Im also weak in the knees for Russian build guns, they are simply the best and i have several russian guns…

  • William Fleming May 21, 2016, 11:31 pm

    I like the design and would like to buy one if the production model PL-14 is allowed for sale in the United States and it recieves good ratings.

  • Serge June 22, 2015, 9:54 pm

    First of all, regardless of Obama sanctions importation of Russian pistols in this country prohibited (with few listed exceptions) under Chernomyrdin-Gore agreement. Second, no it is not a modification of “Strike One”. It is totally different designer team and manufacturer. Third, it is DAO pistol. Designer wanted it without any manual safeties but manufacturer wanted and got one. Last, it is prototype still.
    You can read bit more about it here:

  • petru sova June 22, 2015, 10:46 am

    I am wondering if this new gun is simply a modification of the Russian “Strike One” Pistol that has a falling block that locks the slide on firing. I have read that the Russians had said they were going to adopt it. At least the Russians were smart enough to equip this new pistol with a manual safety as it will prevent a lot of accidental discharges that are so common with pistols these days that do not have the manual safety.

  • MagnumOpUS June 22, 2015, 8:18 am

    One thing for certain, regardless of design originality vs inspiration; being that it’s a Kalashnikov, it should go “bang” when it needs to.

  • Pete June 22, 2015, 6:28 am

    Hmm, it reminds me very much of the Steyr L9A1 9mm pistol. Should be quite controllable in rapid fire due to low bore axis. Grip might be a bit too big along the back palm swell. Would be interesting to try it, but not a major biggie. Also noticed that they are changing/adapting the AK platform quite a bit. The Russians know how to build a good, reliable gun, might not win prizes for looks but you can run them over with a tank, drop a nuke in the near vicinity, let the zombies come and still be able to pick it up and have it functional.

  • Mike DeRusha June 19, 2015, 7:30 am

    So… They pretty much copied the Ruger SR series with a touch of a Beretta Neos?
    Woo… And its a 9mm.
    I think in this case the sanctions helped us buy American.
    I might be impressed if someone made a new 15 round .380 or a 10″ barrel match grade .40.
    But thats my wish list!

    • Pete June 22, 2015, 6:32 am

      15 round .380 caliber guns have been around for decades. Just look at the Beretta 84 series. What rock are you hiding under? Also, I see no resemblance to anything Ruger or Beretta makes in this gun.

    • Zack Albanese October 5, 2018, 7:10 pm

      O, and no one shoots 40s anymore, they are obsolete with modern 9mm bonded hp ammunitio. Its been that way for about a decade….

  • Slim June 18, 2015, 7:49 pm

    Looks like a 1911 FUBAR. Maybe two Russian engineers at a bar one throwing down vodka trying to describe to the other a 1911 without a picture?

    • Mike DeRusha June 19, 2015, 7:40 am

      More like an engineer and a marketing guy discussing how to put the top of a Ruger SR9 on top of a Beretta Neos grip. And, for fun, lets say their both tripping bear balls on lsd.

      • Zack Albanese October 5, 2018, 7:24 pm

        Dude its NOTHING like a ruger sr9! The slide rides on the inside like a cz. Not on the outside
        Like most everytnning else(sr9, 1911, glock ect). Its also not striker fired like the sr9 and dosent have the cocked indicator, and not even in the same ballpark as a crappy old 1911. They are all 3 handguns and black, thats what they have in common…

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